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Konrad Lorenz w as born on November 7,

1903, in Vienna,w as di ed in Febr uary 27

1989 in V ienna.
His father w as Adol f Lorenz and hi s mother
Em ma Lecher. Lorenz' s lov e ani mal s and
Konrad Lorenz was an Austrian
zoologist,and winner Nobel Prize,in
physiology and medicine was provided
in the will of Alfred Nobel of 1895 and
has been allocated for the first time in
• Founders of modern ethology,
developing an approach that subject.
Lorenz studied instinctive behavior in
animals.Working with geese, he
rediscovered the principle of imprinting
• Is the term used in psychology and
ethology to describe any kind of phase-
sensitive learning.
• He wrote numerous books, some of
which, King Solomon's Ring. In later
life his interest shifted to the study of
man in society.In 1940 he became a
professor of psychology at the
University of Königsberg.

• Lorenz Konrad etologo e filosofo

austriaco 2 di 3
• Konrad lorenz era un zoologo austriaco,e aveva vinto il
premio Nobel,
• Il Premio Nobel per la medicina e la fisiologia è stato
previsto nel testamento di Alfred Nobel del 1895 ed è
stato assegnato per la prima volta nel 1901.
• E il fondatore della moderna etologia. Ha svolto e ha
approfondito questa materia. Esso studiava il
comportamento e gli istinti degli animali. Lavorava con
le oche,lui ha riscoperto il principio del imprinting.ha
scritto unumerosi libri come King Solomon's Ring. Piu
tardi ha cambiato il suo interesse nello studio del uomo
nella società.
• Nel 1940 è diventato professore di psicologia presso
l'Università di Königsberg.
Grazie per la
What did he study?
When was he born?
Where was he born?
What did Lorenz love?
When did he die?
What did Lorenz found?
What is imprinting?
What did he write?

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