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Cheesecake Factory Kahlua Cocoa Coffee Cheesecake

Cheesecake recipes would never go out of "culinary fashion", and nor would this dessert! After coming across
a coffee cheesecake at a dessert cafe, I was inclined to try a new flavor, the lovely Kahlua Coffee
Cheesecake which is enhanced by the presence of kahlua (Kahlúa is a well known Mexican coffee flavored
liqueur). It is heavy and sweet, with a distinct taste of coffee. And to top it all, I used Oreo cookies to make
the crust. There’s a perfect combination of all my favorite ingredients, and there is no way this dessert
could go wrong!! Rather than blending everything together, I decided to make it a layered coffee
cheesecake with a larger layer of flavored coffee topped by a smaller one of espresso. So this gives you the
perfect sweetness followed by a kick from the espresso. Words would not be able to give justice to this
creation, so make your own and share it with everyone.

15 Oreo cookies - crushed
3 tbsp butter - melted in microwave
2 packets of 12 oz cream cheese - softened by beating
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
3 tbsp all-purpose flour
1/8 cup flavored instant coffee powder (I used French Vanilla)
1/3 cup espresso coffee
2 tbsp cocoa powder
3 tbsp Kahlua (or any other coffee liquer)
White frosting or whip cream - for garnish

For the crust, mix the butter and cookies and pat them into a springform pan lined with parchment paper.
You can even use a shallow round small pizza pan to make the crust. Set side in the refrigerator to freeze.

Now mix together the cream cheese and sugar until well blended. Add the eggs, one at a time and beat
well. Divide the cream cheese into 2 parts, 3/4 and 1/4th distribution. Add the plain flour, flavored coffee
powder and coffee liquer to the larger part and the espresso powder and cocoa powder to the smaller part.
Pour the first larger layer of cream cheese mixture into the crusted pan. Then top it with the remaining
espresso-cream cheese layer. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and bake for 40-50 mins, or until it looks
baked except for the center to be wiggling a little.

Run a knife or metal spatula around rim of pan to loosen the cake; allow it to cool completely before
removing it. Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight. It is best prepared a day in advance. Now use a frosting
cone and fill it with whip cream. Nip a very tiny hole in the cone and make cris-cross lines on the cake as
shown in the pic. For more elaborate occasions, you can be more creative and make designs or patterns.
Right before serving, gently cut the cake into wedges and serve with a hot cup of Cappucino!!

Use this kahlua coffee cheesecake recipe to liven your table on holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas or
St.Patrick's Day or just for enjoying a delicious evening with friends, family, a slice of cheesecake and a cup
of coffee!!

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