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Feed back to the student

Elizabeth Hogan wrote on 06/25/2012

This was not only a great experience as a teacher but also as a future principal. Too many times teachers are set in their ways and do not want to try a different method, delivery model, etc. Since you have been in involved in co-teaching, you will be an excellent resource. Exp. Record #: 10917 Date submitted: 06/21/2012 Elizabeth Hogan approved on 06/25/2012 Cohort: UEN 2011

Student Name: Velasquez, Loren Christopher (392205)

Field-Based Internship Reflection Form For Internship Experience Standard 1: Visionary Leadership; Standard 2: Instructional Leadership; Standard 3: Organizational Leadership; Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership; Standard 5: Ethical Leadership; Standard 6: Political Leadership Standard and Criteria 5.b Demonstrates values, beliefs, and attitudes that will inspire others to higher levels of performance Level Special Education Time Spent 5 hour(s) Note

Briefly describe this field-based internship experience, including your specific role (1/2 page). Specific role was general education teacher in a co-taught integrated social studies class. I co-taught two sections of integrated social studies with another special education teacher. The objective was to get the integrated special needs students off the list of "co-taught" social studies class and get them to be enrolled on their own in a regular education social studies class. In most of their IEP's it was required that they be enrolled in a co-taught social studies class when possible, but not regular ed. By being consistent and having high expectations for the special needs students myself and the special education teacher were successful in getting their IEP's amended so that they may enroll on their own in a regular "non co-taught" class. From the beginning we believed that it was possible and expected them to be able to do it. We taught them values that helped them become successful in the regular education setting. One of the main skills that we taught them (that had nothing to do with social studies) was the skill of self-management and organization. They were required to fill out their weekly planners every Monday first thing in class. They had to write all the plans for each day, objectives, assignments, and the assessments. This kept them organized as to what was going on and what was due at what time. A few of the special needs students had trouble simply writing this down. Towards the end of the year all of them would have it copied down in there planners before I even walked into the room Monday morning. A handful of the special needs students did successfully get moved from a co-taught section to a regular ed. section. Reflect on what you have learned from this experience, from mentor discussions, and how you will use this learning in future administrative leadership roles (no more than 1/2 page). As my role as a teacher, I had to have high expectations for the students to be successful. I had to believe that they could do it. My attitude was always on their side. I found myself not giving up on a few of the students even when they wanted to. I can apply this experience and learning to the administrative level by having this same belief for the teachers and staff. I imagine I will inherit a lot of staff that I never hired. Some of these staff are going to need some positive attitude addressed towards them along with someone who believes that they can be successful in a school setting. Mentor(s) Brad Schweppe The date approved by his/her lead mentor: 06/21/2012

03/10/2013 04:58:21 PM


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