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sR AngKoo HERR: SKE} 250 SRL) «LRN 200 ATER. 1 GBRE + aR
(188) SANE R MRI MSSM Orange Red Skin: (Makes 15 pcs large angkoo) 250g glutinous rice flour(sifted),200g orange sweet potato, pinch of orange-red food colouring,1 tbsp sugar, % tsp salt, 100mI hot water, 10-12 tbsps cooking oil Filling ingredients: 200g green mung beans(soak for 2 hours), 120g sugar, % tsp salt.6 ~7 tbsp cooking oil Banana leaves (cut into rectangles, washed and greased lightly ),Extra cooking oil(for brushing banana leaf & koo) Method for filling: 41.Wash green mung beans in several changes of water tll water runs clear, discarding any foreign particles. 2.Soak green mung beans in water for 2 hours. Water must bbe 2 -3 "above green peas level ‘3.Drain green mung beans, place beans onto a plate & ‘steam over high heat for 20 minutes / til peas are soft 4.Remove from heat and while stil hot, place in a processor with sugar, salt and oil.Process tl filing binds together. '5.Shape into small balls of filing size of lime. Method for skin: 4,Scrub clean sweet potatoes, steam til just sot. ‘2.Peel off potato skin, once cool and weigh to yield 200g, ‘discarding any tough fiber (pic 1) ‘3,Place sweet potato, glutinous rice flour,colouring sugar and salt in a mixing bowl. (pic 2-3) ‘4,Using beater, beat to mix tilt forms breadcrumbs.(pic 4) 5.Add in oll and slowly water, tll dough forms a ball and soft. 6.Remove from mixing bowl and cover with a towel Method for wrapping: -4.Shape koo skin into balls of dough larger than the filing. 2,Fiatten skin, place filing in center, gather skin over to cover filing and seal.(pic 5) B.Lightly dust mould with extra flour, press filed koo into ‘mould to shape. Knock out koo and place over greased banana leaves.(pic 6-7) 4,Steam over medium heat for 8 - 10 minutes.(pic 8) '5.Brush with oll and trim the banana leaves. iii TU Ut TPCOlGOii iii i anna,

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