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Russo para Brasileiros

Um manual...
By Mrcio Francisco da Silva

Curso russo


* Restaurante.
= .
* restaurante de primeira classe
= .
* Restaurante de cerveja.
= .
* Lanchonete
= .
* Restaurante self-service.
= -.

* restaruante cu aberto
= .
* Loja de ch.
= .
* Head waiter.
= '.
* Garom (quando se dirigir: garom!).
= 0 ().

* Garonete.
= ' ().
* Garom de bar.
= .
* Capote () quarto.
= .

* mesa nica, para uma pessoa,

= ,

1 / cinzeiro.
1/ .

* Mesa para dois, duas pessoas, 1/ toalha de mesa, 2/ cadeira.

= , 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ tabela de preos, cardpio, 2 / guardanapo.
= 1/ ( ), 2/ .
* colher de mesa / colher de ch.
= / .
* 1 / o Fortes, 2 / facas, 3 / faca para cortar fruta.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Garrafas de bebidas alcolicas, 1 / saca-rolhas.
= , 1/ .

* culos.
= .
* 1 / panela de caf, 2 / jarro de nata, 3 / tigela de acar, 4 / xcara, 5 /
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ , 5/ .
* Caf com acar e nata.
= c .
* Caf francs (leite meio quente).
= -.
* Ch: 1/ Indiano, 2/ Chins.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Ch em um copo com uma fatia de limo.
= .
* Chocolate quente, cacau.
= , .
* Um copo de leite: 1 / frio, 2 / quente, 3 / morno.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Po.
= .
* Po com manteiga
= .
* Torrada: 1 / seca, 2 / com manteiga.
= : 1/ ,
2/ , .
* Marmalada, 1/ gelia.
= , 1/ .
* Po de caf dinamarqus.
= .
* 1 / bolos de ch, 2 / bolinhos redondos.
= 1/ , 2/ .

* Biscoitos, bolachas.
= .
* 1 / pretzel, 2 / crescente.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Rolos.
= .
* Rolo de trigo.
= .
* Rolo francs pequeno.
= .
* Po de trigo.
= .
* Po de centeio.
= .
* Po de centeio preto: 1 / pumpernickel.
= . 1/ .
* Po duro sueco: 1 / centeio, 2 / delicatesse, 3 / trigo.
= : 1/ . 2/ , 3/ .
* Roscas.
= .

Dizer coisas, como pedir se comunicar, expressar-se


* Voc pode recomendar um restaurante bom?

= M ?
* L tem orquestra?

= ?
* voc est sendo atendido senhor ( senhora) ?
= ?
* voc tem uma mesa para pessoas?
= ... ()?
* Eu prefiro uma mesa perto da janela
= .
* onde posso lavar minhas mos?
= ?
* poderia me dar o cardpio, por favor?
= , , ( ).
* Ns queremos 1 / caf matutino com...,
2 / o caf da manh, 3 / o almoo, 4 / o jantar (ceia), 5 / lanche, 6 / ch de
= : 1/ ... 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ , 5/ , 6/ .
* ns vamos querer a La carte.
= .
* desculpe, mas isto ns no servimos hoje!
= , .
* isto est for de estao
= .
* o que voc recomenda?
= ?
* por favor, me d alguns
= ...
* Me traga uma poro de..., 1 / Por favor, me passe...
= ... 1/ , ...
* Apenas meia poro de...

= ...
* por favor, trega-me outro outra poro de...
= ...
* Por favor, sirva-nos o mais rpido possvel.
= .
* o que voc quer de sobremesa?
= ?
* O que vocs tm?
= ?
* Ns beberemos caf 1 / na sala de estar, 2 / no quarto de fumagem, 3 / na
Sacada, 4 / no jardim.
= : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ .
* algo para beber?
= ?
* traga-me a lista de vinhos, por favor.
= , .
* uma garrafa de...
= ... .
* Um copo de
= ..., ...
* traga a conta, por favor.
= !
* Quanto custa/ quanto devo?
= ?
*Eu pago por todos!
= !
* Ns vamos pagar separado.
= .

* Os services esto incluidos?

= ?
* Por favor, poderia chamar um txi para mim?
= .

* por favor, chame o (a)
1/ o gerente, 2 / o garom chefe, que venha.
= :
1/ , 2/ '?
* Isto est demais/ muito.
= .
* Isto est queimado.
= .
* Isto no est fresco.
= .
* cozinhe mais um pouco, por favor,
= , , .
* posso trocar isto por...
= ...
* Isto est frio.
= .
* por favor, leve isto tire isto
= , .

* Isto /est
1/ muito duro, 2 / muito doce, 3 / azedo, 4 / muito cru, 5 / muito sal.
= :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ , 5/ .
* Isto no o que pedi.
= , .
* Isto no est limpo.
= .

* Isto no est certo

= .
* Voc no est me cobrando demais?
= ?
* A soma est errada.
= .
* h uma corrente de ar aqui
= .
* tabela de preos.
= ( ).
* Pratos de caf da manh.
= .
* Toronja. = -.

* Melo. = . * Laranja = .

* 1 / uma ma, 2 / uma pra, 3 / um pssego.

= 1/, 2/ , 3/ .
* um copo de suco de laranja
= ().4
* Um copo de suco de uva.
* Um copo de suco de tomate.
* Bananas fatiada e nata.

= .
= .
= , .

* Pssegos fatiada e nata.

= , .

* abacaxi fresco 1/ abacaxi em conservas.

= , 1/ .
* Mingau de aveia (mingau de aveia) com 1 / nata, 2 / leite, 3 / leite quente,
4 / leite morno.
= : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ .
* Flocos de milho, 1 / flocos de trigo.
= , 1/ .
* Trigo rasgado.
= - .
* Biscoitos de trigo e leite (em tigela).
= ( ).
* Ovo fervido: 1 / macio, 2 / mdio, 3 / cozido; 4 / xcara de ovo.
= : 1/ , 2/ "", 3/ ,
4/ .
* Ovos fritados.
= -.
* Omelete: 1 / presunto, 2 / rim, 3 / legume, 4 / cogumelo, 5 / lagosta, 6 /
= 0: 1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ , 6/ .
* Toucinho e ovos, 1 / presunto e ovos.
= , 1/ .
* Ovo furtado em torrada.
= .
* Entradas. = 3c.
* D'oeuvre de cavalo (francs). = .
* Antepasto (o italiano). = .

* Entradas (Spanish).
= .
* Zakouska (Russian). = .
* Smorgasbord (Swedish).= .
* sanduiches = .
* Anchova.= .

* Caviar.
= .
* Queijo. = , .
* Galinha. = .
* Fgado de ganso pastoso.= .
* Presunto e ovo. = .
* Salada italiana. = .
* Lagosta.= .
* Lingia mais ao vivo. = .
* Rosbife.= .
* Salada de camaro. = .
* Salmo.= .
* Salmo defumado. = .
* Carne de vitela e pepino. = .
* Tomate.= .
* Sardinhas.= .
* Sopas= .
* Soupe de aspargos. = 3 .
* Barley broth.= .
* Sopa clara = .
* Sopa de repolho. = .
* Sopa de aipo. = .
* Sopa de galinha.= .
* Caldo de galinha (consom). = .
* Sopa de peixe= .
* Sopa de urtiga= .
* Rabada.= .
* Sopa de ostra.= .
* Sopa de ervilha. = .

* Pur de ervilhas = .
* Sopa grossa. = .
* sopa de tomate = .
* Sopa de tartaruga.= .
* Sopa vegetal.= .
* Sopa de aletria. = .
* Peixe. = .
* Salmo. = .
* Truta. = .
*Solha. = .
* Hipoglosso. = .

* 1 / arenque, 2 / arenque Bltico.

= 1/ , 2/ .
* Sardinhas. = .
* Caviar. = .
* Anchova. = .
* Carpa. = .
* Bacalhau.= .
* Cavala. = .
* Poleiro. = .
* Sola.= .
* Esturjo.= .
* Rodovalho.= .
* Enguia. = .
* Peixe de concha etc. = - .
* Lagosta. = 0. .
* Lagostim, lagostim. = .
* Camares (carabineiros). = .
* Caranguejo. = .
* Ostras. = .
* Mexilhes (moluscos). = .
* As pernas de r. = .
* Caracis. = .
* Avcula. = .
* 1 / a Turquia, 2 / assado, 3 / um-la-daube.
= 1/, , 2/, , , 3/ .
* 1 / faiso, 2 / assado

= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1 / pato, 2 / assado.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1 / ganso, 2 / peito de ganso defumado.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1 / galinha (galinha), 2 / assado, 3 / fricass.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .

* Galinha primaveral. = .
* Galinha com arroz e curry. = .
* Lamente. = .
* Galinha castanha.= .
* Perdiz. = .
* Narceja.= ().
* Pato selvagem. = .
* Ave de Guin.= .
* Jogo. = .
* Javali. = R6 ().
* Coro. = .
* Cervo. = 0.
* Rena. = .
* Alce.= .
* 1 / lebre, 2 / bife. = 1/, 2/ .
* coelho= .
* Carne de boi. = ,
* Bife. = .
* Goulash de carne de boi.= .
* Carne de boi guisada.= .
* Carne de boi refogada.= .
* Carne-bola. = .
* Bife de Chateaubriand. = .
* Carne de boi picadinho. = .
* Lombo de carne de boi. = .
* Bife (Junta). = .
* Filete de carne de boi. = .
* Rabo de boi= .
* Lngua= .

* Ostente carne de boi. = .

* Filetes rolados de carne de boi. = .
* Carne de boi crua. = .
* Carne de vitela. = .
* Peito de carne de vitela.= .
* Os rins de bezerro. = .
* O fgado de bezerro.= .
* Carne de vitela de assado. = .
* Filete de carne de vitela. = .
* Costelas de carne de vitela. = .
* Rodou filetes de carne de vitela. = .
* Molejas = .
* Costeleta de vitela. = .
* Costeleta de vitela de Viena. = .
* Guisado de carne de vitela.= .
* 1 / carne de carneiro, 2 / Cordeiro = 1/ , 2/ .
* Guisado irlands. = ( -).
* Roast lamb (mutton) = .
* Costeleta de cordeiro (corte). = ().
* Cordeiro (carne de carneiro) guisado. = .
* carne de carneiro assada. = .
* Filete de carne de carneiro. = .
* Costeleta de carne de carneiro (corte). = .
* Sela de carne de carneiro.= .
* Ombro de carne de carneiro. = .
* Cordeiro primaveral. = .
* Os rins de ovelhas. = .
* Carne de porco. = .
* Toucinho.= .
* Presunto. = .
* Bistecas de porco. = .
* Lingia de carne de porco.= .
* A lngua de porco. = .

Mtodo de preparao = .

*Fervido, cosido.= .
* Grelhado (grelhou).= .
* Frito, 1 / breaded. = , 1/ .

* Grilhado= .
* Cozinhado em vapor. = .
* Assado (em forno). = .
* defumado.= .
* Fricassee. = .
* Goulash. = .
* Conservado. = .
* Cortado= .
* Enchido. = .
* A-la-daube.= .
* Cru. = .
* Salgado. = .
* Bem feito.= . .
* Mal-passado (raro). = , .
* Arte culinria francesa. = .
* Molhos etc. = ()
* Molho.= .
* Molho de cavalo-rabanete. =
* Molho de limo. =
* Molho de lagosta. =
* Molho em forma de cogumelo. =
* Maionese = .
* Molho de groselha. = .
* Molho de tomate= .
* Molho Trtaro = -.
* Ketchup.= .
* Manteiga derretida. = .
*leo de oliva = .
* Xarope.= .
* Chantilly.= .
* Temperos etc. = . .
* Pimenta-da-jamaica. = .
* Folha de baa. = .
* Pimenta. = .
* Canela.= .
* Cravo-da-ndias = .
* Curry. = .
* Endro. = .
* Gengibre.= .
* Cavalo-rabanete. = .
* Limo. = .

* Hortel = .
* Mustarda. = .
* Noz moscada. = .
* Pimenta. = .
* Pepinos em conserva. = .
* Sal. = .
* Aucar = .
* Travessuras = .
* Trufa. = .
* Muito pouco tempero (temperado). = .
* Vegetais. = ().
* batatas cozidas: 1 / em jaquetas 2 / descascadas.
= 0 : 1/ , 2/ .
* Batatas fritas= .
* Purs de batata. = .
* Batatas fritas francesas = - ().
* Salada de Batatas. = .
* Tomates.= .
* Aipo. = .
* Ervilhas. = .
* Feijes. = .
* Vagens. = 3 .
* Salada verde. = 3 .
* Aspargus. = .
* Alcachofras. = .
* espiga de milho salgada. = .
* Couve-flor. =
* Cogumelos: 1 / champignon, 2 / chanterelle. = : 1/ ,
2/ .
* Alho-porro (cebolinha). = -.
* Alho-porro. = .
* Cebolas: 1 / amarelo, 2 / vermelho, 3 / alho. = : 1/ , 2/
, 3/ .
* Cebolas conservadas. = .
* Azeitonas: 1 / com pedra, 2 / enchidas.
= 0 (), 1/ , 2/ .
* Pepino. = 0.
* Rabanetes. = .
* 1 / repolho, 2 / repolho vermelho. = 1/ , 2/
* Razes de beterraba. = .

* Cenouras. = .
* Aipo-rbano (raiz de aipo).= ().
* Nabos. = .
* Brotos de Bruxelas= .
* Salsa.= .
* Chucrute = .
* Espinafre. = .
* Arroz = .
* Saladas. = .
* Salada de mas. = .
* Salada de aspargos. = .
* Salada de raiz de beterraba. = .
* Salada de repolho. = .
* Salada de pepino.= .
* Salada de ovos.= .
* Salada de frutas = .
* Salada italiana. = .
* Salada de alface. = .
* Salada de Batatas. = .
* Salada de tomates.= .
* Queijo.= .
Queijo camenbert.= -.
* queijo Cheddar. = -.
* Creme de queijo = .
* Queijo Holandes.= .
* Queijo de Edam. = -.
* Gorgonzola. = -.
* Queijo de Limburger.= .
* Queijo Roquefort. = -.
* Queijo suo= .
* Queijo de leite inteiro. = .
* Queijo ordenhado com sementes de alcarvia = .
*Queijo Stilton.
= -.


* Mas. = 6.

* Pras. = .
* Pssegos. = .
* Laranjas = .
* Limo. = .
* Toronja. = -.
* Melo= .
* Abacaxi. = .
* Abrics. = .
* Ameixas. = .
* Bananas. = .
* Frutas misturadas. = ().
* Ruibarbo.= .
* Bagas. = .
* Cerejas. = .
* Uva-do-monte, mirtilo. = .
* Groselhas: 1 / preto, 2 / vermelho, 3 / branco. = : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ .
* Uvas. = .
* Framboesas. = .
* Morangos. = .
* Morangos selvagens. = .
* Amndoas. = .
* Nozes de avel.
= .
* Coco
= .
* 1 / nozes do Brasil, 2 / nozes, 3 / avels.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Amendoins. = t .
* Passas. = .
* Figos= .

Pudins, etc.

. .

* Macarro.= .
* Spaghetti.= .
* Vermicelli.= .
* Pudin de arroz.= .
* Pudim de abric. = .
* Pudim de sagu. = .

* Pudin de tapioca.=

Sobremesas. ().
* torta= .
* Pudim de ameixa. = ( ).
* Pudim gelatinado = .
* Pudin de ma = .
* Pie: 1 / ma, 2 / pssego, 3 / morango. = : 1/ , 2/
, 3/ .
* Torta com sorvete. = .
* Sundae de sorvete. = .
* coquetel de frutas. = .
* Sorvete: 1 / chocolate, 2 / abacaxi, 3 / framboesa, 4 / morango, 5 /
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/
, 5/ .
* Frutas misturadas: 1 / secas, 2 / salada. = : 1/ .
2/ .


* Caf, ch. E refrigerantes. = , .

* Uma xcara de... = ...
* Uma panela de... = ...
* Um copo de= ...
* Uma garrafa de... = ...
* Caf preto.= .
* Caf com nata e acar. = .
* Caf com leite meio quente.= -.
* Caf gelado = .
* Ch fraco = .
* Ch forte = .
* Ch gelado = .
* Chocolate gelado. = .

* Chocolate quente. = .
* Limonada. = .
* gua mineral = .
* Gengibre-cerveja inglesa. = .
* gua = .
* Leite. = .
* Nata. = .
* Soda. = .
* gua tnica = -.
* Refrigerante de nata = -.

Bebidas alcolicas.
* Cerveja inglesa. = (. ).
* Cerveja. = .
* Cerveja preta (Robusto).= .
* Cerveja clara. = .
* Pilsen= .
* Um copo. = .
* Uma caneca (caneca para cerveja). = .
* Uma garrafa. = .
* Vinhos. = .
* Borgonha. = .
* Champagne.= .
* Clarete = .
* Cidra.= .
* Vinho seco.= .
* Vinho fresco. = .
* Madeira. = .
* Moselle. = .
* Vinho do porto = .
* Vinho de Reno (Jarrete). = ().
* 1 / vinho tinto, 2 / vinho branco. = 1/ , 2/ .
* Xerez. = .
* Doce vinho. = .

* Vermute. = .
* Tirado do barril. = .
* Espritos. = .

* Conhaque. = .
* Vodka= .
* Coquetel. = .
* Conhaque. = .
* Gim (seco). = ().
* Licor. = .
* Ponche. = .
* Rum. = .
* Whisky. = .
* Whisky e soda. = c



* Eu estou partindo de 1 / trem, 2 / barco, 3 / avio, 4 / nibus.

= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/
* 1 / hoje, 2 / amanh, as... horas.
= 1/ , 2/ ... ().
* necessary oregistrar logo na ( no)
= ...
* Carregue a bagagem para o carro.
= , .
* Traga as gabagens para o carro
= .

* Leve as bagagens para o meu quarto

= .
* Ponha a bagagem no compartimento.
= .
* Me encontre Na sada
= .
* Leve isto para (de) o quarto de capote (confira quarto). =
( )

* Bagagens pesadas levadas a bordo

= .
* Carros que so levados a bordo de.
= .
* O exame de alfndegas acontece dentro
1 / o compartimento, 2 / o furgo de bagagem, 3 / abrigo de alfndegas.
= :
1/ ,
2/ , 3/ .
* Zelador, leve esta bagagem a 1 / um txi, 2 / o hotel, 3 / o nibus de hotel,
4 / a estao, 5 / o barco.
= , : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ , 5/ .
* Por favor, cuide de minhas coisas enquanto eu chamo um zelador. =
, ,
* Eu tenho alguns bagagens registrados (conferidas) tambm.
= .
* Aqui o deslize de bagagens (cheque de bagagem).
= .

* Eu quero deixar estas coisas aqui.

= .
* Eu pago agora ou quando eu as pegar? =
* Eu levarei estas bolsas para 1 / o compartimento, 2 / meu camarote.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Quanto sobrepeso (excesso) devo pagar?
= ?
* Eu quero assegurar-se de minha bagagem registrada.
= .
* Eu perdi minhas 1 / luvas, 2 / bolsa de mo, 3 / casaco.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
*Acompanhe-me at o setor de achados e perdidos
= .
* No foi encontrado nada aqui.
Deixe seu nome, endereo e uma descrio,
E ser remetido a voc assim que for achado.
= .
, .
* Cales de banho, bolsas etc. = .
* Tronco de guarda-roupa. = .
* maleta. = .
* Cesta feito de vime. = .
* Mala. = .
* mala de vestidos= .
* jogo de banheiro de senhoras. = .
* jogo de banheiro de senhores. = .
* Portfolio. = .
* Mquina de escrever porttil. = .
* Caixa de chapu.
= .
* pequena mala = .
* saco de golfo= .
* Skis. = .
* Bicicleta. = .

* carro de bbe = .
* cesta de cachorro
= .
* 1 / aberto, 2 / dificuldade, 3 / deixe a chave no...
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .


* Este o caminho para o Escritrio de Alfndegas.

= .
* Esta sua bagagem? = ?
* Voc tem mais bagagem igual a esta?
= ?
* Eu tenho estas duas malas.
= .
* Este tambm meu.
= M .
* Voc tem algo a declarer?
= - ?
* No, nada. = , .
* Que artigos so tributveis? =
* Tabaco de todos os tipos, chocolates, ch, mquinas fotogrficas,

culos de campo, sedas, peles etc.

= , , , ,
, , .
* Eu tenho charutos, cigarros e um pouco de usque, mas s para meu uso
= , , ,
* Eu tenho s efeitos pessoais.
= .
* Todas estas coisas so para meu uso pessoal.
= .
* No, ns temos s coisas pessoais que foram usadas. = ,
* quanto devo que pagar adicional?
= ?
* Aqui so as credenciais de meu clube de automvel.
= .
* Aqui so meu carto de scio, passaporte e outros documentos.
= , .
* Quanto tempo voc ficar neste pas?
= ?
* Eu estou s aqui em um feriado: (frias).
= .
Estou apenas de passagem
= .
* Eu estou a negcios
= .
* Eu espero ficar por dias
= .. ().

* Voc vai solicitar ordens ou vender mercadoria?

= ?
* tem amostras comerciais com voc?
= ;
* Quanto em dinheiro voc est levando ( est com voc) ?
= ?
* Eu tenho muito disto 1 / moeda corrente, 2 / em cheques de viajantes, 3 /
em uma carta de crdito.
= : 1/ ... 2/ ...
3/ ...

* O controle de moeda corrente dar um certificado (ou escreve em seu

A quantia de dinheiro que voc tem com voc.
Isto para voc mostrar ao deixar o pas.
( ) ,
* Seu passaporte vlido at... = ...
* voc est alerta que no poder arranjar ou se envolver em negcios
emqunato estiver neste pas?
= ,

* Voc fala... (O Russo)?
Voc entende... russo? Eu no falo... russo.
Eu no entendo...russo

Eu falo...russo
Se fala russo.
= ... (-)?
... (-)?
... (-).
... (-).
... (-).
... (-).

* America (Estados Unidos), America, duas Americanas.

= ( ), , .
* Arabia, Arabe,
Duas rabes (Arabes).
= , , .
* Argentina, Argentino, duas Argentinas.
= , , .
* Austria, Austriaco, duas austriacas.
= , , .
* Belgica, belga, duas belgas.
= , , .
* Barsil, Brasileiro, duas Brasileiras
= , , .
* Gr- Bretanha, Britnico, duas britanicas
= , , .
* Bulgaria, Bulgaro, duas bulgaras,
= , , .
* Canada, Canadense, duas canadenses.
= , , .

* China, Chines, duas chinesas.

= , , .
* Chequislovaquia, Checo-eslovacos, duas checo- eslovacas.
= , , (), .
* Dinamarca, dinamarqus, duas dinamarquesas
= , , .
* Egito, egpcio, duas egipcias
= , , .
* Inglaterra, ingles, duas inglsas
= , , .
* Finlandia, filands, duas filandsas
= , (),
* Fraa, francs, duas francsas.
= , , .
* Alemanha, alemo, duas alems
= , (), .
* Grcia, grego, duas gregas
= , , .
* Holanda, holands, duas holandsas
= , , .
* Hungria, Hngaro, duas hngaras
= , , ,
* India, indiano, duas indianas
= , , .
* Ir, persa, dois persas
= (), , .
* Irlanda, irlands, dois irlandeses
= , , .

* Islndia, islandes, dois islandeses

= , , .
* Itlia, italiano, duas italianas
= , , .
* Japo, japons, dois japonses.
= , , .
* Iugoslavia, iugoslavo, duas iugoslavias
= , , .
* Noruega, dois noruegueses, noruegueses.
= , , .
* Mexico, Mexicano, dois Mexicanos.
= , , .
* Polonia, polons, dois polonses.
= , , .
* Portugal, Portugues, two Portugueses.
= , , .
* Russia (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), Russian, dois Russos.
= , (), ,
* Romenia, romeno, dois romenos
= , , .
* esccia, escocs, dois escosses
= , , .
* Africa do sul, sul-africano, dois sul-africano.
= , -, -.
* Espanha, espanhol, dois espanhois
= , , .
* Sucia, suco, dois sucos
= , , .
* Switzerland, Swiss, two Swiss.
= , , .
* Turquia, turco, dois turcos
= , , .

Os continntes

* Africa, Africano, two Africanos.
= , , .
* America, Americano, two Americanos.
= , , .
* Asia, Asiatico, dois Asiaticos.
= , , .
* Australia, Australiano, dois Australianos.
= , , .
* Europa, Europeu, dois Europeus.
= , , .

Nomes geogrficos


oceano atlntico
Oceano pacfico
Mar mediterrneo
Oceano artico
Mar do Norte.
Mar Baltico.
canal ingls.

* Rio.
= .
* Montanha.
= . .
* Fronteira.
= .




* Voc tem ...? = ...?

* Gostaria de ver... = :
* Eu quero algo de...
1 / seda artificial, 2 / seda, 3 / l, 4 / algodo, 5 / linho.
= - :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ - .
* Eu gostaria de comprar ...
1/ Podido voc me falar que lojas os tm (isto) em estoque?
= ..
1/ ?
* eu quero o tamanho...
= ... .
* eu gostaria algo mais atual
= .
* no gostei de nehnum destes.
= .
* posso provar estes?
= M 3?
* este no meu tamanho.

= M .
* No o que eu quero
= , .
* no cabe em mim.
= .
* muito caro,
= .
* este o mais barato que vocs tem?
= ?
* Vocs tem algo mehlor?
= - ?
* eu quero um de melhor qualidade.
= .
* no me import dap agar mais um pouco.
= , .
* Eu possa ver isto atravs de luz do dia?
= ?
* posso ver no espelho?.
= ?
* vamos fazer as mudanas (alteraoes) necessarias.
= .
* podemos mudar de um para o outro.
= .
* quando estar pronto?
= ?
* quanto custa?
= ?
* acho que vou querer este.
= .
* vou leva-lo comigo.
= ya .
* enviem para este endereo.
= 3; .
* eu preciso receber isto at ashoras.
= ... ().
* vou fazer um deposito.
= .
* volto mais tarde.
= .
* pago por isso agora.
= .


sera pago na entrega (C.O.D.).

posso pagar com dinheiro extrangeiro?
voc aceita cheque de viagem?
baixe de preo por favor
, .
posso levarestas coisas agora?
costureira e alfaiate.
gostaria de fazer um terno
Me mostre alguns padres.
quanto custa ujma roupa deste material?
quatos metros voc quer?
() ?

* Eu quero um forro de seda.

= .
* quando posso vir provar? = ?
* quando estar pronto?
= ?
* isto no me cai bem.
= .
* este estilo no d para mim.
= .
* sera alterado para que caiba em voc perfeitamente.
= , ()
* eu preciso receber isso no muito tarde ...
= ...

At the shoe shop


* por favor me moetre algums sapatos,

1/ preto, 2 / marrom, 3 / branco, 4 / caminhar, 5 / roupa de noite, 6 / baixos
saltos de sapatos, 7 / saltos de sapatos altos.
= , :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ , 5/ ,
6/ , 7/ .
* Vocabulario.
= .
* Alterar.
= .
* Alteraco.
= .

Crepe da china
departamento, seo.
cores rpidas
, . .

* Milliner
= .
* Agulhas
= .
* Par.
= .
* Pagar.
= .
* Pregueado.
= .
* Bolsos.
= .
* Puro.
= , .
* Pequeno-feito.
= ( ).
* Conserto.
= .
* Tiras.
= .
* vender.
= .
* enviar.
= .
* Seda, real,
= , .
* seda, artificial,
= .
* tamanho.
= .
* Mangas.
= .
* Manchado.
= .
* Alfaiate-feito.
= .
* Passamanarias.
= .
* Veludo.
= .
* Lavvel.
= .
* prova dagua.

= .
* L:
= .


* preto
= .
* azul.
= .
* marrom.
= .
* Bege
= .
* verde.
= .
* cinza
= .
* Mauve. = , .
* laranja.
= .
* rosa.
= .
* Roxo.
= .
* vermelho.
= .
* vermelho escuro/escartale

= -.
* branco.
= .
* amarelo.
= .
* Uma sombra mais clara.
= .
* Uma sombra mais escura.
= .


* algums
= , .
* muito.
= .
* muitos.
= .
* alguns.
= .
* poucos.
= .
* forma.
= .
* curva.
= .
* Horizontal.
= .
* Buraco.
= .
* Longo.
= .

* estreito.
= , .
* Em volta.
= .
* Oval.
= .
* em frente
= .
* Vertical.
= .
* peso.
= .
* Pesado.
= .
* Leve.
= .
* Medio.
= >.
* idade.
= .
* antigo.
= ().
* Moderno.
= .
* Novo.
= .
* velho
= .
* Obsoleto.
= .
* jovem.
= .
* Superfcie.
= ,
* Polido.
= .
* Sedoso.
= .
* Liso.
= , .
* Pegajoso.
= .

* spero.
= , .
* consistente.
= .
* difcil.
= .
* liquido.
= .
* flexivel.
= .
* Gorduroso.
= .
* Elastico.
= .
* leve
= .
* Solido.
= , .
* Duro. = .
* Temperatura.
= .
* Queimando.
= , ().
* Fervendo.
= * frio
= , ().
* gelando.
= , ().
* quente.
= , ().

* Um pouco melhor.
= - .
* muito caro!
= .
* Um pouco mais barato.
= - .
* est muito escuro.

= .
* um pouco mais escuro.
= .
* muito pesado.
= .
* um pouco mais pesado.
= .
* muito grande.
= .
* um pouco maior.
= .
* est muito colorido,iluminado
= .
* um pouco mais claro.
= .
* muito longo.
= .
* um pouco mais distante.
= .
* Est muito solto.
= .
* um pouco mais solto.
= .
* est muito estreito.
= 7.
*est muito estreito.
= .
* isto muito curto.
= .
* um pouco mais curto.
= .
* isto muito pequeno.
= .
* um pouco menor.
= .
* isto muito forte.
= .
* um pouco mais forte.
= .
* muito grosso.
= .
* Um pouco mais grosso.
= .

* Est muito apertado.

= .
* Um pouco mais apertado.
= .
* muito largo.
= .
* Um pouco mais largo.
= .

Roupa de senhoras.

* roupa de passeio.
= .
* 1/ Capa de chuva, 2 / chapeu de chuva.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* casacos de senhoras.
= .
* Casaco de inverno
= .
* Casaco de Pele.
= .
* Tnicas de tarde (vestido).
= .
* 1/ Vestido de noite, 2 / capa de pele.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Shortes.
= . ( ).
* Flanelas (branco ou coloriddas).
= ( ).
* roupas de esqui.
= .
* 1/ Mai, 2 / dois pedao, 3 / touca de banho.

= 1/ . 2/ ,
3/ .
* Roupo de banho.
= .
* Roupo.
= .
* Pijamas.
= .
* Camisola.
= .
* 1 / angua (underslip), 2 / roupa ntima lanosa.
= 1/ . 2/ .
* Roupa ntima de seda.
= .
* 1/ Colete, 2 / colete.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ Vestido de casa, 2 / overalls.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Blusa
= .
* Ate colarinho e punhos de manga.
= .
* colares de senhoras.
= .
* Frente de blusa.
= .
* Lenos,
= .
* 1/ Luvas, 2 / luvas, 3 / luvas lquidas.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Meia-calas de seda.
= .
* Sandalias.
= .
* chapu.
= .
* Chapu com vu.
= .
* Chapu de palha.
= .
* Turbante.

= .
* Sombra de olho.
= 3 .
* Bandeau.
= ( ).
* Chapu sentido.
= .
* Caixa de chapu. = .
* Colarinho de pele.
= .
* Bolsa de compras.
= .
* 1 / bolsa, 2 / bolsas.
= 1/ . 2/ .
* 1 / guarda-chuva, 2 / cobertura/capa= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ botas de borracha
= 1/
* 1 / galochas de dedo do p, 2 / galochas (borrachas).
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Leno. = .
* Chinelos de quarto. = .
* sapatos de salto alto
= .
* Sapato para o dia.
= .
* sapato para caminhar.
= .
* Tnis.
= .
* tnis esportivo.
= .
* Sapato para andar robusto.
= .
* Feche prendedor.
= ,
* Protees de vestido.
= .
* Suspensrios.
= .
* 1 / cintos, 2 / fivela.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Alfinete-almofada com 1 / alfinetes, 2 / agulhas, 3 / agulhas de

cerzir, 4 / alfinete de segurana

= :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ .
* Carretis de linha.
= .
* 1 / tesouras de unha, 2 / tesouras.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ Medida de fita, 2 / dedal.
= 1/. 2/ .
* 1 / linha de linho forte, 2 / cosendo seda, 3 / seda de bordado, 4 /
reparando l ou algodo.
= 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ .
* Botes: 1 / botes lavveis, 2 / botes, 3 / gancho e olho, 4 / snappers.
= : 1/ , ,
2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* Ate. = .

Roupas de homens.

* 1 / terno de vestido, 1 / jaqueta de jantar (fumando). = 1/ , 2/

* 1/ Mackintosh, 2 / trincheira-casaco.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ Jogo esportivos cobrem, 2 / calas compridas brancas, 3 / mais fours.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ -.
* 1 / vela no trespassada, 2 / terno com duas fileiras de botes.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Equipamento para esquiar.

= .
* Equipamento de plo.
= .
* 1 / terno de flanela, 2 / camisa de tnis, 3 / flanelas brancas.
= 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ .
* 1/ Roupo de banho, 2 / sunga, 3 / cales de banho.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* roupa para trinos atlticos.
= .
* 1/ Roupa ntima de inverno, 2 / roupa ntima de vero.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ Pijamas, 2 / roupo. = 1/ . 2/ .
* 1/ Basco (boina), 2 / bon de inverno, 3 / navegandor bon.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* 1/ Chapu de Panam, 2 / chapu de palha (o barqueiro).
= 1/ -, 2/ .
* 1 / chapu de topo, 2 / o bolicheiro (corrida) chapu.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1 / chapeu de sol, 2 / bon de pele.
= 1/ .
2/ .
* cinto de couro.
= .
* 1 / colete, b / colete de vestir.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* leno
= .
* Pullover.
= .
* 1/ Guarda-chuva, 2 / bengala.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ Braadeiras, 2 / suspensrios (.: suspensrios), 3 / suspensrios (.:
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* 1/ Meias, 2 / meias esportivas.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Colares.
= .

* gravata.
= .
* 1/ Camisa com colarinho e punhos de manga presos, 2 / camisa de
vestido e
= 1/ ,
2/ .
* 1/ Gravata-borboleta branca, 2 / gravata-borboleta preta.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Punho de manga (ligaes).
= 3 .
* Cravos de colarinho.
= 3 .
* luvas de couro.
= .
* Lenos. = .

Sapatos Masculinos

* botas.
= .
* sapatos de caminhada.
= .
* sapatos de couro ligtimo.
= .
* Tnis.
= .
* Sandalias.
= .

* Botas de borracha.
= .
* Botas de vaqueiro.
= .
* Leggings.
= .
* Sapatos para andar robustos.
= .
* meias de caminhar (solas internas).
= .
* 1 / sapato largo, 2 / sapato estreito. = 1/ , 2/

* 1/ Cadaro de sapato, 2 / polimento de sapato transparente, 3 / polimento

sapato preto.
= 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ .
* Galochas (borrachas). = .
* Tabaco.
= .
* Pacote de cigarros.
= .
* 1 / gorjeta de cortia, 2 / plancie, 3 / gorjeta de ouro, 4 / com bocal. = 1/
, 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ .
* 1 / tabaco turco, 2 / tabaco de Virgnia.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ O proprietrio de cigarro, 2 / pacote de documentos de cigarro.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Isqueiro, 1 / pavio, 2 / recipiente de petrleo.
= , 1/ ,

2/ .
* caixa de cigarros.
= .
* porta cigarros.
= .
* ashtray.
= .
* cigarros de Havana.
= .
* 1/ Charuto-cortador, 2 / faca de bolso.
= 1/ , 2/ .


* 1 / envelopes, 2 / bloco de escrever, 3 / papal manchando.

= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* cartes postais.
= 0 .
* 1/ Pontas de pena, b / borracha. = 1/ , 2/ .
* 1 / fio (barbante), 2 / rtulo de bagagem.
= 1/, 2/.
* livros.
= .
* 1/ jornais, 2/ revistas.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* mapas de bolso.

= ./
* Tinta para escrever.
= .
* 1/ caderno, 2/ diario.
= 1/ , 2/ .

Na loja de filmagens e fotos.


* caixa para mquina fotogrfica.

= .
* mini camera.
= .
* Mquina fotogrfica com dobras.
= .
* maquinas de reflexos
= .
* reto-projetor.
= .
* 8 mm cine-camera.
= 8 .
* 16 mm cine-camera.
= 16 .
* Filme mquina fotogrfica com objetivo rotativo (lence encabeam).
= - .
* Carretis de filme para mquinas fotogrficas de miniatura. =
* rolo de filme.
= .

* Rolo de filme para mquina fotogrfica,

= -.
* Luz de flash: 1 / bolbo, 2 / refletor, 3 / bateria.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* reveler negativos.
= .
* 1 / positivo, 2 / negativo, 3 / imprimindo armao.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Fotografia aumentanda.
= .
* Aparato cortante.
= .
* Filme que entrana aparato.
= .
* filtro colorido.
= .
* sala de projeo.
= .
* Metro de exposio de fotografia.
= .
* Tripode.
= .
* Lente de Telephoto.
= 6.

* por favor, revele os negativos.

= , .
* Faa uma impresso de cada negativo em lustroso (matt) papel.
= ()
* Eu quero... Impresses de cada.
= ... .
* Eu quero um tamanho de amplificao maior... deste negativo.
= ... .

* quando estar pronto?

= ?
* por favor carregue a camera com ... filmes.
= , ... .
* Me d... rolos (pacotes)
= ... .
* Eu quero um filme para uma cmara de bolso
= ()

Voc tem um quarto escuro onde eu possa carregar minha maquina

= ,
* voc tenha um lugar onde eu posso projetar estes - rolos de filme? =

* Voc pode ajustar esta mquina fotogrfica? No funciona corretamente.
= ?
* Bens pticos.
= .
* Lentes: 1 / concavidade dobro, 2 / dobre convexo, 3 / plano-convexo, 4 /
= , 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ , 4/ -.
* Lupa.
= .
* Compaso.
= .

* culos de foco dobrado.

= 0 .
* culos de sol.
= .
* Prximo perspicaz.
= .
*para ver de longe.
= .
* Telescopico
= .
* culos de pera.
= .
* Binoculares.
= .

No confeiteiro.

* Eu gostaria... quilograma (libra) de..., 1 / em uma bolsa, 2 / em uma

caixa, 3
/ em uma caixa de papelo enfeitada.
= , ... (): 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ .
* Chocolates: 1 / plancie, 2 / leite, 3 / amargo. = : 1/
, 2/ , 3/ .
* Chocolates cheios.
= .
* Chocolates misturados.
= -.
* Natas de chocolate.
= .
* Chocolates de noz.
= .

* Barra de chocolate: 1 / plancie, 2 / leite, 3 / com nozes.

= : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ .
* Caramelos, toffies. = .
* Gotas cidas.
= .
* Gelias de fruta.
= .
* Liquorice.
= .
* Peppermint-creams.
= .
* Cough drops (tablets).
= .
* 1/ Sugared almonds, 2/ salted almonds, 3/ burnt almonds.
= 1/ . 2/ ,
3/ .
* Chewing gum.
= .
* Please enclose this card.
= .
* Wrap it ready to mail.
= , ,
* This is the address.
= .
* What is the cost including postage?
= ?
* At the florist's.
= .
* I want to order flowers to be 1/ delivered to this address,
2/ telegraphed through the Fleurop organization,
3/ wrapped to take away.
= :
1/ ,
2/ ,

3/ , .
* This card to be enclosed.
= .
* Card with this wording to be attached.
= .
* Bouquet.
= .
* Shoulder bouquet.
= .
* Bridal bouquet.
= .
* Rococo bouquet.
= .
* Basket of cut flowers.
= .
* Basket with...
= ...
* Spring flowers.
= .
* Autumn-flowers.
= .
* Wreath.
= .
* Laurel wreath.
= .
* Funeral wreath.
= .
* Inscription.
= .
* Ribbon.
= .
* Cross.
= .
* Cut flowers.
= .
* Carnations.
= .
* Chrysanthemums.
= .
* Cyclamen.
= .

* Dahlia.
= .
* Orchids.
= .
* Snap dragon.
= .
* Forget-me-nots.
= .
* Gladiolus.
= .
* Pansy.
= --.
* Iris.
= .
* Easter lily.
= .
* Lilac.
= .
* Lilies of the valley.
= .
* Mimosa.
= .
* Narcissus.
= .
* Peonies.
= .
* Roses.
= .
* Sweet peas.
= .
* Tulips.
= .
* Violets.
= .
* Water-lily.
= .
* Laundry and dry cleaning.
= .
* I want some clothes laundered.
= - .
* I want everything on this list washed, ironed and made ready to wear.
= , , ,

* I want everything on this list dry-cleaned.
= , ,
* Look over this list and see if it is correct.
= , ?
* Be careful with this.
= .
* I must have it back i as possible.
= .
* Be sure to have it ready by...
= : ?
* This is not mine.
= .
* There are some pieces missing.
= .
* Please sew on the buttons that are coming loose.
= , .
* Please mend the stockings.
= , .
* Don't put any starch in this.
= .
* Laundry list.
= .
* Aprons.
= .
* Blouses.
= .
* Chemises.
= .
* Coats.
= .
* Collars.
= .
* Combinations.
= .
* Cuffs.
= .
* Drawers.
= .
* Dresses.
= .


Underwear (men's).
Underwear (ladies').
Babies' washing.

= .
* What to say and ask.
= .
* We would like a(n) ...speaking 1/ chauffeur, 2/ guide, 3/ interpreter.
= ...:
1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Where can we go for a pleasant drive?
* Drive us to...
= ...
* Drive us through the most interesting parts.

= .
* Please show me on this map what road to follow.
= , .
* How many hours will it take there and back?
= , ?
* How many kilometers (miles) is it to... ?
= () ?
* Do you know the road?
= ... ?
* Is ft a good road?
= ?
* Please drive 1/ slowly, 2/ quickly.
= , : 1/ , 2/ .
* Drive us to a good place to eat.
= -, .
* Where can I park the car?
= ?
* May I park here?
= ?
* Is there a 1/ good hotel,
2/ garage, 3/ motor repair-shop, here or nearby?
= : 1/ ,
2/, 3/ ?
* Can you direct us to the nearest
1/ good hotel, 2/ garage, 3/ petrol station, 4/ railway station,
5/ post office, 6/ doctor, 7/ hospital,
8/ police station, 9/ bank, 10/ telegraph office,
11/ ... Consulate?
= , :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ , 6/ ,
7/ , 8/ , 9/ ,
10/ , 11/ ?
* The motor eat.
= .
* Closed motor car
= .* Open touring car.
= .
* Passenger car.
= .

* Door-handle with lock, 1/ key.

= . 1/ .
* Seats.
= .
* Folding seats.
= .
* Driver's seat.
= .
* Car windows.
= .
* Hood.
= .
* Running board.
= .
* Mudguards.
= .
* Bumper, 1/ rear bumper.
= , 1/ .
* Built-in baggage compartment.
= .
* Number plate.
= .
* Nationality sign.
= .
* Spot light.
= .
* Head lamps.
= .
* Parking lights.
= .
* Rear light (tail light).
= 3 .
* Windscreen wiper.
= .
* Direction indicator.
= .
* Instrument panel, dashboard.
= .
* Body.
= .
* Chassis.

= .
* Motor ear service.
= .
* At the petrol station.
= .
* I want... liters (gallons) of petrol.
= ... () .
* I want the petrol tank filled up.
= , .
* I want... liters (quarts) of motor oil.
= ... () ( ) .
* I want garage space for the night.
= .
* What is the charge per night?
= ?
* Please examine the 1/ radiator, 2/ crank-case oil,
3/ battery water, 4/ shock-absorber oil, 5/ tire pressure.
= , : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ .
* Please clean the 1/ windscreen, 2/ head lights,
3/ cooling system, 4/ sparking plugs.
= , :
1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ .
* Please wash the car.
= , .
* Wipe off the car.
= , .
* Fill the radiator with 1/ water, 2/ anti-freeze mixture.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Grease the car.
= .
* Change the oil.
= .
* Charge the battery.
= .
* Adjust the head lights.
= .
* Grease the springs.
= .
* Put on the snow chains.

= .
* Tighten all nuts and bolts.
= .
* Decarbonize the engine (motor).
= .
* Grind in the valves.
= .
* Overhaul the car.
= .
* Adjust the carburetor.
= .
* This does not function properly 1/ sometimes,
2/ at high speed, 3/ at low speed,
4/ when the motor is cold, 5/ when the motor is hot.
= :
1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ ,
5/ .
* Can you arrange to have the car towed to a garage for repairs?
* What will be the charge for towing?
= ?
* What will the repairs cost?
= ?
* When will it be ready?
= ?
* Can you have it ready by to-morrow morning?
= , ?
* The car will be ready 1/ this afternoon, 2/ to-night,
3/ in... hour(s), 4/ in... days.
= : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ ... (), 4/ ... ().
* Make out a detailed bill for the repair charges.
= .
* How much is the bill?
= ?
* I will come for the car at... o'clock.
= ... ().
* Farts and tools.
= .

* Carburetor.
= .
* Magneto.
= .
* Storage battery.
= .
* Piston, 1/ piston rings, 2/ oil ring.
= , 1/ ,
2/ .
* 1/ Valve, 2/ valve spring, 3/ split pin.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Sparking plug.
= .
* Car-tire, 1/ snow chain.
= , 1/ .
* Tire blow-out, puncture.
= .
* Inflating a car-tire.
= .
* Inner tube, 1/ air valve.
= , / .
* Lamp bulbs.
= .
* Garage lamp.
= .
* Grease gun.
= .
* Tin of petrol, 1/ funnel.
= , 1/ .
* 1/ Oil can, 2/ tin of oil.
= 1/ ,
2/ .
* Jack (car lifter).
= .
* Tire pump.
= .
* 1/ File, 2/ screw driver, 3/ hammer, 4/ pliers.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* 1/ Socket wrench,
2/ screw wrench, 3/ and 4/ tre mounting tools, 5/ spanner.
= 1/ , 2/ ,

3/ 4/ , 5/ .
* Driver's licence.
= .
* The motor.
= .
* The motor won't start.
= .
* It is coughing.
= "".
* It is knocking.
= .
* It is weak.
= .
* It stalls.
= .
* The radiator overheats.
= .
* Accelerator.
= .
* Air filter.
= .
* Bearing.
= .
* Cam shaft.
= () .
* Cog-wheel (gear).
= .
* Connecting rod.
= .
* Connecting rod bearing.
= .
* Crankshaft.
= .
* Cylinder.
= .
* Cylinder-block.
= .
* Cylinder head.
= .
* Cylinder head gasket
= .

* Exhaust pipe.
= .
* Exhaust valve.
= .
* Fan.
= .
* Fanbelt.
= .
* Flywheel.
= .
* Inlet manifold.
= .
* Inlet valve.
= .
* Muffler, silencer.
= .
* Oil dipper rod.
= .
* Oil filter.
= .
* Oil pump.
= .
* Packing.
= .
* Petrol pump.
= .
* Petrol tank.
= .
* Radiator.
= .
* Strainer.
= .
* Vacuum tank.
= -.
* Water pump.
= .
* Power transmission.
= .
* Axle, shaft: 1/ rear, 2/ front.

= , : 1/ , 2/ .
* Friction clutch, 1/ clutch pedal.
= , 1/ .
* Disc.
= .
* Drive shaft.
= , .
* Differential.
= , .
* Frame.
= .
* Front wheel
= .
* Gear box.
= .
* Gear lever.
= .
* Gear shift: 1/ first, 2/ second, 3/ third, 4/ reverse, 5/ neutral.
= : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ , 4/ , 5/ .
* Grease cup.
= .
* Hub cap.
= .
* Rear wheel
= 3 .
* Rim.
= .
* Rod.
= .
* Spring, 1/ spring plate.
= 1/ .
* Shock-absorber.
= .
* Universal joint
= .
* The brakes.
= .
* Brake lining.
= .
* Brake drum.
= .
* Brake fluid.

= .
* Brake pedal.
= .
* Foot brake.
= .
* Hand brake.
= .
* Steering.
= .
* Adjust the front wheels.
= .
* Take up the play.
= .
* Vibration.
= .
* Wobbling.
= .
* Steering gear.
= .
* Steering wheel.
= .
* Drag rod.
= .
* Tie rod.
= .
* Electrical parts.
= .
* Advance the spark.
= .
* Charge the battery.
= .
* Dim the lights.
= .
* Increase the charging rate.
= .
* Cut down the charging rate.
= .
* Retard the spark.
= .
* Ammeter.
= .

* Reversing tight.
= .
* Choke.
= .
* Circuit-breaker(relay).
= .
* Distributor.
= .
* Fog light
= .
* Fuse.
= .
* Generator.
= .
* Generator brush.
= .
* Ignition.
= .
* Ignition switch.
= .
* Insulation.
= .
* Mileometer (odometer).
= .
* Oil pressure gauge.
= .
* Petrol gauge.
= .
* Rotor.
= ().
* Signal horn.
= .
* Short circuit.
= .
* Speedometer.
= .
* Self-starter.
= .
* Starting switch.
= .
* Thermostat.
= .
* Wire.

= .
* Tyre repairs.
= .
* Examine all tyres and inner tubes.
= .
* Valve.
= .
* Puncture.
= .
* Re-treading.
= .
* Vulcanizing.
= .
* Put on 1/ a new tyre, 2/ a new inner tube.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Equipment.
= .
* Ash tray.
= .
* Electric Ian.
= .

First-aid outfit.

Fire extinguisher.
Rear view mirror.
Spare parts.
Tyre covers.


= . 1.
* At the post office.
= .
* Please direct me to the post office.
= , , ?
* The general delivery window (poste restante).
= .
* Are there any 1/ letters, 2/ parcels, 3/ registered letters for...?
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* My name is (showing card or passport).
= ( ).
* I am expecting a registered letter or a money order.
= .
* Bow much is the postage on these letters?
= ?
* What new stamps have you at interest to collectors?
= ,
* I want the following stamps.
= ...
* This is to be sent by 1/ air mail, 2/ ordinary post,
3/ express. 4/ book-post (second class), 5/ parcel-post.
= : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ () ,
4/ , 5/ .
* This must be sent registered.
= .
* You must specify the contents of all parcels to foreign countries.
= .
* Fill up (out) this form. Please write plainly.
= . .
* Additional postage.
= .
* Address.
= .
* Addressee.

= ().
* Affix.
= .
* Air mail.
= .
* Book-post (second class).
= ( ).
* Branch-office.
= .
* Care of (c/o).
= .
* Compensation.
= .
* Contents.
= .
* Customs.
= .
* Customs declaration.
= .
* Date.
= .
* Delivery.
= .
* Destination.
= .
* Envelope.
= .
* Exceed.
= .
* Fee.
= .
* Minimum fee.
= .
* Registration fee.
= .
* Foreign.
= .
* Forward to.
= -.
* General Post Office.
= .
* Inland.
= ( )

* Insurance.
= .
* Letter, letter box.
= . .
* Money-order.
= .
* Parcel.
= ().
* Postage.
= .
* Postmark.
= .
* Postcard.
= .
* Postal rates.
= .
* Postman,
= .
* Postmaster.
= ( ).
* Prepaid.
= .
* Printed matter.
= .
* Re-address.
= , .
* Receipt.
= .
* Receive.
= .
* Register.
= .
* Regulations.
= , .
* Return.
= .
* Return for correct address.
= - .
* Sender.
= .
* Signature.

= .
* Stamp (postage).
= .
* Wrapper.
= .
* Telephoning.
= .
* I want to telephone.
= ;.
* Please zing this number and ask for...
= , ...
* Will you kindly get this number for me?
= , ...
* I want to have telephone communication
with the steamship... en route to... and a personal call to...
= , -
.. . ..., .
* May I speak to... ?
= ... ?
* This is... speaking.
= ...
* A telephone call for you, sir.
= .
* A trunk call (toll call, long distance) for...
= :
* Where can I reach you by telephone?
= ?
* My telephone number is...
= ...
* You can 'phone me at the hotel.
= .
* Give me a ring soon.
= .
* I will ring you again to-morrow.
= .
* The line is engaged (busy).
= .
* Operator, you have given me the wrong number.
= , .
* Just a minute. Here is your number.
= . .

* Cables and Telegrams.

= .
* Where can I send a telegram?
= ?
* I want to send a telegram with the answer prepaid.
= .
* I want to send a wireless message to a passenger
on board the steamship... now on the way to...
..., ...
* Please give me the proper form to fill up (out).
= , .
* This is to be sent the quickest way.
= .
* This is to go at deferred rate (half rate or night letter).
= (
* This is to go as a "week-end letter".
= " " ( ).


= . 1.
* At the post office.
= .
* Please direct me to the post office.
= , , ?
* The general delivery window (poste restante).
= .
* Are there any 1/ letters, 2/ parcels, 3/ registered letters for...?
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* My name is (showing card or passport).
= ( ).
* I am expecting a registered letter or a money order.
= .
* Bow much is the postage on these letters?
= ?
* What new stamps have you at interest to collectors?
= ,

* I want the following stamps.

= ...
* This is to be sent by 1/ air mail, 2/ ordinary post,
3/ express. 4/ book-post (second class), 5/ parcel-post.
= : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ () ,
4/ , 5/ .
* This must be sent registered.
= .
* You must specify the contents of all parcels to foreign countries.
= .
* Fill up (out) this form. Please write plainly.
= . .
* Additional postage.
= .
* Address.
= .
* Addressee.
= ().
* Affix.
= .
* Air mail.
= .
* Book-post (second class).
= ( ).
* Branch-office.
= .
* Care of (c/o).
= .
* Compensation.
= .
* Contents.
= .
* Customs.
= .
* Customs declaration.
= .
* Date.
= .
* Delivery.
= .
* Destination.

= .
* Envelope.
= .
* Exceed.
= .
* Fee.
= .
* Minimum fee.
= .
* Registration fee.
= .
* Foreign.
= .
* Forward to.
= -.
* General Post Office.
= .
* Inland.
= ( )
* Insurance.
= .
* Letter, letter box.
= . .
* Money-order.
= .
* Parcel.
= ().
* Postage.
= .
* Postmark.
= .
* Postcard.
= .

Postal rates.
( ).

* Printed matter.
= .
* Re-address.
= , .
* Receipt.
= .
* Receive.
= .
* Register.
= .
* Regulations.
= , .
* Return.
= .
* Return for correct address.
= - .
* Sender.
= .
* Signature.
= .
* Stamp (postage).
= .
* Wrapper.
= .
* Telephoning.
= .
* I want to telephone.
= ;.
* Please zing this number and ask for...
= , ...
* Will you kindly get this number for me?
= , ...
* I want to have telephone communication
with the steamship... en route to... and a personal call to...
= , -
.. . ..., .
* May I speak to... ?
= ... ?
* This is... speaking.
= ...
* A telephone call for you, sir.
= .
* A trunk call (toll call, long distance) for...

= :
* Where can I reach you by telephone?
= ?
* My telephone number is...
= ...
* You can 'phone me at the hotel.
= .
* Give me a ring soon.
= .
* I will ring you again to-morrow.
= .
* The line is engaged (busy).
= .
* Operator, you have given me the wrong number.
= , .
* Just a minute. Here is your number.
= . .
* Cables and Telegrams.
= .
* Where can I send a telegram?
= ?
* I want to send a telegram with the answer prepaid.
= .
* I want to send a wireless message to a passenger
on board the steamship... now on the way to...
..., ...
* Please give me the proper form to fill up (out).
= , .
* This is to be sent the quickest way.
= .
* This is to go at deferred rate (half rate or night letter).
= (
* This is to go as a "week-end letter".
= " " ( ).


= .
* An ocean passenger steamer,
1/ passenger gangway, 2/ lifeboat, 3/ life-belt, 4/ life-buoy.
= : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ .
* Life boat practice.
= .
* Decks: 1/ sun deck, 2/ upper deck, 3/ lower deck.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Suite of rooms: 1/ sitting room, 2/ bedroom, 3/ bath.
= -: 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Cabins: 1/ single cabin with bed, 2/ two berth cabin, 3/ cabin for four.
= : 1/ , 3/ ,
4/ .
* Gymnasium, 1/ rowing machine, 2/ bicycle riding,
3/ horse, 4/ massage apparatus, 5/ reducing vibrator.
= : 1/ .
2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ .
* Promenade deck, 1/ steamer chair, 2/ shuffle-board players.
= :
1/ , 2/
* Glass veranda deck, a/ steamer rug.
= , 1/ .
* Dining room.
* Lounge.
= .
* Swimming pool.
= .
* Ship's bar.
= .
* Ship's officers reading the sextant.
= 0 .
* Officers:
1/ the captain,
2/ first officer,
3/ chief engineer,
4/ purser,
5/ pilot,
6/ wireless operator.

= :
1/ ,
2/ ,
3/ ,
4/ ,
5/ ,
6/ -.
* Attendants:
1/ deck steward,
2/ bath steward,
3/ cabin steward,
4/ cabin stewardess,
5/ chief dining room steward,
6/ dining room steward,
7/ bartender,
8/ nurse.
= :
1/ ,
2/ ,
3/ ,
4/ ,
5/ ,
6/ ,
7/ ,
8/ .
* The ship's wireless station and the Atlantic telephone switchboard
(calls to and from ship and shore).
( ).
* Purser's office.
= .
* Ship's safe for depositing valuables.
= .
* The log chart. The ship's milage per day.
= . , .
* The ship's hospital.
= .
* Hair dressers and beauty parlour.
= .
* The "Wanted baggage" room
= .
* The "Not Wanted baggage" room.
= .


Luggage labels and address tags.

Passport control officer.
Embarkation officer.
Emigration officer.
Landing ticket.

= .
* At the booking office.
= .
* I am going to... What steamers have you going there?
= ... ?
* Here is an illustrated booklet, with sailing and price lists, giving all the
necessary information.
= ;
* What accommodation can you offer me on S/S ... sailing ...
1/ first, 2/ second, 3/ tourist, 4/ cabin, 5/ third class?
= "...",
... 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ . 5/ ?
* How much is the ticket?
= ?
* Please show me on the boat chart where the stateroom is situated.
= , .
* How far is it to the dining room?
= ?
* What other staterooms have you vacant?
= ?
* There may be cancellations before the day of sailing.
= , -
* I want to make arrangements for taking my motor ear along.
= .
* What are the charges?
= ?
* Your automobile club will give you all particulars and
obtain an international license for you.

= , ,

* The car must be delivered to the dock the day before sailing.
= .
* At what time does one go on board?
= ?
* What time does the steamer leave the dock?
= ?
* How do you get to the quay (pier)?
= ?
* You may book a passage for me.
= .
* You require a valid passport and visas for the following countries.

* On board.
= .
* Tickets and passports are examined here.
= .
* The steward: Will you show me to my cabin?
= ():
, , .
* Baggage-master: I have... trunks marked
"Not wanted on the voyages ", ... trunks marked
"Wanted on the voyage", ... steamer trunks and ... bags
to go into the stateroom.
= : ...
: " ", ... :
" ", ... ... ,
* Bath steward: I want to make arrangements for a
salt water bath at... o'clock every morning during the voyage.
= :
... () .
* Deck steward: I want to order a deck chair and a steamer rug
to be placed on the sunny side of the promenade deck, please.
= :
* Chief dining room steward: Could you place me
at a small table, not too near the side and with some pleasant

fellow passengers?
= :
* Steward (ess): Will you serve breakfast in my cabin at... o'clock
every morning?
= , :
... .
* I have some dresses (suits) to be cleaned and pressed.
= .
* Please close (open) the porthole.
= , () .
* Purser: I want to deposit some valuables in the ship's safe
for safekeeping.
= : .
* In the ship's beauty parlour: Could I make an appointment
for ... o'clock to-morrow?
= : .
* Let's go up to the bar for a drink.
= , !
* I am beginning to feel sick.
= .
* Please show me to the doctor's consulting room.
= , .
* Thank you, I feel better now.
= ,



* Athletic terms,
= .
* Amateur.
= .
* Athlete.
= .
* Athletic.
= .
* Athletic club.
= .
* Athletic qnrte.
= .
* Captain.
= .
* Certificate.
= .
* Champion.
= .
* World's champion.
= .
* Competition.
= ().
* Competitor.
= .
* Course.
= .
* Cup.
= . .
* Challenge cup.
= " ".
* Dead heat.
= .
* Draw.
= .
* Entry.
= .
* Event.
= ().
* Field.
= .
* Final.
= .
* Semi-final.

= .
* Grand stand.
= .
* Handicap.
= .
* Heat.
= .
* Judge.
= .
* Referee.
= .
* Umpire.
= .
* Match.
= .
* Nationality sign.
= .
* Obstacle.
= .
* Olympic Games.
= .
* On your spots; get set; go!
= ! ! !
* Opponent.
= .
* Pace.
= .
* Place.
= .
* Play.
= .
* Player.
= .
* Point.
= .
* Practice.
= .
* Professional.
= .
* Record.
= .
* Rival.
= .

* Score.
= .
* Scratch.
= .
* Season.
= .
* Speed.
= .
* Sprinter.
= .
* Spurt.
= .
* Stadium.
= .
* Start.
= .
* Starter.
= .
* Team.
= .
* Timekeeper.
= .
* Tournament.
= .
* Track and field.
= .
* Train, training.
= .
* Trainer.
= .
* Coach.
= .
* Win, winner.
= , .
* Supplies for the sportsman.
= .
* Boxing boots.
= .
* Boxing gloves.
= .
* Punch-ball.

= .
* Ice-skates.
= .
* Ski-binding.
= .
* 1/ Skis, 2/ ski-sticks,
3/ straps, 4/ discs, 5/ ski-tar, 6/ ski-wax,
7/ blow-torch.
= 1/, 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ ,
6/ , 7/ .
* Running pumps (spiked shoes).
= .
* Discus.
= .
* Fencing-shoes.
= .
* Fencing gloves.
= .
* Fencing mask (helmet).
= .
* 1/ Fencing sabre, 2/ fencing foil, 3/ fencing sword, 4/ various points.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* Football boots.
= . .
* 1/ Rugby-ball, 2/ football.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Football bladder.
= .
* Knee-pads.
= .
* Tape-measure.
= .
* Stop-watch.
= .
* Megaphone.
= .
* 1/ Golf-bag, 2/ golf-club, 3/ golf ball, 4/ tee.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* Golf-clubs: 1/ driver, 2/ brassie,
3/ spoon, 4/ iron No. 1, No. 2.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,

4/ .
* Golf -clubs, iron No. 3-9.
= , No. 3-9.
* 1/ Ice-hockey stick: 2/ bandy-stick, 3/ puck, 4/ bandy-ball.
= 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ , 3/ .
* Lawn-tennis racket, 1/ broken gut string.
= , 1/ .
* 1/ Tennis racket press, 2/ tennis ball.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Tennis racket cover.
= .
* Badminton racket, 1/ shuttle-cock.
= -, 1/ .
* Horse-shoe.
= .
* Saddle, 1/ stirrups.
= , 1/ .
* 1/ Riding crop, 2/ spur.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Oilskins, 1/ sou' -wester.
= , 1/ .
* Anchor.
= .
* Ship's compass.
= .
* Signal-code flags.
= .
* 1/ Block, 2/ tackle.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Athletics.
= .
* Hurdling.
= .
* Running: 1/ steeple-chase, 2/ short distance,
3/ middle distance, 4/ long distance, 5/ marathon.
= : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ ,
4/ , 5/ .
* Relay race.

= .
* Walking race.
= .
* Cross country race.
= - ( ).
* Long jump.
= .
* Hop. step and jump.
= .
* Pole vaulting, 1/ vaulting pole.
= , 1/.
* High jump, 1/ bar, 2/ posts.
= , 1/ , 2/ .
* Throwing the hammer.
= .
* Throwing the discus
= .
* Shot put.
= .
* Throwing the javelin.
= .
* Weight-lifting.
= .
* Pentathlon.
= .
* Modern pentathlon.
= .
* Decathlon.
= .
* Boxing.
= .
* Wrestling: 1/ all-in free style, 2/ Graeco-Roman.
= : 1/, 3/ -.
* Ju-Jitsu (Jiu-jitsu).
= -.
* Fencing with sabres.
= .
* Fencing with swords.
= .
* Vaulting horse.
= .

* Horizontal bar.
= .
* Parallel bars.
= .
* Flying rings.
= .
* Cricket: 1/ bat, 2/ batsman, 3/ wicket, 4/ wicket-keeper.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* Association football (Soccer).
= .
* Rugby football (Rugger).
= .
* Golf course (links), 1/ caddie.
= , 1/ .
* Basket ball.
= .
* Handball.
= .
* Baseball field: 1/ umpire, 2/ catcher,
3/ batter and home plate, 4/ pitcher,
5/, 6/, 7/ 1st, 2nd and 3rd bases and basemen,
8/ short stop, 9/ base runner, 10/ outfielders.
= :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ , , 4/ ,
5/, 6/, 7/ , ,
8/ , 9/ , 10/ .
* Stayer race, 1/ pacer.
= , 1/ .
* Indoor cycle race.
= .
* Outdoor cycle race (road race).
= .
* Lawn tennis: 1/ single, 2/ mixed double.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Bowling alley: 1/ bowler, 2/ pins, 3/ ball.
= : / , / , / .
* Ice hockey: 1/ goal-keeper (goalie), 2/ goal-cage, 3/ stick, 4/ puck.
= : 1/ , 2/, 3/ , 4/ .
* Bandy.
= .
* Curling: 1/ curling stone, 2/ broom.

= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Nautical terms and fishing.
= .
* Ships lanterns: 1/ starboard (right side), green light,
2/ port (larboard, left side), red light, 3/ stern, white light,
4/ mast-head, white light.
= :
1/ (), ,
2/ (), ,
3/ , ,
4/ ( ), .
* Weather and storm signals: 1/ red flags, 2/ storm-cone, 3/ ball.
= : 1/ ,
* Lighthouse.
= . 1/ , 2/ .
* Lightship.
= -.
* Motor-launch.
= -.
* Outboard motor-boat.
= .
* Speed boat with outboard motor.
= .
* Surf-riding, 1/ surf-board.
= , / .
* Row-boat, 1/ oars, 2/ rudder, 3/ rowlocks.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Indian canoe, 1/ paddle.
= , 1/ .
* Punt, 1/ painter (rope), 2/ pole.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Kayak.
= .
* Collapsible canoe.
= .
* Single sculls.
= -.
* Four outriggers with cox.
= .
* Eight with cox.

= .
* Yacht club.
= -.
* Wharf.
= .
* Sailing boat (yawl).
= ().
* 1/ Fixed deep keel, 2/ centre-board, sliding keel.
= 1/ (-), 2/ -.
* Anchored buoy.
= .
* 1/ Fender, 2/ snap hook.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Lifebuoy, 1/ life-belt, 2/ life-jacket.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Angling: Man in waders.
= : .
* Spoon bait, 1/ hook.
= , 1/ .
* Artificial flies: 1/ dry fly, 2/ wet fly, 3/ salmon fly.
= :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* 1/ Fishing rod, 2/ spinner, 3/ case.
= : 1/ -, 2/, 3/ .
* Reel.
= .
* Box for fishing outfit.
= .
* Line winder.
= .
* Floats (bobs).
= .
* Fishing line.
= .
* Landing net (hoop net), 1/ landing hook (gaff).
= , 1/ .
* Fishing net.
= .
* Creel.
= .
* Miscellaneous sports.
= .
* Descent by parachute.

= .
* Light plane.
= .
* Soaring flight, 1/ tow-plane, 2/ tow-rope, 3/ soaring-plane.
= , 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ .
* Sailplane, 1/ elastic launching rope.
= ,
1/ .
* Glider.
= .
* Hangar (aeroplane shed).
= .
* Water polo.
= .
* Swimming, back stroke.
= .
* Breast stroke.
= .
* Crawl.
= .
* High (plain) diving, swallow dive.
= .
* Fancy diving from springboard.
= .
* Ski-jumping.
= .
* Slalom.
= .
* Ski-joring.
= - .
* Igloo.
= .
* Skiers with dog-sleigh.
= .
* Tobogganing.
= .
* Bob-sleighing.
= "".
* Sleigh riding.
= .

* Skating race.
= .
* Figure skating.
= .
* Iceboat-sailing.
= .
* Snow-shoes.
= .
* Mountaineering.
= .
* Boots with studs.
= ,
* Spiked boots.
= .
* 1/ Alpenstock, 2/ ice-pick, 3/ split-rings, 4/ ice-spikes, 5/ hammer.
= 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ , 5/ .
* Descending with rope.
= .
* Climbing a mountain wall.
= .
* Climbing with rope, 1/ glacier, 2/ ice bridge (snow bridge).
= , 1/ , 2/ ( ).
* Oxygen apparatus.
= .
* Rope knots.
= .
* Hunting, shooting and racing.
= , .
* Hunter, 1/ gun, 2/ field-glasses, 3/ cartridge bag.
= 0, 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Hunting rifle, 1/ telescopic gun-sight, 2/ strap,
3/ butt, 4/ trigger, 5/ barrel, 6/ gun-sight.
= 0 :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/, 5/, 6/.
* Browning (automatic), 1/ pistol.
= , 1/ .
* Decoy duck.
= .
* Rifle ammunition.

= .
* Shot-gun cartridge, 1/ buckshot.
= , 1/ .
* 1/ Hunting knife, 2/ sheath.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Hunting horn (bugle).
= 0 .
* Hunting-dog (retriever).
= 0 .
* Poacher.
= .
* Game licence.
= .
* Trophy.
= 0 .
* Shooting stick (collapsible stool).
= .
* Spoor.
= .
* Game beater (drivers).
= .
* Throwing machine for clay pigeon practice.
= .
* Ten-ring target board, 1/ marksman's pointer.
= ,
1/ .
* Running deer-shooting practice.
= .
* 1/ Sporting rifle, 2/ service rifle.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Rifle-cleaning apparatus.
= .
* Shooting range. Positions: 1/ lying, 2/ kneeling, 3/ standing.
= . 1/ , 2/ .
* Man-size target, 1/ half-size, 2/ one-sixth size.
= : 1/ ,
2/ .
* Archery (bow and arrow shooting), 1/ bow, 2/ arrow.
= : 1/, 2/ .
* Greyhound racing.
= .

* Horse's bridle.
= .
* Polo.
= .
* The horse.
= .
* Totalizator ("Tote").
= .
* Weighing in.
= .
* Start of a race.
= .
* Finish.
= .
* Trotting.
= .
* Steeple-chase (hurdle-race).
= .
= .
* Bicycle: 1/ handle and bell,
2/ saddle, 3/ cycle-pump, 4/ frame and front fork,
5/ front and rear wheel, 6/ pneumatic tires,
7/ chain, 8/ pedal, 9/ free-wheel and back-pedal brake,
10/ mudguard, 11/ rear reflector, 12/ luggage carrier.
= : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ c, 4/ ,
5/ ,
6/ , 7/ ,
8/ , 9/ ,
10/ , 11/ , 1/.
* Cycling and camping outfit.
= .
* 1/ Lock, 2/ padlock and chain, 3/ key.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Twin carrier-bags, 1/ rear reflector.
= . 1/ .
* Tools: 1/ spanner, 2/ adjustable spanner, 3/ oilcan,
4/ screw driver.
= 6 : 1/ ,

2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* Celluloid face protector.
= 3 .
* Rear wheel protector.
= ( ).
* Tire repair kit/
= .
* Dynamo.
= .
* Lamp.
= .
* Pocket torches.
= .
* Batteries.
= .
* Camping.
= .
* Camping tent
= .
* Haversack.
= ().
* Sleeping bag.
= .
* Canvas water pail.
= .
* 1/ Thermos flask, 2/ thermos container for food.
= 1/ -, 2/ - .
* Transparent map-case.
= .
* Compass.
= .
* Sun glasses.
= .
* Camping stove, 1/ fuel container, 2/ safety matches.
= , 1/ , 2/ .
* Camping outfit (culinary).
= .
* 1/ Drinking cups, 2/ butter container, 3/ tin-opener.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Cork lifebelt.
= .
* 1/ Mosquito net, 2/ remedy for mosquito bites.

= 1/ , 2/ .
* Cooking utensils.
= .
* Hiking costume, 1/ blanket, 2/ water bottle, 3/ shorts,
4/ hobnailed shoes, 5/ walking stick, 6/ satchel.
= : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ , 4/ ,
5/ , 6/ .
* During the voting.
= .
* Can you direct me (us) to a place where I (we)
can put up a tent and camp for the night?
= ,
* I would like to find a Youth Hostel.
= .
* Is it possible to get a night lodging and some food?
= -
* Where can I obtain drinking water?
= ?
* Where far" I purchase groceries and fruits?
= ?
* Is there a place where they serve refreshments, milk and sandwiches?
= - ,
* Is it possible to buy fresh milk at some farm?
= - ?
* Can one hire a bicycle for the day?
= ?
* What deposit do you require on a bicycle?
= ?
* The charge is... a day.
The deposit will be refunded if it is returned in good condition.
= ...
* Is it insured?
= ?
* Is there a bicycle repair-shop nearby?

= ?
* What is the charge for a bicycle on the train (boat)?
* Is it possible to take the bicycle on the bus?
= ?
* Where can I put the bicycle for the night?
= ?
* Is the door to the place locked?
= ?
* Will it be safe there?
= ?

= .
* Someone is drowning. Bring help quickly.
= - . , !
* A serious accident on the mountain.
= .
* A motor car is off the road.
= .
* A collision. A man is badly hurt.
= . .
* A cyclist has been knocked down by a motor car.
= .
* Unconscious from electric shock.
= .
* 1/ Bitten by a dog, 2/ snake bite, 3/ a bad cut.
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Scalded by boiling water.
= .
* Scorched by fire.

= H .
* Frostbitten.
= .
* Bring help - telephone for :
= 3 , ...
* An ambulance.
= .
* Breakdown-lorry.
= .
* A doctor
= .
* A flying ambulance.
= () .
* A trained nurse.
= .
* First-aid outfit
= .
* Fire extinguisher.
= .
* Single room in a hospital.
= . .
* Public ward in a hospital.
= . .
* 1/ Eye cup, 2/ fever thermometer, 3/ water glass
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Removing cinder from the eye: 1/ lower lid, 2/ upper lid.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* Artificial respiration, 1/ emptying water from the lungs,
2/ the Scheafer method of respiration,
3/ the H. Nielsen method.
= , 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ .
* Arm bandage with a splint.
= .
* 1/ Fracture of the shin-bone,
2/ fracture of the upper and lower arm bone.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Stopping flow of blood in the upper arm artery.
* Stopping flow of blood in the neck artery.
= .

* Stopping flow of blood in the thigh artery.

= .
* 1/ Elbow-bandage, 2/ hand-and finger-bandage.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Shoulder-bandage.
= .
* Eye-bandage.
= .
* Ear-bandage.
= .
* Nose-bandage.
= .
= .
* Can you recommend a good 1/ doctor,
2/ surgeon, 3/ specialist, 4/ dentist, 5/ hospital, 6/ clinic?
= v : / ,
2/ , 3/ , 4/ , 5/ , 6/
* I have 1/ a toothache, 2/ an earache, 3/ a headache,
4/ a stomach-ache, 5/ a sprained ankle, 6/ a broken wrist,
7/ spells of dizziness.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ , 6/ ,
* I feel 1/ faint, 2/ sick, 3/ overtired, 4/giddy, 5/ feverish.
= 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ ,
5/ .
* I feel a pain here, 1/ in the head, 2/ in the back, 3/ in the chest.
= :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* My stomach is out of order.
= .
* I cannot retain any food.
= .
* I have a very bad cold.
= .
* I have a sore throat
= .
* I have a bad cut.

= .
* I am afraid of blood poisoning.
= .
* Please send for a doctor.
= , .
* Can you get me a trained nurse?
= .
* Your disease Is contagious.
= .
* You will have to be quarantined for..4days.
= ... () .
* Kindly direct me to a chemist.
= , , ?
* Please make up this prescription.
= , .
* Will I have to keep to a special diet?
= ?
* What may I eat and drink?
= ?
* Please give me something for 1/ hay fever, 2/ constipation,
3/ diarrhea, 4/ corns, 5/ sore feet.
= , :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ .
* I want something 1/ to calm my nerves,
2/ to make me sleep, 3/ for mosquito bites,
4/ for a toothache, 5/ for earache, 6/ for headache,
7/ for chapped hands, 8/ for bad sunburn, 9/ antiseptic.
= :
1/ ,
2/ , 3/ j,
4/ . ,
5/ . , 6/ . ,
7/ . , 8/ . ,
9/ .
* This pivot tooth has come loose.
Can you have it 1/ reset, 2/ fastened temporarily?
= .
: 1/ , 2/ ?
* A filling came out. I want it filled, a/ only temporarily.
= . ,

, 1/ .
* My artificial teeth need to be a/ adjusted, b/ repaired.
= : 1/ , 2/ .
* My bridgework has broken loose - do you think it can be fixed?
= .
, ?
* I have a tooth that ought to be extracted,
= , , , .
* 1 have an abscessed tooth to be treated
= , .
* Diseases etc.
= . .
* Abscess.
= .
* Ache.
= .
* Apoplexy.
= . .
* Appendicitis.
= .
* Asthma.
= .
* Bleeding.
= .
* Blood-clot.
= .
* Blood-poisoning.
= .
* Boil.
= .
* Bronchitis.
= .
* Cancer.
= .
* Catarrh.
= .
* Concussion of the brain
= .
* Constipation.
= .
* Consumption.
= . .
* Cough.


, .

= .

Faint, fainting.
, .
Hemorrhage of the lungs.


Typhoid fever.
Blood transfusion.



= .

Remedies etc.
Aperient (laxative).
Boracic acid.
Castor oil.



( ).
The human body.

* The head and neck.

= .
* Head.
= .
* Face.
= .
* Chin:
= .
* Cheek.
= .
* Jaw.
= .
* Lips.
= .
* Mouth.
= .
* Nose.
= .
* Nostril.
= .
* Forehead.
= .
* Skull.
= .
* Temple.
= .
* Eye.
= .
* Ear.
= .
* Back of neck.
= .
* Throat.
= .
* The trunk.
= .
* Breasts.

= .
* Chest.
= .
* Waist.
= , .
* Stomach.
= .
* The limbs.
= .
* Arms.
= .
* Elbow.
= .
* Finger.
= .
* Thumb.
= .
* Hand.
= .
* Palm.
= .
* Wrist
= .
* Knuckle.
= , .
* Nail.
= .
* Fiat
= .
* Shoulder.
= .
* The legs.
= .
* Ankle.
= .
* Foot, pl. feet
= (. ).
* Sole.
= .
* Heel.

= .
* Knee.
= .
* Calf of leg.
= .
* Thigh.
= .
* Arch of the foot.
= .
* The blood circulation.
= .
* Arteries.
= .
* Veins.
= .
* Capillaries.
= .
* Blood-vessels.
= .
* The skeleton and the muscular system.
= .
* Ribs.
= .
* Spine.
= .
* Bones.
= .
* Joints.
= .
* The internal organs.
= .
* Heart.
= .
* Lungs.
= .
* Bowels.
= .

* Abdomen.
= .
* Appendix.
= .
* The gland system and the brain.
= .
* Liver.
= .
* Gall-bladder.
= .
* Kidneys.
= .
* The lymphatic glands.
= .
* The spinal column.
= .
* The nervous system.
= .
* Cross section of the heart.
= .
* The eye.
= .
* Eyebrow.
= .
* Eyelid.
= .
* Eyelash.
= .
* Eyeball (pupil).
= .
* The mouth.
= .
* Lips.
= .
* Teeth (sing, tooth).
= (. . ).
* Gums.


Vocal chords.

= .
* The teeth.
= .
* 1/ Incisor, 2/ canine or eye. 3/ molar.
= 1/ ., 2/ , 3/ .
* The senses.
= .
* Sight.
= .
* Hearing.
= .
* Smell.
= .
* Taste.
= .
* Touch.
= .


= .
* In the bank.
= .
* Please direct me to the nearest bank.
= , , .
* Is there a branch here of the... bank?
= ?
* May I see the manager?
= ?
* Can I draw some money here on this letter of credit?
= ?
* I want to take out some money.
= .
* I want to cash some traveller's cheques.
= .
* I want to change some foreign money.
= .
* What is the rate of exchange?
= ?
* Have you received a telegraphic remittance for me?
= ?
* My name is...
= - ( ...)
* What amount are you expecting?
= ?
* May I see your passport for identification?
= , ,

Will you please sign here.

, .
Take this slip to the cashier at window number :
I want to cash a cheque.
Endorse the cheque on the back.

* I want to purchase a bank-draft payable to... i... (country)

for the following amount...
= ... () ...
* I want a cashier's cheque to the order of... for... (amount).
= ... ... ().
* I want to purchase some traveller's cheques.
= .
* Acceptance.
= .
* Account.
= ().
* Bank-note.
= .
* Bank Holiday.
= .
* Bonds.
= .
* Cash.
= .
* Change.
= . ( ).
* Cheque (check).
= .
* Copper money (coppers).
= .
* Deposit.
= ().
* Discount.
= ().
* Draft.
= .
* Endorse.
= .
* 1/ Money Exchange, 2/ Stock Exchange.
= 1/ . 2/ .
* Gold.
= .
* Interest
= .
* Letter of credit.
= ( ).
* Money.
= .

* Negotiable bonds.
= .
* Paper money.
= .
* Payable on sight.
= .
* Promissory note.
= .
* Silver money.
= .
* Stockbroker.
= . .
* Valuables.
= .
* Value.
= .
* Business terms.
= .
* I want to speak to the manager.
= .
* Are you the manager?
= ?
* Do you understand me if I speak in...?
= , ... ?
* I cannot speak.
= ...
* Can anyone here speak...?
= - ...
* When can I see the manager?
= ?
* Please take my card to the manager.
= , .
* When will he return?
= ?
* I will wait, 1/ I will return later.
= , 1/ .
* I will return with an interpreter.
= :.
* I represent the firm of... in...
= ... ...
* I want someone to come with as a guide.

= ().
* Are you acquainted with these addresses?
= ?
* Take me to... 1/ Let us go at once.
= () ..., / .
* Can you recommend me a food lawyer?
= ?
* I want a shorthand-typist who understands..
= ,
... .
* I wish to hire a typewriter.
= .
* Will you kindly ring this number for me?
= , .
* Ask... to come to the phone.
= , , ... .
* Ask him (her) to phone me when he (she) returns.
= () , () .
* Call someone to the phone who can speak...
= -, ...
= .
* Actor, actress.
= , .
* Artist.
= , .
* Attorney, barrister, lawyer, solicitor.
= , .
* Clergyman, priest.
= .
* Dentist.
= .
* Interpreter, translator.
= .
* Physician, doctor.
= , .
* Secretary.
= .
* Surgeon.
= .
* Teacher.

= , .
* Shops, stores etc.
= ,
* Antique shop.
= .
* Art dealer.
= .
* Bicycle shop.
= .
* Book store.
= .
* Chemist, druggist.
= .
* Department store.
= .
* Draper (dry goods store).
= .
* Express office.
= ( ).
* Fruit shop.
= .
* Furniture stores.
= .
* Ironmonger (hardware store).
= .
* Hat shop.
= .
* Jeweler.
= .
* Motor car dealer.
= .
* Motor car repair shop.
= .
* Newspaper stand.
= .
* Optician.
= .
* Perfumer.
= .
* Photographic-supply store.
= .
* Postage stamp dealer.
= .

* Radio store.
= .
* Second hand book store.
= .
* Shoe store.
= .
* Sporting goods.
= .
* Stationer.
= .
* Taxi-station.
= .
* Tobacco shop.
= .

Toy shop.
Trunk and bag store.
Wine and spirit store.

= .
* Trades.
= .
* Baker.
= , , , .
* Carpenter.
= .
* Dressmaker.
= .
* Electrician.
= .
* Mechanic.
= .
* Milliner.
= , .
* Painter.
= .
* Photographer.
= .
* Printer.

= , .
* Shoemaker.
= , .
* Tailor.
= .
* Watchmaker.
= .
* Domestic servants.
= .
* Butler.
= .
* Children's nurse.
= .
* Chambermaid.
= .
* Cook.
= , .
* Female servant.
= .
* Gardener.
= .
* Governess.
= , .
* Housekeeper.
= .
* Maid.
= .
* Male servant.
= .
* Nurse.
= .
* Valet
= .
* Miscellaneous.
= .
* Advertising agency.
= .
* Chamber of Commerce.
= .
* Consulate.
= .
* Custom House Broker.
= .


Language school.

= .
* Information bureau.
= .
* Booking office.
= .
* First, second or third class.
= , .
( .)
* 1/ Single ticket (one way), 2/ return ticket,
3/ circular tour ticket.
= 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ .
* Insurance against loss of baggage.
= .
* Insurance against personal injury.
= .
* Money exchange.
= .
* Newspaper stand.
= .
* Fruit and sweets stand.
= .
* Cigar stand.
= .
* Refreshment stand.
= .
* Barrier to the trains.

= .
* Porter, place the luggage on the rack, please.
= , .
* The train leaves at... o'clock from platform No...
= ... (), ...
* Train personnel: 1/ guard, conductor,
2/ sleeping car attendant, 3/ lady attendant.
= : 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ .
* 1/ Smoking compartment,
2/ non-smoker, smoking not allowed.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* 1/ Closed window, 2/ open window.
= 1/ , 2/
* The train arrives at... o'clock.
= ... ().
* A taxi will meet you at the station.
= .
* The fare is shown on the (taxi)meter.
= .
* Hotel bus.
= .
* Tram (Streetcar), 1/ single fare, 2/ transfer.
= , 1/ , 2/ .
* Motor coach (Bus).
= .
* Horse and carriage.
= .
* Ride on horse bade.
= .
* Motor boat
= .
* Funicular (Cable) railway.
= ( ).
* Sleigh riding.
= .
* Rickshaw.
= .
* Camel.
= .
* KIephant.

= .
* Gondola.
= .
* 1/ Bicycle, 2/ motorcycle.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Walking.
= .
* At the travel bureau.
= .
* I am planning a trip to...
= ...
* Which is the best way to travel and what are the connections?
= ?
* By 1/ air, 2/ steamer, 3/ train
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* What accommodation can you secure for me (us)?
= ()
* What route would you prefei to travel by and what accommodation
would you like?
= ,
* I want to travel 1/ first, 2/ second, 3/ cabin,
4/ tourist, 5/ third class, on the ocean steamers.
= : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ ,
4/ .
* First class on coastal and inland steamers.
= .
* 1/ First, 2/ second, 3/ third class on trains.
= 1/, 2/ ,
3/ .
* I also want to book rooms at a good hotel there.
= .
* I want a reasonable but good hotel 1/ in town,
2/ in the mountains, 3/ at the seaside (on the coast).
= , :
1/ . 2/ , 3/ .
* I want to go to a fashionable place where there
1/ are good outdoor recreations, 2/ are entertainments,
3/ is dancing, 4/ where one meets nice people.

= , :
1/ ,
2/ ,
3/ , 4/ .
* I would prefer to go to a place where there is
1/ fishing, 2/ hunting, 3/ mountain climbing,
4/ riding, 5/ golf, 6/ tennis,
7/ bathing and swimming, 8/ skiing and winter sports.
= , :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ ,
4/ , 5/ , 6/ ,
7/ , 8/ .
* Can you recommend
1/ good health resort where there a/ are good doctors and specialists,
2/ are mineral waters and mud baths,
3/ is mountain air.
= , :
1/ ,
2/ ,
3/ ?
* I have to go for a good rest.
I want a place where I can
1/ obtain good food, 2/ keep to a strict diet,
3/ where they serve vegetarian food.
= . :
1/ ,
2/ .
3/ ?
* We will make out an itinerary for you, showing all costs as to travel,
hotel, meals, etc.
= ,
, . .
* If you want us to telegraph and make reservations,
we shall have to charge for the telegram.
= , ,
* We will need the following information:
1/ name and address in full of those who are going,
2/ nationality,
3/ date when starting the journey,
4/ class you want to travel,

5/ date for the return trip,

6/ length of stay at the hotel at which we are to reserve rooms.
= :
1/ , ,
2/ ,
3/ ,
4/ ,
5/ ,
6/ ,
* Sightseeing.
= . .
* I want to hire a car for the day.
= .
* I would like a (an) ... speaking guide.
= , ...
* What is the charge per day?
= ?
* What are fiw chief placet of interest?
* I am interested in seeing ... .
= ....
* Take me first to...
= ...
* I want to obtain a guide book about this place.
= .
* What short motor trips of interest can one take from here?
= ,
* What time does the sightseeing tour start?
* Please reserve... good seats for the... o'clock tour.
= ...
* Are there any pleasure trips on the lakes around here?
= -
* What else of interest is there to see?
= ?

* Are there any interesting walks around here?

= ?
* Where could I hire a bicycle?
= ?
* Stop a little while, please, I must take some photographs.
= , ,
* What a magnificent view.
= !
* Where can I get something to eat and drink?
= - ?
* Please wait for me here.
= , .
* I am too tired to see any more.
= , - .
* It is going to rain.
= .
* Drive me back as quickly as possible.
= .
* Vocabulary.
= .
* Art Gallery.
= .
* Botanical gardens.
= .
* Cathedral.
= .
* Church.
= .
* Excursion.
= .
* Exhibition.
= .
* World's fair.
= .
* Motor boat.
= .
* Mountain.
= .
* Museum of Fine Arts.
= .
* Historical Museum.
= .


Museum of Natural History.


Open-air museum.

= .
* Open from... to...
= ... ...
* Technical Museum.
= .
* Town Hall.
= .
* University.
= .
* Zoological gardens (Zoo).
= .
* Guidebook.
* Information.
= .
* Souvenirs.
= .
* Public notices.
= .
* Admission...
= .
* Admission free.
= .
* Bathing not allowed.
= !
* Beware of card sharpers.
= !
* Beware of pickpockets.
= !
* Beware of the dog.
= ! .
* Cycling forbidden.
= .
* Caretaker (janitor).
= . .
* Closed.

= .
* Closed from... to...
= ... ...
* Closed on Sundays and Holidays.
= .
* Danger of fire.
= !
* Do not feed the animals.
= .
* Drive slowly.
= .
* Emergency exit.
= .
* Employees only.
= .
* Engaged.
= .
* Entrance.
= .
* Exit.
= .
* For hire.
= .
* For sale.
= .
* Furnished rooms to let (rent).
= .
* Gentlemen.
= ().
* Information.
= .
* Interpreter.
= .
* Keep off the grass.
= .
* Ladies.
= .
* Look out
= !
* Men.
= .
* No anchorage.
= .

* No admittance.
= !
* No admittance except on business.
= .
* No trespassing.
= .
* Open from... to...
= ... ...
* Pedestrians.
= .
* Poison. For external use only.
= ! .
* Private property.
= .
* Pull.
= .
* Push.
= .
* Reserved.
= , .
* Reserved seat.
= .
* Reserved table.
= .
* Smoking, 1/ no smoking.
= , 1/ .
* Stopping place (trams and buses).
= ( ).
* To the boats (trains).
= ().
* To the left.
= .
* To the right.
= .
* Turn off the lights.
= () !
* Vacant
= ().
* Waiting room.
= .
* Wet paint.

= , !
* Amusements.
= .
* Theatre box office,
= .
* 1/ Program, 3/ admission ticket, 3/ cloakroom ticket
= 1/ , 2/ , 3/ .
* Plan of the theatre.
= .
* Theatre foyer.
= .
* Opera (entrance).
= ().
* Light opera.
= .
* Play. drama.
= . .
* Revue. vaudeville.
= .
* Concert.
= .
* Symphony orchestra.
= .
* Ballet dancing.
= .
* Public dance hall.
= .
* Dance restaurant.
= .
* Tea-room with music.
= .
* Night club and bar.
= .
* Cinema (motion pictures).
= .
* Amusemcnt park.
= .
* Botanical gardens.
= .
* Circus.
= .

* Aquarium.
= .
* Reptile house.
= .
* Zoological gardens.
= .
* Games, etc.
= .
* Table tennis (ping-pong).
= -.
* Miniature golf.
= .
* Chess.
= .
* Draughts (Checkers).
= .
* Dominoes.
= .
* 1/ Dice. 2/ dice shaker.
= 1/ , 2/ .
* Billiards.
= .
* Card paying. Bridge.
= . .
* Television receiver.
= .
* Wireless set (Radio).
= .
* Gramophone (portable).
= .
* 1/ Gramophone record, 2/ needles.
= 1/ , 2/ .

= ().
* want to reserve 1/... seats, 2/ sleeping accommodation,
in the plane leaving on... from... to...
= : 1/ (),
2/ () ... () ...
* What type of plane is it, and how many passengers does it carry?

= ?
* How much luggage is each passenger allowed to take?
= ; ?
* What is the charge for excess luggage?
= ?
* Does the plane go direct to...?
= ...?
* Will I have to change planes during the trip?
= ?
* How much is the fare for 1/ a child under 12 years,
2/ an infant under two years?
= :
1/ , 2/ ?
* Are 1/ refreshments, 2/ sandwiches, 3/ meals, served during the trip?
= : 1/ ,
2/ , / ?
* What is the best way to get to the aerodrome?
= ?
* A special motor coach (bus) leaves this office at... o'clock and takes you
to the aerodrome.
= ... ()
* What time does the plane 1/ leave, 2/ arrive at... ?
= (): 1/ , 2/ .
* Please step over here to get weighed.
= , , .
* Examination of tickets and passports.
= .
* Kindly give me some cotton wool for my ears.
= , , .
* Can you recommend anything for air-sickness?
= -
* How fast and at what altitude are we flying?
= ?
* European passenger service.
= .
* A four engined passenger plane.
= .
* The passenger seats in a day plane.
= .

* Reclining chairs in the lounge.

= .
* Restaurant service.
= .
* Pullman sleeper: 1/ lower , berth, 2/ upper berth.
= : 1/ ,
2/ ,
* Bar and refreshment service.
= .
* Wash room.
= .
* Map showing the more important flying centres in Europe
connecting with the international air lines.
= ,
* 1/ Landplane, 2/ hydroplane, 3/ helicopter (autogyro),
4/ flying boat (amphibian), 5/ monoplane, 6/ biplane.
= 1/ .
2/ , 3/ (),
4/ -, 5/ , 6/ .
* 1/ Single-engine plane, 2/ double-motor,
3/ three-motor, 4/ four-motor.
= 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* Aviation terms.
= .
* Aerodrome, airport.
= .
* Airman, aviator.
= .
* Air-pocket.
= .
* Altitude.
= .
* Ascent, climb.
= .
* Long-distance flight.
= .
* Non-stop flight
= .
* Fly.


Fly over,
Landing, on sea.
Landing ground.
To pick up speed.
To lose speed.
To take oft.

= .
* Ocean flying service.
= .
* A land plane flying long distance routes,
1/ Motors,
2/ direction finding aerial,
3/ navigator and pilots cabin,

3/ radio room,
5/ saloon and smoking cabin,
6/ mail, freight and baggage,
7/ kitchen,
8/ wash room,
9/ office,
10/ pullman sleeping berths.
= () : 1/ ,
2/ -,
3/ ,
4/ -,
5/ ,
6/ , .
7/ ,
8/ ,
9/ ,
10/ .
* Map of the world showing some of the important air-routes.
* An airport for the large Atlantic planes,
1/ Start and landing runways, 2/ start and landing of sea-planes.
= (),
1/ ,
2/ .
* Around the world route.
= .
* Sectional view of an ocean flying boat,
1/ Navigator and pilot, 2/ air cooled motors, 3/ radio operator,
4/ mail sorting compartment, 5/ freight, mail and baggage,
6/ passenger cabins, 7/ wash room, 8/ kitchen, 9/ smoking room, 10/ floats.
= :
1/ ,
2/ ,
3/ ,
4/ ,
5/ , ,
6/ ,
7/ ,
8/ ,
9/ ,

10/ .

= ().
* want to reserve 1/... seats, 2/ sleeping accommodation,
in the plane leaving on... from... to...
= : 1/ (),
2/ () ... () ...
* What type of plane is it, and how many passengers does it carry?
= ?
* How much luggage is each passenger allowed to take?
= ; ?
* What is the charge for excess luggage?
= ?
* Does the plane go direct to...?
= ...?
* Will I have to change planes during the trip?
= ?
* How much is the fare for 1/ a child under 12 years,
2/ an infant under two years?
= :
1/ , 2/ ?
* Are 1/ refreshments, 2/ sandwiches, 3/ meals, served during the trip?
= : 1/ ,
2/ , / ?
* What is the best way to get to the aerodrome?
= ?
* A special motor coach (bus) leaves this office at... o'clock and takes you
to the aerodrome.
= ... ()
* What time does the plane 1/ leave, 2/ arrive at... ?
= (): 1/ , 2/ .
* Please step over here to get weighed.
= , , .
* Examination of tickets and passports.
= .
* Kindly give me some cotton wool for my ears.

= , , .
* Can you recommend anything for air-sickness?
= -
* How fast and at what altitude are we flying?
= ?
* European passenger service.
= .
* A four engined passenger plane.
= .
* The passenger seats in a day plane.
= .
* Reclining chairs in the lounge.
= .
* Restaurant service.
= .
* Pullman sleeper: 1/ lower , berth, 2/ upper berth.
= : 1/ ,
2/ ,
* Bar and refreshment service.
= .
* Wash room.
= .
* Map showing the more important flying centres in Europe
connecting with the international air lines.
= ,
* 1/ Landplane, 2/ hydroplane, 3/ helicopter (autogyro),
4/ flying boat (amphibian), 5/ monoplane, 6/ biplane.
= 1/ .
2/ , 3/ (),
4/ -, 5/ , 6/ .
* 1/ Single-engine plane, 2/ double-motor,
3/ three-motor, 4/ four-motor.
= 1/ ,
2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* Aviation terms.
= .
* Aerodrome, airport.
= .


Airman, aviator.
Ascent, climb.
Long-distance flight.
Non-stop flight
Fly over,
Landing, on sea.
Landing ground.
To pick up speed.


To lose speed.
To take oft.

= .
* Ocean flying service.
= .
* A land plane flying long distance routes,
1/ Motors,
2/ direction finding aerial,
3/ navigator and pilots cabin,
3/ radio room,
5/ saloon and smoking cabin,
6/ mail, freight and baggage,
7/ kitchen,
8/ wash room,
9/ office,
10/ pullman sleeping berths.
= () : 1/ ,
2/ -,
3/ ,
4/ -,
5/ ,
6/ , .
7/ ,
8/ ,
9/ ,
10/ .
* Map of the world showing some of the important air-routes.
* An airport for the large Atlantic planes,
1/ Start and landing runways, 2/ start and landing of sea-planes.
= (),
1/ ,
2/ .
* Around the world route.
= .
* Sectional view of an ocean flying boat,

1/ Navigator and pilot, 2/ air cooled motors, 3/ radio operator,

4/ mail sorting compartment, 5/ freight, mail and baggage,
6/ passenger cabins, 7/ wash room, 8/ kitchen, 9/ smoking room, 10/ floats.
= :
1/ ,
2/ ,
3/ ,
4/ ,
5/ , ,
6/ ,
7/ ,
8/ ,
9/ ,
10/ .


= .
* A triangle sign is a danger warning.
= : .
* School/
= .
* Ferry.
= .
* Drawbridge.
= .
* Roadwork going on.
= ! .
* End of "right-of-way" road.
= .
* Unguarded railway crossing.
= .
* Railway crossing with gates.
= .
* Crossroads. Danger.
= 0 .
* Dangerous curves.
= 0 .
* Bumpy road. Drive slowly.
= . .
* Crossing main thoroughfare.

= .
* Round sign with red border indicates something forbidden.
= - .
* Closed road.
= .
* One-way street (road).
= .
* Do not stop. Keep going.
= , .
* Parking forbidden.
= .
* Thickly populated community.
= .
* Driving directions.
= .
* Drive to the right (left) of this sign.
= ().
* No overtaking.
= .
* Rotating traffic.
= ().
* Customs. Stop.
= ! .
* Height limit/
= .
* Width limit
= .
* Weight limit.
= .
* Speed limit
= .
* Signaling forbidden.
= .
* No thoroughfare.
= !
* Stop line.
= !
* Pedestrians cross here.
= .

* Meeting place.
= .
* Parking place.
= .
* Light signals:
1/ stop (red), 2/ change of signal (yellow), 3/ go (green).
= :
1/ (), 2/ ().
3/ ().
* First aid station.
= .
* Road map.
= .
* Road directions.
= .
* Main road with "right-of-way".
= .
* Main road.
= .
* Private road.
= .
* Nationality signs on motor cars.
= .

= .
* Terms of politeness.
= .
* Good morning.
= !
* Good afternoon.
= !
* Good evening.
= !
* Good night.
= !
* Good-bye.

= !
* Good day.
= !
* So long.
= , !
* See you later.
= , .
* How do you do Mr ..., Mrs .., Miss ...
= , ... ... I
* I am so glad you came. (Welcome.)
= !
* I am glad you could come.
= !
* I am very glad to see you.
= .
* I am pleased to meet you.
= .
* It is nice to be here.
= .
* How are you?
= ?
* Quite well, thank you.
= , !
* I am pleased to hear it.
= .
* You are very kind.
= .
* I am very much obliged to you.
= .
* I am (very) sorry.
= !
* I beg your pardon.
= !
* With pleasure.
= !
* Excuse me.
= !
* Please.
= !
* If you please.
= ...
* Remember me to...
= ...

* Give my kind regards to...

= ...
* That is all right.
= .
* Don't mention it
= .
* Do you mind my smoking?
= , ?
* Will you accompany me to...?
= ... ?
* I hope I am not intruding?
= , ?
* May I trouble you for a match?
= ?
* Thank you very much.
= !
* Will you do me a favour?
= ?
* Hope to see you again soon.
= .
* Give my love to...
= ...
* Hearty congratulations.
* Many happy returns of the day.
= .
* A merry Christmas. A happy New Year.
= ! !
* Thank you, the same to you.
= .
* Here's to you!
= !
* Introductions and invitations.
= .
* Allow me to introduce ...
= ...
* This is my friend,...
= ...
* This is Mr..... Mrs...., Miss...

= ... ...
* Allow me to introduce myself, my name is...
= ... ...
* I will give you my card.
= .
* Can I offer you 1/ a cigarette, 2/ a cigar, 3/ a drink, 4/ some fruit?
= : 1/ , 2/,
3/ - , 4/ ?
* Come and have 1/ breakfast, 2/ lunch, 3/ dinner (supper),
4/ supe, with us (me).
= ( ):
1/ , 2/, 3/ , 4/ .
* Will you have some 1/ coffee, 2/ tea?
= : 1/ , 2/ ?
* Will you be my guest?
= ?
* Come to my home.
= .
* We will meet at my hotel.
= .
* Let us go to a nice restaurant.
= .
* Thank you, that will be very nice.
= ! .
* This is a beautiful place.
= .
* I will write down your name - how do you spell it?
= . ?
* What is your address and telephone number?
= ?
* Would you like to go with me to 1/ a cinema,
2/ a theatre, 3/ an opera, 4/ a revue (vaudeville),
5/ a musical show?
= : 1/ , 2/ ,
3/ , 4/ , 5/ ?
* I will get the tickets.
= .
* I will book the tickets in advance.
= .
* Let us go to a dance to-night.
= ?

* I should like to dance.

= .
* Let us dance again.
= , .
* Will you come with me for a walk?
= ?
* May I have the pleasure of your company?
= ?
* May I see you home?
= ?
* Some everyday questions.
= .
* Where are you going?
= ?
* Where 'ban I post these letters?
= ?
* Where can I get some postage stamps?
= ?
* Could you please tell me the time?
= , ?
* Is that clock right?
= >?
* Is this the way to...?
= () ...?
* Kindly direct me how to get to...
= , , ... ?
* Can I go by 1/ bus, 2/ tram (street car), 3/ underground?
= :
1/ , 2/, 3/ ?
* When is the best time to 1/ come, 2/ meet, 3/ telephone?
= :
1/ , 2/ , 3/ ?
* Is it time to go?
= ?
* How long does it take?
= ?
* How long must I wait?
= ?
* How soon?
= ?
* How much?
= ?
* Are you very busy?

= ?
* When is it open?
= ?
* May I speak to you a moment?
= ?
* What do you want?
= ?
* What do you mean?
= ?

What did you say?

What is the matter?
What is that for?
What have I to pay?
Are you ready?
Where is the ladies' (gentlemen's) toilet?
? ( ?)
Some everyday sayings.
All right.
1 understand.
I don't understand.
I think so.
I believe so.
I don't think so.

* I insist upon it.

= .
* I see.
= .
* I know.
= .
* 1 don't know.
= .
* I am sure.
= .
* I am glad.
= .
* I am sorry.
= .
* I am ready.
= .
* 1 am busy.
= .
* I must go.
= .
* I am hungry.
= .
* I want something to eat.
= .
* I am thirsty.
= .
* I want something to drink.
= - .
* I am tired.
= .
* 1 want to rest.
= .
* It is late.
= .
* I want to go to bed.
= .
* Let us go for a walk.
= .
* I have something to tell you.
= - .
* I have lost my ...
= (, ) ...
* I will give you my address.


Here is my card.
Don't forget.
I promise you.

= .
* Wait a minute, please.
= ?
* Tell him (her) to wait.
= .
* Come here, please.
= , !
* As soon as possible.
= .
* Bring me...
= ...
* We are in a hurry.
= .
* 1 prefer to take a taxi.
= .
* Please drive me to...
= , () ...
* Call a taxi.
= .
* Speak slowly.
= .
* Not so fast, go slower.
= , () .
* Keep straight on.
= () .
* To the right.
= .
* Then to the left.
= .
* Please 1/ open (close) the door,
2/ open (shut) the window, 3/ draw the curtain, 4/ pull down the blind.
= : 1/ () ,
2/ () , 3/ ,
4/ .
* 1 want a messenger to deliver this to...

= , ...
* I want a boy to go on an errand.
= - .
* Visiting.
= .
* Does Mr. (Miss, Mrs.)... live here?
= (), () ...?
* Is he (she) at home?
= ( )?
* I have a letter of introduction from..;
= ... ?
* He (she) is a good friend of mine.
= () .
* Here is my card.
= .
* I have known him for a long time.
= .
* His (her) friends are always welcome.
= ().
* Will you spend a few days with us?
= ?
* That will be a pleasure.
= !
* I will introduce you to my family.
= .
* hope you will feel at home with us.
= , .
* Would you like to go to a theatre or some other place of amusement
- ?
* I would prefer to go and see a good film.
= .
* At what time shall I be ready?
= ?
* What shall I wear?
= ?
* Where and at what time shall we meet?
= ?
* Will you call for me at the hotel?
= .


What time shall we be back?

I had a wonderful time.
Thank you for a wonderful evening.
I have enjoyed your company very much.
When will I see you again?

= ?
* Terms of address.
= .
* Sir.
= ().
* Gentlemen.
= ().
* Madam.
= ().
* Ladies.
= .
* Your Excellency.
= .
* Mister, Mr.
= .
* Messieurs, Messrs.
= .
* Mistress, Mrs.
= .
* Miss.
= .
* Relatives.
= .
* The family.
= .
* Father.
= .
* Mother.
* Sister.
= .
* Brother.

= .
* Husband.
= .
* Wife.
= .
* Son.
= .
* Daughter.
= .
* Aunt.
= .
* Uncle.
= .
* Cousin.
= , .
* Married.
= . .
* Single.
= , .
* Married couple.
* Daughter-in-law.
= .
* Son-in-law.
= .
* Grandfather.
= .
* Grandmother.
= .
* Grandchild.
= .
* Bridge.
= .
* Do you play bridge?
= ?
* Contract or auction bridge?
= - ?
* Would you like to join us fa a game?
= ?
* With pleasure, but I am no! a good player.
= , .

* We will draw for partners.

= .
* Are the cards shuffled?
= ?
* Please cut the cards.
= , .
* It is your deal.
= .
* You open the bidding.
= .
* No bid. Pass.
= .
* Two clubs.
= .
* Two diamonds.
= .
* Three hearts.
= .
* Three spades.
= .
* Three no trumps.
= .
* Double.
= .
* Redouble.
= .
* It is your lead.
= .
* Dummy.
= .
* You went down... tricks.
= ...
* We made... tricks.
= ... (),
* Little slam.
= .
* Grand slam.
= .
* Game.
= .
* Rubber.
= .
* What is the score?,

= ?
* Honours: ace, king, queen, jack and ten.
= : , , , , .
* Trick values.
= .
* Vulnerable.
= .
* Penalties.
= ... (.)
* Counters.
= .
* Score-card.
= .
* Revoke.
= .
* Convention.
= .
* Discard.
= .

The weather.
What is the weather like today?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
It is a beautiful day.
It is fine weather.
The weather is terrible.
The weather is none too good.
It is very warm (hot).
A warm breeze is blowing.
It is chilly (cold).
It is very cold.

* How cold is it?

= ?
* How warm is it?
= ?
* It is raining (rain).
= . ().
* It has stopped raining.
= .
* It is going to clear up.
= .
* It is snowing (snow).
= ().
* It is hailing (hail).
= ().
* It is windy (wind, breeze).
= (, ).
* It is stormy (storm).
= .
* There is a heavy gale.
= .
* It is misty (mist, fog).
= ().
* It is overcast (cloudy).
= .
* It is calm.
= .
* It is thundering and lightning.
= .
* A thunderstorm is coming.
= .
* The sun rise (sunrise).
= ( ).
* The sun sets (sunset).
= ( ).
* There is moonlight to-night.
= .
* The stars are shining.
= .
* The wind is from the
1/ north, 2/ south, 3/ east, 4/ west.
= : 1/ , 2/ , 3/ , 4/ .
* The time.
= .


What time is it?

What is the exact time?
It is ten past seven (7:10).
It is a quarter past eight (8:15).
It has just struck ten (10).

= (10.00).
* It is half past eleven (11:30)
= (11.30).
* It will soon be twelve o'clock
= .
* It is twenty minutes to one (12:40)
= (12.40).
* It is thirteen (one) o'clock.
= . ().
* It is exactly twenty-two (ten) o'clock
= . ().
* The clock has just struck twelve (midnight or twenty-four o'clock).
( ).
* The day.
= .
* Morning.
= .
* Forenoon, a. m.
= .
* Noon.
= .
* Afternoon, p. m.
= .
* Evening.
* Night.
= .
* Midnight.
= .

* Early.
= .
* Late.
= .
* The days of the week.
= .
* Sunday.
= .
* Monday.
= .
* Tuesday.
= .
* Wednesday.
= .
* Thursday.
= .
* Friday
= .
* Saturday.
= .
* The months, holidays etc.
= , . .
* January.
= .
* February.
= .
* March.
= .
* April.
= .
* May.
= .
* June.
= .
* July.
= .
* August.
= .
* September.

= .
* October.
= .
* November.
= .
* December.
= .
* To-day.
= .
* To-morrow.
= .
* Yesterday.
= .
* The day before.
= .
* The day after.
= .
* Next day.
= .
* Next week.
= .
* Next year.
= .
* A fortnight
= .
* Spring.
= .
* Summer.
= .
* Autumn.
= .
* Winter.
= .
* Century.
= ().
* Seasons.
= .
* Leap-year.
= .
* Anniversary.
= .

* Birthday.
= .
* All Saints Day.
= .
* Ascension Day.
= .
* Christmas Eve.
= .
* Christmas Day.
= .
* Easter.
= .
* Easter Sunday.
= .
* Good Friday.
= .
* Lent
= .
* Palm Sunday.
= .
* Whitsuntide.
= .

= .
* The cardinals.
* 0 Nought.
= 0 .
* 1 One.
= 1 .
* 2 Two.
= 2 .
* 3 Three.
= 3 .
* 4 Four.
= 4 .
* 5 Five.
= 5 .
* 6 Six.

= 6 .
* 7 Seven.
= 7 .
* 8 Eight.
= 8 .
* 9 Nine.
= 9 .
* 10 Ten.
= 10 .
* 11 Eleven.
= 11 .
* 12 Twelve.
= 12 .
* 13 Thirteen.
= 13 .
* 14 Fourteen.
= 14 .
* 15 Fifteen.
= 15 .
* 16 Sixteen.
= 16 .
* 17 Seventeen.
= 17 .
* 18 Eighteen.
= 18 .
* 19 Nineteen.
= 19 .
* 20 Twenty.
= 20 .
* 21 Twenty-one.
= 21 .
* 22 Twenty-two.
= 22 .
* 23 Twenty-three.
= 23 .
* 24 Twenty-four.
= 24 .
* 25 Twenty-five.
= 25 .
* 26 Twenty-six.
= 26 .
* 27 Twenty-seven.
= 27 .

* 28 Twenty-eight
= 28 .
* 29 Twenty-nine.
= 29 .
* 30 Thirty.
= 30 .
* 40 Forty.
= 40 .
* 50 Fifty.
= 50 .
* 60 Sixty.
= 60 .
* 70 Seventy.
= 70 .
* 80 Eighty.
= 80 .
* 90 Ninety.
= 90 .
* 100 One hundred.
= 100 .
* 155 One hundred and fifty-five.
= 155 .
* 1000 One thousand,
= 1000 .
* 2360 Two thousand three hundred and sixty.
= 2360 .
* 250000 Two hundred and fifty thousand.
= 260000 .
* 1000000 One million.
= 1000000 .
* 1/2 One half.
= 1/2 .
* 1/3 One third.
= 1/3 ( ).
* 1/4 One fourth (quarter).
= 1/4 ( ).
* 1/5 One fifth.
= 1/5 .
* 3/6 Three sixths.

= 3/6 .
* The ordinals.
= .
* 1st The first.
= 1 (, ).
* 2nd The second.
= 2 (, ).
* 3rd The third.
= 3 (, ).
* 4th The fourth.
= 4 (, ).
* 5th The fifth.
= 5 (, ).
* 6th The sixth.
= 6 (, ).
* 7th The seventh.
= 7 (, ).
* 8th The eighth.
= 8 (, ).
* 9th The ninth.
= 9 (, ).
* 10th The tenth,
= 10 (, ).
* 11lth The eleventh.
= 11 (, ).
* 12th The twelfth.
= 12 (, ).
* 13th The thirteenth.
= 13 (, ).
* 14th The fourteenth.
= 14 (, ).
* 15th The fifteenth.
= 15 (, ).
* 16th The sixteenth.
= 16 (, ).
* 17th The seventeenth.
= 17 (, ).
* 18th The eighteenth.
= 18 (, ).
* 19th The nineteenth.
= 19 (, ).
* 20th The twentieth.


20 (, ).
21st The twenty-first.
21 (, ).
30th The thirtieth.
30 (, ).
40th The fortieth.
40 (, ).
50th The fiftieth.
50 (, ).
60th The sixtieth.
60 (, ).
70th The seventieth.
70 (, ).
80th The eightieth.
80 (, ).
90th The ninetieth.
90 (, ).
100th The one hundredth.

= 100 (, ).
* Measures of weight.
= .
* 1 Ounce (oz.)
* 1 Pound (lb.)
* 1 Stone (st.)
= 14 . .
* 1 Hundredweight (cwt.)
* 1 Short ton
= (.)
* 1 Long ton
= (.) .
* 1 Gramme (grm.)
* 1 Hectogram (hg.)

- 16 oz.
- 14 lb.

- 28.350 grammes.
- 0.45359 kg.
- 6.350 kg.

- 112 lb.

- 50.802 kg.

- 2,000 lb.

- 907.185 kg.

- 2,240 lb.

- 1,016.047 kg.

- 0.001 kg.

- 0.03527 oz.

- 0.1 kg.

- 3.52740 oz.

* 1 Kilogram (kg.)
* 1 Metric ton

- 1,000 kg.

- 2.20462 lb.
- 2,204.622 lb.

* Measures of length.
* 1 Inch (in.)
* 1 Foot (ft.)
* 1 Yard (yd.)
* 1 Furlong (fur.)
= = 220
* 1 Statute mile
* 1 Sea mile (or knot)
* 1 Millimetre (mm.)
* 1 Centimetre (cm.)
* 1 Decimetre (dm.)
* 1 Metre (m.)
* 1 Kilometre (km.)

- 2.540 cm.

-12 inches

- 30.480 cm.

-3 feet

- 0.9144 m.

- 220 yards

- 201.168 m.

- 1,760 yards

- 1,609347 m.

- 1353.2 m.

- 1.1516 stat. mile.

- 0.001 m.

- 0.03937 inches.

- 0.01 m.

- 039370 inches.

- 0.1 m.

- 3.93701 inches.

- 1.09361 yards.

- 1,000 m.

- 0.62137 stat. mile.

* Square measures.
* 1 Square inch (sq. in.)
* 1 Square foot (sq. ft.)
* 1 Square yard (sq. yd.)
* 1 Acre
* 1 Square mile, statute

- 6.45159 sq. cm.

- 144 sq. inches

- 9.29028 sq. dm.

- 9 sq. feet

- 033613 sq. m.

- 4.840 sq. yards

- 0.40468 hectare.

- 640 acres

- 258.99824 hectares.


1 Square centimetre (sq. cm.)

1 Square decimetre (sq. dm.) - 100 sq. cm.

1 Square metre (sq. m.)
- 100 sq. dm.

1 Hectare (100 ares)
- 10,000 sq. m.

- 0.15500 sq. inches.

- 15.5001 sq. inches.

- 10.7639 sq. feet.
- 2.47106 acres.

= (100 )
* Cubic measures.
* 1 Cubic inch (cub. in.) .
* 1 Cubic foot (cub. ft.)
- 1,728 cub. inches
* 1 Cubic yard (cub. yd.)
- 27 cub. feet
* 1 Cubic centimetre (cub. cm.)
* 1 Cubic decimetre (cub. dm.) - 1,000 cub. cm.
* 1 Cubic metre (cub. m.)
- 1,000 cub. dm

- 163870 cub. cm.

- 0.02832 cub. m.
- 0.764553 cub. m.
- 0.06102 cub. inches.
- 61.02394 cub. inches.
- 3531477 cub. feet.

* Measures of capacity.
* 1 Imperial quart
= ()
* 1 U. S. quart
= ()
* 1 Imperial gallon
= ()
* 1 U. S. gallon
= ()
* 1 Litre ( l.)

- 2 Imp. pints

- 1.136 litre.

- 2 U. S. pints

- 0.946 litre

- 4 Imp. quarts

- 4.546 litres.

- 4 U. S. quarts

- 3.785 litres.

- 0.220 Imp. gallon - 0.2642 U. S. gallon,

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