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On this, the path we walk together...

Your Infinite Heart

A Zine for Awakening Consciousness ~ Opening Hearts

Meandering our inner landscape, voices echo What is the flavor or color of your internal landscape? When lifes mirroring ancient whispertapestry is complete, what will your contribution look like? ingsinterconnected, We are all a part of the Collective Consciousness and as such we are woven into consciousnesss intricately connected to all of the Beings that live on this planet, all of them tapestry. Yes, every one. We float within this sea of consciousness feeling everything Dualitys warp is created of while our awareness focuses our minds on those waves of consciousness that both Light and Dark resonate with our own internal dialog. This (internal dialog) is how we talk to creating an ever fluctuating ourselves in the privacy of our own minds. It can be both positive and nega- landscape as we weft through tive and often fluctuates between the two. For example, when you watch the life. -Maria Falce
By: Maria Falce

Our Internal Dialog

February 2013

news, do you seethe in anger, wallow in pity or tremble with fear because the emotional tone matches your own? How long do these feelings stay with you? How does this play out in your interactions with others? When you hear a positive story, how does this resonate? Does it make you smile but not down into your heart? In your head, do you hear the words, oh, thats nice but its not reality? Or does it inspire you to soar, radiating love to everyone you encounter? We are all connected in this life, like a chain, we are all links. If one link chooses not to succumb to fear and hatred then that wave falls. It does not get passed along. But if our internal dialog is such that it resonates more with whats wrong than with the beauty in life, it will be very difficult to crash that wave of fear. Likewise, it will be difficult to build the wave of love into a tsunami when we just dont believe it.

Time for deep honesty. This is between you and yourselfwould you talk to a person standing in front of you the same way you talk to yourself? Standing in front of the dressing room mirror with your bestie, trying on bathing suitswould you say to her what you are saying to yourself? Looking at something that you created, a painting, a poem, a mealwould you critique this creation the same had someone else created itto their face? Would you? We can be inexcusably mean to ourselves and this sets the vibrational resonance for our thread in the tapestry. It creates and or perpetuates the wave in our collective sea that says, I am not enough or I am not worthy. Which can then send us on a journey seeking validation outside of ourselves. But this particular journey is an inward one... Continued on page 2...

Find the sweetness in your own heart, that you may find the sweetness in every Heart. - Rumi
Page 1 Your Infinite Heart 2013

Guerrilla LoveFare
by Maria Falce
Random acts of kindnessserendipity? Sure, but are they less meaningful if planned for? I dont think so! There are so many ways to serve and being prepared makes it easier!
Here are some ideas -Always keep a shovel in your car. When you are driving home or out and about and see someone shoveling their walk or driveway, pull over and lend a hand! -If you have jumper cables, keep them in your car in case they are needed, you never know when some ones battery will call it quits! -Buy a spare set of gloves and hat and keep them in your car. When you see someone walking without them, you are ready! -Have a first aid kit party. Assemble first aid items in zipper bags and drop them off at the local shelter. -At your next get together/party, make it a food drive to replenish the local food bank or animal shelter -Do you drive the tollways? Pay the tolls for the next few cars. -Organize a flash-mob cleaning crew (or painting, repair, cooking) with your friends to help each other with important projects -Do you offer a service? Once a week, give one away for free! What other ideas can you come up with?? Share them at in the forum or in the blog! Blessings and Joy dropping LoveBombs! Continued from page 1... So, if we are one whose tendency is selfcriticizing and negative, what can we do? How do we heal this rift? There are many modalities that can guide us toward wholeness. Having a capable guide who is able to both hold space and the light for us is very important in this process. It can be very challenging to see our own stuff sitting alone in a dark room. This guide can help us realize (see with real eyes) that the voice that speak to us (our internal dialog) is fueled by the wounded parts of ourselvesthat it is our ego-mind seeking to protect us from getting hurt. With enough space/distance we can begin to see the wounded child with its champion (ego-mind) protecting it and we can begin a dialog. When we can see/feel the dynamics at play we have more compassion and understanding which aids the heart in opening. With an open heart, anything is possible. So the next time you yell at the TV why cant we all just love one another!? Stop, take a breath and listen. We are all links in the chain, weft in the warpwhat will you allow to flow through you in that moment? That is your part of the tapestry, created in each and every moment. You have the choice, we all do. Our mission is not to create a false perfection, choosing Love when we do not feel it, but to respond with integrity, authenticity and honesty to ourselves with where we are in that moment. Will we always choose love? This is a dual world, so probably not. Does that make us bad people? Nope. It makes us real. It makes us human. It is our awareness of our internal landscape that gives our lives authenticity and vibrancy. It is our willingness to embrace the whole experience (our triumphs and our wounding) that allows us to live from our hearts, flowing within this sea of life, permeating all we touch with our presence and our grace. Be gentle with yourself. T alk to yourself like the precious divine child that you are. Blessings, Maria
Page 2 Your Infinite Heart 2013

Raw German Chocolate Hearts... by Maria Falce

Love chocolate and sweets but traditional cakes and dessert hurt your belly? What a great way to express your infinite love for yourself and your loved ones by making these organic gluten-free and mostly raw goodies! Easily made vegan by subbing more maple syrup for the honey and using all coconut oil for the butter. The butter definitely adds richness to the topping so add a pinch more salt and vanilla to round out the coconut oil. Do not substitute margarine or any other fake plastic butter because they are not food and should not be consumed. Recipe adapted from

Topping: 1 cup toasted pecans Base 1 cup toasted unsweetened 15 Medjool Dates, pitted Combine all base ingredients coconut flakes Mix together topping by hand in food processor and pro1/4c maple syrup 1/4 coconut cream with a wooden spoon. Spread cess until smooth. Spread on top of chocolate base. 1 T raw local honey concentrate into 8x8 or 9x9 pan, 1 cup raw almond butter refrigerate. 2T raw local honey Refrigerate or freeze to set. 1/2 c coconut cream 2 T organic butter Cut into hearts with a cookie cutter or into bars. concentrate 1 T coconut oil 1/4 c raw cacao powder 1/2 t salt 1 t vanilla 1 t vanilla


Can you feel the tug as Sweet Rose pulls on your heartstrings?

Shes powerful, and filled with love. Resonating deeply with our 4th (heart) chakra, she can have a considerable affect on all aspects of our love lives, influencing both platonic and intimate relationships.

By: Lola Yost ~ Artist & Designer Sakred Stones

There are numerous stones out there that resonate with love, but Rose Quartz outshines them all. Appropriately called the Love Stone or the Heart Stone, it is a gem of unconditional love that opens us to all forms of love, including love of Self. Another attribute of Rose quartz is its balancing abilities, keeping the many different aspects of love in harmony. Our beautiful Rose emits a soothing, calming energy that gently nudges out the negativeas only Love can do. She can lovingly hold space in which emotional healing can take place, and then encourage emotional balance. When it comes to matters of the heart, Sweet Rose is one of our most powerful mineral allies gifted to us by Mother Earth. Gaia offers her in Love, for Love. Physically speaking, Rose Quartz can also promote cardiac health; hence, its close relationship with our heart chakra. She actually supports our whole circulatory system. It shouldnt be surprising that Rose is also said to assist with fertility issues and sexual dysfunction. She is, after all, the Love Stone.

Rose Quartz is commonly found in many shades of pink, from the palest pale, to deep rose. Most found in the market place are ribboned with clear or white cloudy formations, and often-tiny dark inclusions. Ive seen some beautiful pieces that are banded with white as well. They can be very clear, or solidly opaque, although completely clear stones are rare. Page 3 Your Infinite Heart 2013

Healthy Lifestyles
Lake Michigan Chiropractic
February is a short month, so Im going to keep this short as well. The theme of this months Your Infinite Heart Zine is unconditional love. While unconditional love of others is an admirable and beautiful thing, all love must start within each of us. Simply put, you cannot give what you dont have. So how does one love oneself unconditionally? In my opinion it is this: Appreciate your strengths, talents and virtues while neither neglecting nor ignoring your weaknesses and flaws, but always striving to be the best possible you that you can be. If you are curious about how chiropractic care can help you be the best possible you, please call our office or stop in and talk to Dr. Kraig. Our website,, has many health related resources to answer your questions. If you just need a good laugh, please find us on Facebook at Lake Michigan Chiropractic, LLC. After all, they say that laughter is the best medicine. Please be safe, careful, and warm out in our ever changing Southwest Michigan weather, and have a wonderful month. Dr. Kraig

Dr. Kraig Kirkdorfer, DC

Unconditional Love for Self-Empowerment

By: Hazel B. Larson
originator of any great ideas but I acknowledge and have great gratitude towards the Beings that have helped me become aware of the spirituality within others and myself. This includes the perception and ability to experience unconditional love. It would seem that the better we get at unconditionally loving ourselves, the better we get at unconditionally loving all the people around us, as well as all aspects of life. Life starts to flow; opportunities arise creating a wonderful feeling that we are fulfilling the purpose that we set out for ourselves on the soul level. To integrate and thus transmute the challenges of living in a dual universe, we realize that unconditional love is the way. Using force or trying to escape from any unwanted aspects of life are not the ultimate answers. If we really want to change what we are experiencing in the physical universe we have to change our inner universe, in the way we feel and think. This can be a pretty challenging job, but it can be done with courage and unconditional love. Unconditional love is so much stronger than fear or even terror. It is a soul attribute that works in conjunction with wisdom and knowing. Our minds play every trick in the book to keep us unaware of the ability to experience the natural power we have when we become aware of all the unconditional love inside us. There is infinite intelligence, yet no judging at that level of awareness. After all, how can you integrate an issue if you are rejecting that issue? Any counseling work that I do is based on these ideas about unconditional love, and my intent is to help others empower themselves. My job is to get really good at practicing what I preach! As I want to inspire and empower others. ...Hazel Page 4 Your Infinite Heart 2013

Please note that I am not the

Living the Dream

By: Bob Fowler BA, CMT, DBLC
I stand charged of treason? For what reason? For fear of my own power. I locked myself in the tower. Turned my face away. Sleeping day after day after day, wanting only to stay locked in the safety of my own decay. Dead to the world. Asleep in the hay. Now I have awakened. Nothing is forsaken. The mission has become crystal clear. Connect to the One - your Father and Mother. In Sacred Union embody the Other. Embrace the Journey. The Quest is your Lover. The full scope of emotions. The World is your mirror. Transform and transcend your doubt and your fear. Set your course - Plunge into the Ocean. Trust all of your senses, youll know where to steer. Wherever you find the darkness encroaching open your heart, free your mind and bring loves light to bear. There is nowhere to hide. Forgive those who have lied and those whove claimed to care. They too are scared and are caught in the trap of despair. Your mission is this - to follow your bliss. Open your heart and teach the art of loving and living through fear of the dark. The Heart is the Source of both bliss and remorse. The key is to Allow and make a solemn vow To Hold Both and to be all that you See.

The Quest Training Therapeutic Massage

Dreambuilder Coach

Robert W. Fowler


Talk to Bob
Page 5 Your Infinite Heart 2013

Love Holds the House Advantage

By: Andrew Bruex February is our heart health month and what makes a heart healthier than being full of love? Ancient civilizations believed the heart was the seat of the brain. Choosing to think loving thoughts permeates my feelings, my decisions and ultimately my actions. The result of such a choice is not only a boomerang of love coming back to me but also a mathematical law of operations that I equate with the house advantage. Suppose you walk into a casino and at that very moment someone wins the jack-pot, you might think to yourself, gee I should become a gambler too for it seems to pay-off. But probability proves the odds are against it and if you play long enough, youll lose everything. Life is like a casino where the house, or universal truths, holds a slight mathematical advantage over the guest. I liken this advantage to the house operating out of love and the guest operating out of fear. The percentage is quite small, maybe only 1%, so that the guest wins once and a while, but the longer the guest plays, the more he or she will ultimately lose because the house has the advantage. Love holds the house advantage speaks to me in everything I do, as I ask myself, am I coming from the advantage of love or from the disadvantage of fear? I may win the argument but Ill loose the war. Acting out of anger feels right sometimes, it disguises itself as justice in so many ways and when I win, I have the rush, the allure of winning that it can become my focus. We have to trust love, if we dont trust love, we will ultimately lose. We cannot win by all the derivatives of fear -- hoarding, cheating, dishonesty, being less than, defensive, antagonistic, warring, aggression to serve the self even when we think we are right! How can you monitor whether you are approaching a situation from the viewpoint of love or from the viewpoint of fear? The way I evaluate this is by looking deeply within I attempt to feel what might be the kernel, the seed, of the thought, word or action that is coming forth. Is the seed based in fear (power over others, proving my rightness, evening the score, sadness, anxiety, anger) or is it based in love (joy, excitement, abundance, the happiness of others)? If I choose to have my thoughts, words and actions generated from a sense of love, I will be loving. Then I experience love and my life experience is all there is. The experience I am having right now is what matters. For thats all there is! If you had the choice of being the owner of a casino or any of the patrons (gamblers) of the casino, which would you choose? The answer is obvious, right. Be the owner of the casino; for the owner of the casino wins in the long run. You have the same choice when it comes to how you experience your life. Choose thoughts, words and actions that spring from a seed or root of love. Some call it the Secret and some call it the Power of Attraction. I refer to it as Love Holds the House Advantage.
Do Good ~ Be Well, Andrew Bruex, CEO, Universal Formulas Enhancing your health potential since 1984 Page 6 Your Infinite Heart 2013

February ~ March Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16
Community Acupuncture Clinic 914 Lane St. Joe 4-7pm Love Donation

Thursday 17
Art Therapy Class 7-9pm

Friday 15

Saturday 16
Art Therapy Class 10am-6pm


Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship 7 - 10 pm 4340 Lincoln Saint Joseph


Acupuncture Clinic 914 Lane St. Joe 4-7pm Love Donation





Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship 7 - 10 pm 4340 Lincoln Saint Joseph


Acupuncture Clinic 914 Lane St. Joe 4-7pm Love Donation


March 1

Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship 7 - 10 pm 4340 Lincoln Saint Joseph

Community Acupuncture Clinic 914 Lane St. Joe 4-7pm Love Donation

Art Therapy Class

See ad page 9 10am-6pm


Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship 7 - 10 pm 4340 Lincoln Saint Joseph

914 Lane St. Joe 4-7pm Love Donation

Community Acupuncture Clinic




ORGANICproduce with supermarket variety PRODUCE CLUB Enjoy CSA style

100% organic fruit and vegetables Local produce in season, supplemented with your non-local favorites Bi-weekly pick up~2 box sizes~Save $$ o buying retail Great Variety and Quality Eating healthy is the best insurance! St. Joseph Township pick up Also available: Frontier Co-op Local Eggs, Honey & Maple syrup Details: yourin
Page 7 Your Infinite Heart 2013

Maria Falce

Intuitive Guide, Spiritual Liaison

Maria Falce


...On this, the Path

Integrative Healing for People & Pets


We Walk Together...

Handmade Healing Botanical Products Personal Chef Organic Lifestyle Consultant/Author Organic Produce Club Meditation & Spiritual Counsel

Earth Deva Oracle Readings

o Therapeutic Massage o Byodynamic Craniosacral Therapy o Energy Healing o Herbal & Nutritional Support

Your Infinite Heart

]Our Sponsors] ||||||||

In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. Rumi |
Page 8 Your Infinite Heart 2013

For Personal Empowerment with Hazel B. Larson

Art Therapy

March 9, 2013 Saturday 10am - 6 pm

Potluck lunch please bring a healthy dish to share!

"Use Art, Imagination and Introspection to uncover hidden obstacles or blocks to finding unconditional love for self, others and all aspects of life
$45.00 in advance (due by March 2) $50.00 at door, registration still required Only 5 spaces available!

Mixed media, paints, pencils... no art experience necessary, just a willing and playful heart!

Fair Plain Location Contact Hazel for details & registration 269-350-8628 or
Page 9 Your Infinite Heart 2013

YIH Mission Statement

YIH Zine is dedicated to raising awareness about the wealth of healing practitioners, merchants, artists, and visionaries available to all of us in our local community. Through the publication of articles and images created by these local resources we hope to bring clarity and connection to the community in the realms of health, abundance, and awakening, for personal and global transformation. We are a community of diverse thoughts and beliefs but we are not that different. Striving for inclusion and acceptance is key in the new paradigm and affords amazing opportunities for growth and connection. Warning! Some content may take you outside of your comfort zone! Excellent! Please allow this information to pass through the filter of your heart, not your mind. Feel into the spirit of the works offered before making judgments. If it does not resonate, that is OK! We love you still. Many Blessings. Maria and Bob

on the 15th. Deadline for submission is the 1 rst. All submissions & inquiries should be sent to All ads & artwork should be in .jpeg format. Please contact us for submission guidelines! Bright Blessings!

Your Infinite Heart Zine is published monthly

Page 10 Your Infinite Heart 2013

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