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Below is a free essay on "Stress Management" from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays,

and term paper examples. Discuss a number of resilience techniques an individual may practise in order to manage stress Stress can be defined as a physical or mental reaction experienced by the body, within any situation in which an individual may feel threatened or under immense pressure, (Weiten, 2010 ). The concept of stress can be seen in two perspectives negative and positive, elements of positive stress are perceived to be good for individuals as they can act like a motivating factor, helping individuals to achieve their objectives. Accordingly, professional sports player Tiger Woods further exemplified this feeling when speaking about playing competitive golf, The day Im not nervous is the day I quit Thats the greatest thing about it, just to feel that rush. (Michael, 2012) On the other hand, negative stress puts a lot of strain on the human body affecting it physically (Meich, 2002). Those situations that can induce stress are often referred as stressors; these can cover an entire series of circumstances from being physically threatened to starting a new job. According to a recent report conducted by the Health and Safety Executive 6.5 million sick days are being taken by people each year in the UK due to stress and stress related illnesses (Trance Maker Limited, 2001 & 2002). The following essay will explore a range of stress coping mechanisms that could be utilised in attempt to help improve the lifestyles of individuals suffering from stress. The term coping has been explained by Susan Folkman and Richard Lazarus as "constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands that are appraised as taxing, (Cummings, 1991). 2009). The stressed individual may be affected physically and could suffer from the following symptoms: the rise in blood pressure which may lead to... If the individual does not practice any type of stress relief, the stress could consequently affect their health physically, (Michael Olpin,

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