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Dnde se gradu? Cundo comenz su primer trabajo? Cul es su empresa actual? Qu tipo de empresa es?

Cunto tiempo ha trabajado con ellos? Cul es su experiencia? Cul es su puesto actual? Cundo lo nombraron Gerente de Ventas? Cules son sus responsabilidades? Cules son sus pretensiones? Cules considera que son sus fortalezas y debilidades? Quisiera hacer alguna pregunta?
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Where did you get your degree? When did you start your first job? What is your present company? What kind of company is it? How long have you been with them? What's your background? Which is your present position? When were you appointed Sales Manager? What are you responsible for? Which are your salary expectations? What do you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses? Would you like to make any question?

The following vocabulary can help you give a better impression on your CV or during the interview: El siguiente vocabulario podr ayudarte a causar una mejor impresin en tu CV o durante la entrevista:
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postulante postularse para pgina de empleos carrera empleador experiencia consultor (caza talentos) contratar entrevista - entrevistar entrevistado

applicant apply for appointments page career employer experience headhunter hire interview interviewee

plicant apli for apintments pish karer emplier eksprians jed-jnter jiar nterviu interviu

entrevistador puesto de trabajo solicitud de empleo capacidad de organizacin ascenso reclutar personal referencias lista de preseleccionados preseleccionado postulante elegido espritu de equipo trabajo en equipo entrenamiento

interviewer job = position application = cover letter organisational skills promotion recruit references shortlist shortlisted successful candidate team spirit team work training

nterviuer jb = posshn aplikishn = cver lter organisishonal skils promushn recrt rferencis shrt-list short-lstit sakssful cndidet tim sprit tm urk trinin

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During the interview remember to use "discourse markers" (small words and phrases whose job is to organise your conversation and make it more interesting). Here you have some examples: Durante la entrevista recuerda utilizar "marcadores discursivos" (vocablos que te permiten organizar tu conversacin y hacerla ms interesante). Aqu tienes algunos ejemplos:
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En primer lugar... En verdad... / Para serle franco... Djeme pensar... (para ganar tiempo) Por ejemplo... Eso me recuerda.../ Ahora recuerdo que... Como deca... (luego de una interrupcin) Por as decirlo... Si Ud. quiere saber qu pienso...

First of all... To tell you the truth... / To be honest... Let me see... (to gain time) For example... / For instance... That reminds me.../ Come to think of it... As I was saying... (after an interruption) So to speak... If you ask me... / If you want my opinion...

En lo que a m respecta... En pocas palabras... / En resumen...

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As far as I'm concerned... In other words... / In conclusion


The following introductory ideas may also help you express your thoughts during the interview: Las siguientes ideas introductorias tambin pueden ayudarte a expresar tus pensamientos durante la entrevista:
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Actualmente soy responsable de... En el organigrama de la empresa, mi puesto actual es... Tuve un entrenamiento de tres meses en... Estoy familiarizado con Office 2000 y Windows 98 Estoy acostumbrado a trabajar bajo presin... No tengo inconvenientes en ser trasladado a... Pero no estoy dispuesto a radicarme en el exterior... Pienso que este es un puesto ms desafiante... Este es un entorno ms estimulante... Mis pretensiones estn en el orden de... Presiento que puedo ser el candidato ideal porque...

I'm presently responsible for... In the company's chart my current position is... I've had a three-month training period in... I'm familiar with Office 2000 and Windows 98 I'm used to working under pressure... I've no problems in being relocated to... But I'm not willing to live abroad... I think this is a more challenging position... This is a more stimulating environment... My salary expectations are about... I feel I could be the right candidate because...

No se deben confundir work y job ya que work es incontable y job es contable: Luisa encontr un nuevo trabajo en el club. Luisa found a new work (a job) at the club. Employment es ms formal que work y job, y se refiere a la condicin de los que tienen empleo: Hoy en da la mayora de la gente tiene trabajos de media jornada. Nowadays most people are in a part-time employment.

Occupation se usa para completar solicitudes de empleo: Profesin: contador. Occupation: accountant. Profession se refiere a trabajos que exigen carreras universitarias: La profesin legal. The legal profession. Trade se usa para designar oficios que requieren formacin especial: Mark es electricista mecnico de profesin. Mark is a mechanic electrician by trade.

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abogado (genrico) abogado (asesor legal, acta en tribunales inferiores) abogado (acta en todos los tribunales) abogado defensor actor, actriz (de cine) agente de polica agente de viajes agente secreto almacenero apologista arquelogo arquitecto artista (estudio) artista del tatuaje asesor, consultor asistente personal

lawyer (UK), attorney (US) solicitor

lier (UK), atrni (US) solcitor

barrister (court) defense councel (movie) actor, actress police officer, policeman travel agent secret agent grocer apologist archaeologist architect artist (studio) tattoo artist counselor personal assistant

brrister (k:rt) dfens kansel (mvi) ktor, ktris pols fser, polsman trvel yent skret iyent grser aployist arkeloyist rkitekt rtist (stdiou) ttu: rtist kunselor prsonal asstant

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astronauta atleta

astronaut athlete

stronot azlt

auditor azafata bailarn baero barman, mozo bombero botnico cajero camarero, camarera camargrafo cantante carnicero carpintero (taller) cartero ciclista cientfico cirujano (ciruja) compositor cocinero conductor, chofer

auditor flight attendant dancer lifeguard barman fireman botanist cashier waiter, waitress cameraman singer butcher carpenter (workshop) postman cyclist scientist surgeon (surgery) composer, songwriter chef, cook driver, motorist
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ditor flit atndant dnser lif-gard brman fia:man btanist kshiar uiter, uitres kmera-mn sner bcher krpenter (urkshop) pustman siklist sientist sryon (sryeri) kompuser, sanriter she:f, ck driver, mtorist

conductor de radio confeccionista constructor contador control de trfico areo corredor de bolsa dentista

talk radio host confectioner builder accountant air traffic controller stockbrocker dentist

tk ridiou jost konfkshoner blder akuntant ar trfik kontrler stk-brker dntist

deportista dibujante de animacin director de empresa director de escuela director de orquesta economista editor electricista embellecedor empleado enfermero/a escritor escultor estadstico fabricante, industrial farmacutico fsico

sportsman cartoonist (company) director headmaster conductor economist publisher electrician beautician clerk nurse author, writer sculptor statistician manufacturer pharmacist physicist

sprts-mn kat:nist (kmpani) dirktor jedmster kondktor eknomist pblisher elk-trshan biutshan klark nrs zor, riter sklptor statistshan maniufkturer frmasist fsisist

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florista fotgrafo frutero futbolista gerente golfista granjero guardaparques guardia de seguridad

florist photographer fruiterer footballer manager golfer farmer park ranger security guard

flrist fotgrafer frterer futbler mnayer glfer frmer park rinyer sekiriti grd

gua de montaa gua de turismo herrero historiador imprentero ingeniero instructor intrprete joyero juez kioskero lechero librero

mountain guide, hiking trail guide tour guide ironmonger historian printer engineer instructor, facilitator interpreter jeweller judge tobacconist milkman stationer
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muntin gid, jikin tril gad tar gid ironmonguer jistrian prnter enyinar instrktor, fasilititor intrpreter yeler ydch tobkonist mlkman stishoner

locutor mago manicuro maquinista marinero matemtico mecnico (cochera) mdico mdico internista, residente, pasante minero molinero msico

announcer magician manicurist machinist sailor mathematician mechanic (garage) doctor intern (US) houseman (UK) miner miller musician

anunser mayshan manikrist mashnist silor mazematshan meknik (gredch) dktor intrn jusman miner mler misshan

niera ptico orador paisajista panadero parrillero paseador de perros pediatra peinador estilista peluquero periodista perito mercantil personal administrativo pescador pianista piloto

baby-sitter optician orator landscaper baker barbecuer dog walker paediatrician hairstylist hairdresser journalist bookkeeper clerical staff fisherman pianist (airline) pilot
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bibi-ster optshan oritor landskiper biker brbe-kier dog uker pidiatrshan jar-stilist jardrser yrnalist buk-kper klrikal stf fsherman panist (rlain) pilot

pintor de casas pintor de cuadros, telas poltico presentador profesor (universitario) programador proveedor de comida psiclogo psicoterapeuta psiquiatra recepcionista

house painter (canvas) painter politician presenter (college) teacher programmer caterer psychologist psychoterapist psychiatrist, shrink receptionist

jus pinter (knvas) pinter politshan presnter (klidch) tcher progrmer kiterer saikloyist saiko-trapist saikiatrist, shrink respshonist

rematador repartidor de diarios reportero sacerdote, monja sastre secretario/a soldado supervisor/a taxista tcnico telefonista telogo tipeador traductor vendedor, vendedora vendedor de pescado verdulero violinista visitante adivinanzas ajedrez acuarismo baile billar billar americano bordado campamento

auctioneer newspaper boy reporter priest, nun tailor secretary soldier supervisor taxi driver technician (telephone) operator theologian typist translator salesman, saleswoman salesclerk fishmonger greengrocer violinist visitor brain-teasers, riddles chess aquarium keeping dancing billiards pool embroidery camping

okshoner nuspiper bi reprter prist, nan tilor skre-tri sldier siupr-visor tksi driver teknshan (tlifoun) pereiror ziolyian tipist translitor sils-man, sils-uman, sils-klrk fish-mnguer grin-grser vailinist vsitor brin-tsers, rdls chs akeriam k:ping dncing bliards p:l embrideri cmping

cocina crucigrama domin edicin de video esculpido (piedra, mrmol) excursionismo

cooking crossword puzzle dominoes video editing sculpting hiking

kking crsurd psl dminous vdeo diting sklpting jiking

fotografa grabado (metal o piedra) grabacin de video jardinera juego de bolitas juego de damas juego de dardos juegos de cartas pintura al leo rompecabezas trote, footing yoga

photography engraving video recording gardening marbles checkers darts card games oil painting jigsaw puzzle jogging yoga

fotgraf engrivin vdeo rekrding grdenng mrbls chkers drts crd guims il pinting ygso psl yguing iga

A Company Profile lets your potential customers learn about your company's characteristics. Here are some questions you should ask yourself: Un Perfil de Empresa (o curriculum empresarial) permite a tus clientes potenciales conocer las caractersticas de tu empresa. Aqu tienes algunas preguntas que deberas hacerte:
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Where is the company based? When was it founded? Who's the President?

Dnde se encuentra radicada la empresa? Cundo se fund? Quin es el Presidente?

Which are the company's products? Where does the company sell its products?

Cules son los productos de la empresa? Dnde vende la compaa sus productos?

Which are the main business activities? Cules son las principales actividades comerciales? Which are the company's main markets? How are sales distributed?
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Cules son los principales mercados de la empresa? Cmo se distribuyen las ventas?

The following vocabulary can help you polish your Company Profile or report: El siguiente vocabulario podr ayudarte a pulir tu Perfil de Empresa o informe:
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Areas / Departments / Sectors reas / diprtments / sctors Areas / Departamentos / Sectores Board of Directors Chairman / President bord ov dirctors charman / prsident Directorio - Comit Directivo Presidente Director Ejecutivo Secretario/a Corporativo/a Finanzas Recursos Humanos / Personal gerenciamiento, administracin Gerente General organigrama Produccin Relaciones Pblicas Investigacin y Desarrollo accionistas

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) chif excutiv fiser Corporate Secretary Finance crporeit scretri fainns

Human Resources / Personnel jiman risrcis / personl management Managing Director organisation chart Production Public Relations Research and Development stockholders (UK), shareholders (US) spokesman / spokesperson Vice President workforce mnishment mnaying dirctor organaisishn chart prodkshn pblic relishns risrch and divlopment stk-jlders, shar-jolders

spuksman / spuks-prson portavoz, vocero vis-prsident urkfors Vice Presidente dotacin de personal

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Avoid repetition. As a rule the use of synonyms makes the text easier to read. Here you have some examples: Evita repetir las mismas palabras. Como regla general, la utilizacin de sinnimos facilita la lectura del texto. Aqu tienes algunos ejemplos:
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English Word
headquarters introduction strategy subsidiary to be in charge of to manage to reach objectives to report to

Synonym or Equivalent
central offices / Main Office launch plan of action local company / branch to head / to be responsible for to run / to staff to achieve goals to work under to be responsible to
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oficina centrales lanzamiento (de un producto) estrategia, plan de accin sucursal dirigir, estar a cargo de administrar, gerenciar alcanzar los objetivos reportar a depender de


In your reports you can use the following verbs and nouns to describe upward and downward movements in price, quantity and amount: Puedes utilizar los siguientes verbos y sustantivos en tus informes para describir movimientos ascendentes y descendentes en precio, cantidad e importe:
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English Word NOUNS VERBS

UPWARDS increase, rise raise, increase

DOWNWARDS decrease, reduction, fall, drop, decline decrease

incremento / reduccin subir / bajar

rise go up
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fall drop, go down, reduce

subir / caer, bajar subir / bajar, reducir


We have reduced our prices by a 10 per cent. The recession forced us to decrease (reduce) the amount of money we spend on research and development. 2000 was a good year for the company and our sales increased (rose / went up) considerably. The price of wheat has increased (risen / gone up) as a result of bad weather conditions. Our present government is expecting an increase (rise) in foreign investments. The decrease (fall / drop / decline) in profits is the result of poor management. Hemos reducido nuestros precios en un 10% La recesin nos oblig a reducir los montos destinados a investigacin y desarrollo. 2000 fue un buen ao para la empresa y nuestras ventas subieron considerablemente. El precio del trigo ha subido debido a las malas condiciones climticas. El gobierno actual aguarda un incremento en las inversiones extranjeras. La cada en las ganancias es el resultado de una administracin deficiente.

Conoce esta ciudad? Disculpe. Est muy lejos la calle ... ? Est cerca el Hotel ... ? Est lejos. Est cerca. Tome la primera, la segunda, la tercera calle a la derecha. Siga esta misma calle. Guardia, puede decirme dnde est el consulado ... ? En la avenida ...

Do you know this town? Excuse me. Is ... street far from here? Is it near the ... Hotel? Rather far. Quite near. Take the first, second, third street on the right. Go straight on along this street. Policeman, can you tell me where the ... consulate is? In ... avenue.

Cmo puedo llegar hasta all?

How can I get there?

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Dnde est la iglesia..., la plaza..., la avenida..., Where is ... Church, ... Square, ... Avenue, la municipalidad, la comisara, el hotel..., the Town Hall, the police station, the ... Hotel, el museo..., la oficina de turismo...? the ... Museum, the Tourist Office? Qu autobs, subterrneo tengo que tomar para ir a...? Cmo puedo llegar al teatro ... ? Est lejos? Queda lejos? Dnde est la parada del autobs ... ? Hay por aqu un negocio de fotografa? Dnde hay una farmacia? Cmo voy al Correo, por favor? What bus, underground (subway) must I take to get to...? How can I get to the ... theatre? Is it far? Where is the ... bus stop? Is there a photography shop near here? Where is there a chemist's (UK) drugstore (US)? Which is the way to the Post Office, please?


Cuando se menciona el nmero de la casa se usa la preposicin at: Vivimos en la calle San Martn 49. We live at 49 San Martin Street. Cuando street y avenue van precedidos por el nombre de la calle se escriben con mayscula: la calle principal, High Street; la avenida Libertador, Libertador Avenue.

Street y avenue se abrevian St. y Ave., respectivamente, siempre con mayscula. How do you like this town? How long have you been here? You have given me a very pleasant surprise. How long will you be here? I don't know exactly yet.

Cmo te trata esta ciudad? Desde cundo ests aqu? Me diste una sorpresa muy agradable. Cunto tiempo te vas a quedar aqu? An no s exactamente.

Pienso permanecer por lo menos una semana. I expect to be here at least a week.

Cenas conmigo hoy? Lo siento mucho. Hoy me es imposible. Claro, estoy libre esta noche. Dnde y a qu hora te espero? En el restaurante ... a las nueve y media. Bien, all estar. Hasta luego (Hasta maana).

Will you dine with me today? I'm sorry. It's quite impossible today. Sure, I'm free tonight. Where and at what time may I expect you? At ... restaurant at half past nine. OK, I'll be there. See you (Until tomorrow).

+ X

plus minus times, multiplied by divided by equals per cent three squared five cubed six to the power of ten (UK) six to the tenth power (US

Some examples
6+ 9 = Six plus nine equals / is fifteen. 15 5x 6 = Five times six equals thirty or 30 Five multiplied by six is thirty. 75% Seventy-five per cent of the class passed the test.

: = % 32 53 610

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