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This web application is used to handle typical operations in a library system. This application is developed for librarians. Issuing book, returning book, adding member, and searching for books are some of the major operations of this application.

Technologies and Products used

ASP.NET 2.0 C# language Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

File Structure
The following is the directory structure of this application.
exam |- App_Data | |-Database.mdf |- App_Code | |-Database.cs |- App_Themes | |-style.css |- all | |-LibraryService.asmx |- photos (this directory contains .jpg files of members) |- default.aspx |- login.aspx |- addtitle.aspx |- addmember.aspx |- Masterpage.master |- memberinfo.aspx |- members.aspx |- chanepassword.aspx |- deletemember.aspx |- issue.aspx |- returnbook.aspx |- memberslist.aspx |- searchbooks.aspx |- web.config |- web.sitemap |- updatemembers.aspx |- logout.aspx

Operations and related files

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.

Operation Login Logout Delete Member Master page of all Home Page Change password Add Title Add Member Iseue of book Return of book Search books Update Members

Files login.aspx logout.aspx deletemember.aspx Masterpage.master Default.aspx changepassword.aspx addtitle.aspx addmember.aspx issue.aspx returnbook.aspx searchbooks.aspx updatemembers.aspx

Member Information memberinfo.aspx List of books books.aspx

Structure of Tables
uname - varchar(10) pwd - varchar(10) fullname - varchar(30)

subcode - varchar(10) subname - varchar(30) di - datetime

mid - int mname - varchar(30) depositamt - int djoin - datetime email - varchar(40) occupation - varchar(50)


tid - int title - varchar(30) subcode - varchar(10) authors - varchar(50) price - int dp - datetime publishers - varchar(30) status - char(1)

tid - int mid - int di - datetime issuedby - varchar(10)

tid - int mid - int di - datetime dr - datetime issuedby - varchar(10) returnedto - varchar(10) fineamt - int

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application : 1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory lm in d:\. 2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. 3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\lm 4. Add SQL Database file to your project and create necessary tables as shown above. 5. Create issuebook and returnbook procedures as shown below.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ALTER PROCEDURE IssueBook ( @tid int, @mid int, @di datetime, @issuedby varchar(10) ) AS declare @nbooks int /* check titles availablity */ =

if not exists( select * from titles where tid = @tid and status 'a') 18. begin

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

raiserror('Title is not present or not available',15,1) return end /* check members availablity */ if not exists (select * from members where mid = @mid ) begin raiserror('Invalid member id!',15,1) return end ALTER PROCEDURE ReturnBook ( @tid int, @dr datetime, @user varchar(10) ) AS declare @fine int declare @mid int declare @issuedby varchar(10) declare @di datetime /* check tid is valid */ if not exists (select * from issues where tid = @tid) begin raiserror('Title is not in the issued titles!',15,1) return end

/* calculate fine */ select @fine=case when datediff(dd,di,getdate()) > 15 then datediff(dd,di,getdate())-15 54. else 0 55. end 56. from issues where tid = @tid; 57. 58. select @mid = mid, @di = di, @issuedby=issuedby 59. from issues where tid = @tid; 60. 61. /* insert a row into returns */ 62. 63. begin tran 64. insert into returns 65. values(@tid,@mid,@di,@dr,@issuedby,@user,@fine); 66. 67. delete from issues where tid = @tid; 68. 69. update titles set status ='a' 70. where tid = @tid 71. 72. commit tran 73.

74. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page. 75. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition. 76. You should see login.aspx page.

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