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Ms. Pawlak English II LOTF

Finding William Golding's Message: Examining and Analyzing the Characters/Conflicts/Symbols in LOTF
Essential Questions
What does an author reveal about human behavior through their development of character and conflict? What does an author reveal about human nature and their story's theme through including irony? What does William Golding reveal about the concept of power and human nature pertaining to power through examining characters and their conflicts?

Explore a topic in William Golding's Lord of the Flies and find one of his messages that is conveyed throughout the novel. Use a specific character, conflict between characters, or symbol to support your opinion on what Golding's message is.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose a topic Choose a character/conflict/symbol Collect evidence on character/conflict/symbol Write thesis and topic sentences Construct essay

Point Breakdown
Expectations Focus 20 Points Content 20 Points Organization 20 Points Style 20 Points Conventions 20 Points -Single controlling point is made with an awareness of the task at hand. -Evidence and analysis presented connects directly to thesis statement. -Evidence provided is necessary; it's obvious when long quotations are used as space fillers. -Ideas developed through textual evidence and analysis. -Demonstrates strong development and sophisticated ideas through evidence and analysis. -Ideas are NOT supported by summary of text. -Order developed and sustained within and across paragraphs. -Ideas are presented clearly. -Paragraphs are connected through transitional devices. -Introduction is structured to prepare your reader for the content of your paper. -Conclusion serves to wrap up analysis and offer final point. -The choice, use, and arrangement of words and sentence structure present a proper tone and voice. -Essay should be formal; avoid exclamation points, contractions, and slang. -Utilizes a variety of illustrative words and sentence structures. -Tone and voice are consistent and appropriate for audience. -Use of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation are proper and refined. -Use spell check! -Be sure to proofread carefully. I expect the bare minimum of typos and other careless errors.

Cherish this Checklist! ____ 3 page minimum, double-spaced ____ 12 pt. Times New Roman ____ 1-inch margins ____ Paper header: your name, my name, class, date ____ Last name and page number in upper-right corner ____ Title: creative yet informative; centered, same text as rest of essay ____ Skip one line, indent, and launch into paper ____ Hook: grabs my attention, stays on topic of essay ____ Funnel: introduces the author's name and novel title and character/conflict/symbol explained ____ Novel title: italicized or underlined ____ Thesis: mentions topic chosen, the message Golding is sending about the topic, and the character/conflict/symbol used to explore this theme in your essay ____ Thesis is arguable, interesting, and original ____ No extra spaces are used between paragraphs ____ Topic sentences appear at the beginning of each paragraph and are clear and on topic with your thesis ____ At least three quotations are used ____ Quotations are cited correctly and with a surrounding context ____ No quote exists as its own sentence ____ Each quote begins with a capital letter, ends with punctuation, and is followed by a cited page number

Words to use when talking about how Golding is getting his message across: Reveals Imparts Declares Uncovers Conveys Makes known that Explains Discloses Makes clear that Brings to light Proclaims Intimates Acknowledges Presents Recognizes Imparts

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