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Can you describe the three legged stool of Total quality ?

In the Goetch and Davis (2006) book, there are seven major topics. Page 4 and 5, gave thorough definition of quality by Fred Smith, the CEO of federal Express, General Services administration (GSA), Boeing, and U.S department of Defence (DOD). There are also definitions by Deming, and Ishikawa. Have you read the definitions....which one is the most simple for you to understand?

Briefly, please define the term quality Quality is a term in which the customer uses when describing a favorable or unfavorable product, service, experience or environment. According to Goetsch & Davis (2010) Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds expectations and helps produce superior value. Quality is applied to all the elements listed above; products and services should remain of good quality, as well the people and processes that provide them and the environment in which they are provided (Goetsch, Davis, 2010).

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