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William W. Atkinson [Yogi Ramacharaka] Textos como W. W.

Atkinson en castellano 1900 - El xito en los negocios y en la vida [Thought Force In Business and Everyd ay Life] Versin E.H. 1906 - La ley de atraccin en el mundo del pensamiento [Thought Vibration or the L aw of Attraction in the Thought World] 1907 - La fuerza de la inteligencia [The Secret of Mental Magic] 1908 - El secreto del xito [The Secret of Success] 1909 - Concete [New Psychology Its Message, Principles and Practice] 1909 - El trabajo mental [The Subconscious and the Superconscious planes of mind ] 1909 - Quiere y podrs [The Will: It's Nature, Power and Development] 1910 - La ciencia de la palabra [The Art of Expression and the Principles of the Discourse] 1910 - La Psicologa del xito [The Psychology of Success, or, Mental Paths to Power ] 1912 - La magia mental [Mind-power; the secret of mental magic] 1912 - La clave de los negocios [The Psychology of Salesmenship] 1915 - Las fuerzas ocultas [Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion] 1922 - El poder de la voluntad [Will Power, or, Your Dynamic Forces] Texto escri to en colaboracin con Edward E. Beals. 1922 - El poder regenerador [Regenerative Power, or, Vital Rejuvenation] Escrito junto a Edward E. Beals s/d - La perfeccin de la raza

Textos como Yogi Ramacharaka en castellano 1903 - La ciencia de la respiracin [The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath. A complete manual of the oriental breathing philosophy of physical, mental, psychic and spi ritual development ] 1904 - Hatha Yoga [Hatha Yoga or the Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being] 1905 - Catorce lecciones de Filosofa Yogi y Ocultismo Oriental [Fourteen lessons in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism]

1905 - Curso adelantado de Filosofa Yogui y Ocultismo Oriental [Advanced Course i n Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism] 1906 - Serie de lecciones sobre Raja Yoga [A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga] 1906 - La medicina psquica [The science of psychic healing] 1907 - Serie de lecciones sobre Gnani Yoga [A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga] 1907 - Bhagavad Gita: el mensaje del Maestro [Bhagavad Gita or The Message of th e Master] 1908 - Cristianismo mstico [Mystic christianity or the inner teachings of the mas ter] 1909 - Sistema hind de la cura por el agua [The Hindu-Yogi system of practical wa ter cure: as practiced in India and other oriental countries] 1909 - Religiones y filosofas de la India [The Inner Teachings of the Philosophie s and Religions of India] 1912 - Vida despus de la muerte [Life Beyond Death]

Textos como Magus Incognito en castellano 1918 - La Doctrina Secreta de los Rosacruces [The secret doctrine of the Rosicru cians]

Textos como uno de los "Tres Iniciados" en castellano 1908 - El Kybalin [The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy]

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