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Pretty women wonder where my secret lles.

l'm not cute or bullt to sult u fushlon
model's slze
8ut when l sturt to tell them,
1hey thlnk l'm telllng lles.
l suy,
lt's ln the reuch of my urms,
1he sµun of my hlµs,
1he strlde of my steµ,
1he curl of my llµs.
l'm u womun
Phenomenul womun,
1hut's me.
l wulk lnto u room
'ust us cool us you µleuse,
And to u mun,
1he fellows stund or
lull down on thelr knees.
1hen they swurm uround me,
A hlve of honey bees.
l suy,
lt's the fre ln my eyes,
And the fush of my teeth,
1he swlng ln my wulst,
And the joy ln my feet.
l'm u womun
Phenomenul womun,
1hut's me.
Maya Angelou, ºÞhenomenal Woman" from And SLlll l 8lse. Copy-
rlghL ©1978 by Maya Angelou. used by permlsslon of 8andom
Pouse, lnc.
Men themselves huve wondered
vhut they see ln me.
1hey try so much
8ut they cun't touch
My lnner mystery.
vhen l try to show them,
1hey suy they stlll cun't see.
l suy,
lt's ln the urch of my buck,
1he sun of my smlle,
1he rlde of my breusts,
1he gruce of my style.
l'm u womun
Phenomenul womun,
1hut's me.
Now you understund
'ust why my heud's not bowed.
l don't shout or jumµ ubout
Cr huve to tulk reul loud.
vhen you see me µusslng,
lt ought to muke you µroud.
l suy,
lt's ln the cllck of my heels,
1he bend of my hulr,
the µulm of my hund,
1he need for my cure.
'Cuuse l'm u womun
Phenomenul womun,
1hut's me.
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One oj the most
renowned and
ìnµuentìal voìces oj
our tìme. She has
receìved over ¡o
honorary degrees
and ìs 8eynolds
Projessor oj
Amerìcan Studìes
at Wake forest
Dr. Angelou's
words and actìons
contìnue to stìr our
souls, energìze our
bodìes, lìberate
our mìnds, and
heal our hearts.

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