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Kasee Zaugg Classroom Management Plan 1. Select a philosophical model of classroom management and discipline.

I believe that no two children are exactly alike, I feel like each unique child brings their own personality, culture, and behavior expectations with them when they enter my classroom. Since I also believe this perspective creates student reality, I plan on using a variety of theoretical models to understand and manage student behavior. Students basic human needs must be met in order for students to feel confident and comfortable. In my opinion teachers cant expect students to excel if their basic human needs are not being met. This is why considering the biological factors in which my students are dealing with, is an aspect which I will use to determine expected student behavior. Working with older aged students I am finding that their need to belong often times overrides their desire to succeed in my classroom. I agree with Piagets theoretical philosophy in that I think expectations should reflect the differences presented among various developmental levels. This kind of biological development can be used to gauge which content is appropriate for students on each developmental level. I also concur that each child deserves the expectation to succeed. What is success however is measured by each childs ability level. This is why Pavlovs theoretical model, which consists of incentives in the form of punishment and reward, appeals to me. I believe that if students are given the opportunity and motivation to succeed they will. This perspective creates a framework where students are able to learn desired behaviors, concepts, and procedures which gives every child a chance to succeed. A positive approach to behavior enhances the students experience at school. By emphasizing positivity, choice, and reflection in their daily interactions I can help foster and create a positive attitude in my classroom. Choice empowers students giving them options. Since I agree with the idea that teachers cannot control students and force them to think or want to behave, I feel that holding students accountable for their own behavior is one way to encourage it to continue. This is why it is important to establish expectations, and use positive approaches to change or reinforce student behavior.

2. Organize the physical environment a. Desk placement: Since I believe proximity is important I followed the plan of Jones interior loop. This arrangement allows me to move around the students as well as have access to each of my students. b. Teacher desk-Close to the front so that is easily accessible c. Bookcases-Towards the back of the room d. Filing cabinets-Towards the front and out of the way e. Tables-In the back ready for group work f. Activity centers-Along the wall g. Where supplies are stores-Many cabinets to fill h. Bulletin boards i. wall space j. gathering spot i d i i

c c c c e

j e

g g

g h

3. Manage student behavior Students will perform and behave more appropriately if the tasks which are asked of them bring satisfaction. One way which I can encourage an enjoyable school experience is by emphasizing positivity, choice, and reflection in my daily interactions with students. Getting to know my students creates a positive relationship with them. This communication and acceptance creates a sense of community in our classroom. I believe that misbehavior occurs for a purpose, the hard part seems to be in finding the reasoning behind this behavior. This kind of discovery can be found by taking the time to relate to each of my students. If these reasons are discovered, and teachers are able to find alternate ways for reinforcing this behavior, then students will no longer have a reason for misbehavior. I think the best way to conquer misbehavior is by preventing it before it begins. One way which I plan on doing this is by giving the students limited chances to waste time. I find that the most disengagement occurs in the classroom when students are given time in which they have nothing to do, this gives way to student misbehavior. I am trying to find ways to constantly keep students busy and engaged. Rules which support teaching and learning, as well as provide students with clear expectations, create a secure classroom environment. This kind of consistency is just as important with misbehavior as it is with expected behavior. This is why I believe that the best way to deal with misbehavior is preventative measures. Teachers which give students explicit norms create a safe environment, one which fosters learning as well as reinforces student learning and proper behavior. As a teacher I hope to explicitly teach my students procedures and expectations in an effort at providing my students with the sanctuary they need in order to excel and succeed in my classroom.

4. Create a respectful, supportive, learning environment Fluidity is a needed trait in my opinion when teaching, because I believe in the idea of allowing student ability level to have an effect on my lesson planning. I agree that taking the extra time in order to ensure that a large majority of the students understand the content which is being taught is a vital part of teaching. This piece is especially important when teaching foundational concepts which are built upon and therefore require a thorough understanding. I agree with the theory of the theory of tiered instruction using the Response to Intervention (RTi) model. I have confidence in the idea that the instruction which occurs as a result of the outcomes received from assessments truly drives the changes we hope to see in our students. This also gives me as a teacher a chance to identify students which are at some level of risk for not meeting academic expectations. I will also use these results to take students in small groups and re-teach or enhance past lessons based on their ability to complete each individual task. I consider the idea that if the majority of students do not understand a concept then it is very likely that I was not being explicit enough while teaching, which is why I am determined to take the extra time to monitor my students and use those results to alter my instruction. For these reasons I believe in being fluid while teaching, this gives students many chances to succeed and understand the concepts which I am trying to teach. I believe that ethics and trust are important attributes which create a peaceful and effective classroom community. I can promote these values in my classroom by giving my students the same kind of trust and respect which I am expecting them to give to me. By positively reinforcing these values as well as showing them their importance I can create an effective classroom. This kind of safe haven increases students self-esteem and desire to actively participate.

5. Manage and facilitate instruction I will teach my students a level of accountability by assigning them various classroom jobs. This kind of responsibility creates a level of respect which encourages proper student behavior. The stage of appreciation increases when students have empathy and reasoning behind the result. This kind of delegation not only creates a feeling of respect in my students, but it also relieves me of the responsibility of completing the random, tedious things which must be done every day in order for the class to succeed. Giving students procedures which they practice consistently creates a stable environment. Students not only survive in this kind of environment but they thrive in the constancy of this behavior, they become confident in the knowledge that they are performing skills correctly. Students know what is expected of them and are therefore able to successfully complete the task. The feeling of permanence which increases with the constant procedure is beneficial in creating an effective and functioning classroom. I believe that technology is a crucial part of the classroom, although it can be finicky, it is the key to increasing student engagement. Entertainment is so easily accessible to the current students, that they are accustomed to being amused constantly, that is why I find the use of technology to be so important. The many tools which teachers have, creates endless possible ways to reach our students various learning styles. Technology is being enhanced daily, creating many opportunities to improve teaching techniques in an effort at motivating students with a desire to pay attention and to learn.

6. Promote classroom safety and wellness Students need to feel safe physically and emotionally before they are able to give their full attention to instructional tasks. By giving students a learned responsibility I hope to encourage them to behave appropriately. This gives students a chance to practice self-management as well as the skills of getting along with others. The psychiatrist Rudolf Dreikurs concluded that All students (indeed, all humans) have an inborn need for belonging that functions as a driving force in their lives (Charles Pg. 70). I agree that students which are unable to satisfy this primal need of acceptance seek attention, power, revenge, or may even withdraw from classroom activities while attempting to satisfy this need. Because we know that students are better behaved when these needs are met educators must facilitate this kind of comfortable environment. Quality education occurs when the content being taught is enjoyable and students are actively engaged. If todays schools are to be successful, they must they must create quality conditions, students must feel they belong, enjoy a certain amount of power, have some fun in learning, and experience a sense of freedom in the process(Charles). Giving students some say and control over things which are happening in the classroom is one way which students can feel as though they have some power or control in the classroom. This is why I believe that a democratic classroom is a great way to create a quality classroom. Motivation is the key ingredient in learning. Students are motivated by what they find pleasurable at any given time. It is up to teachers to make the curriculum and instruction pleasurable for students. When that is done most learning difficulties and behavior problems disappear.

7. Interact with colleagues, parents, and others to achieve classroom management objectives. I would like to have a classroom which encourages parents, students, and teachers working on the same side. I believe a unity between these individuals enhances student learning and increases the likelihood of the student succeeding. One way which I would like to incorporate parents into my classroom is by conducting various adult/student project fairs. I could use this as a way to increase student understanding as well as reinforce parental involvement. This kind of activity gives parents and teachers a chance at person to person contact, which shows parents that they are valued mentors and allies. Another idea I would like to include in my classroom that encourages parental involvement is by creating take home packets for students. These packets will contain activities, literature, and materials needed for students to use which increase student understanding. Students will rotate these packets extending their knowledge and creating opportunities to take learning a step further. These kits not only increase understanding for students, but they also inform parents about what students are learning in an effort to reinforce and increase student knowledge and skill level. I would like to have correspondence with my students parental figures on a monthly basis by creating a student ran newsletter which includes things that are happening in our classroom as well as examples of student work from students. This kind of project would encourage students working collaboratively. I could assign students jobs which they will be expected to complete in order for this paper to be a success. This is a way of informing parents about what we are studying in class keeping them updated on the big events which are happening in our classroom.

In these ways I hope to encourage parental involvement in my classroom, this involvement inspires students, parents, and teachers to work together.

Charles, C. M. Building Classroom Discipline. 10th ed. Boston: Pearson Education, 2011. Print.

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