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WildFire marketing Author Website Reseatch Results In 2008, The Codex Group, a publishing research firm with clients including Random House and Barnes & Noble, surveyed nearly 21,000 book shoppers. The objective of their study was to understand the relative effectiveness of author websites among shoppers and determine the elements that keep them ‘coming back to a site. Below is a list of key findings from their research: ‘* Visiting an author's website is the #1 way that book readers support and get to know their favorite authors better. And, this is true regardless of age. * Fans are much more likely to visit the author's website, rather than the author's page on a publisher's website. * Book shoppers who visited an author website in the past week bought 38% more books, from a wider range of retailers, than those who had not visited an author site. What makes book shoppers return to an author’s website? Non-fiction: * Codex found that these two factors correlate most with high author website engagement a. Ability to experience the author's message and value. b. Ability to engage with other readers. c. Flashy design is NOT a key to success. Fiction: * Codex found that the main things respondents want on fiction websites include: a. 43% = + Exclusive, unpublished writing, b. 36% = = Book “explainers’ or inside info about the book (especially appeals to men). + Schedules of author tours, book signings, and appearances. + Lists of the author's favorite writers and recommended books c. 33% Downloadable extras, such as icons and sample chapters, + Weekly e-mail news updates on tours, reviews, and books in progress. Fans under the age of 35 are especially interested in contests, puzzles, and games with prizes like autographed copies of books. Younger fans also appreciate knowing their favorite author’s books. music, and movie recommendations. ‘Source: Codex Group; Market Partners Internationa! Newsletter: December, 2008 3 Essential Elements to Effective Author Websites: 1. Offer Free Value ‘A good author website should gives readers the ability to experience the author's personality, but more importantly, get a solid sample of how that author's books can improve their life. 2. Create Reader Community Another way authors can get readers to regularly return to their website is by giving the ability for readers to connect and share with each other. Tools include blogs, forums, e-newsletters, Twitter, FaceBook, etc. 3. Capture Contact Information ‘A good author website should do more than passively offer content and community. Smart authors convince visitors to voluntarily give their contact information, so that they can stay in touch and build a relationship through newsletters and updates. 3625 Chartwell Deive @ Suwanee, GA 30024 a 770-887-1462 0

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