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Researchers and Native Community Members

Northeast Native Health Network

Afternoon Sharing Circles In conjunction with our in-person meeting April 10, 2013 Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA Snell Library, room 90
(Bring drivers license/photo ID for entry into library)

NENHN meeting: 10 am -12 noon Lunch: 12 - 1 pm Afternoon Sharing Circle: 1 pm 5 pm

We are accepting abstracts for oral presentations for our Afternoon Sharing Circles

Abstracts due Friday, March 1, 2013

Please RSVP so we have an accurate count for food! Submit abstract and RSVP to: (580) 512-7280

NEU School of Nursing is providing generous support for the m eeting, lunch, and sharing circles

Submitting Abstracts

Rather than asking for abstracts about particular topics or themes, the organizers are inviting all contributors to use the broad framework of respectful health research with Native people as a basis for developing their 250 word (maximum) conference abstracts for sharing circles. The abstracts will form the basis for a more detailed program, which will be designed to generate discussions in sharing circles. Ideas for presentations include research studies conducted, pointers for conducting research with Native people, health and health care needs of Native people in the Northeast, helpful hints for funding requests, cultural information, storytelling, etc.
Sharing Circles

Abstracts will be considered by the organizers, who will allocate them to sharing circles based on similarities. Each sharing circle will be facilitated. Sharing circle facilitators will draw up plans to facilitate the circles, aiming for a variety of formats, including (but not limited to) fifteen-minute presentations.

Interactive campus map: Directions to campus: Transportation and parking:
Northeastern is accessible by subway via the Green Line of the MBTA. From downtown Boston, take an "E" train outbound to the Northeastern stop, the first stop above ground. The campus can also be reached from downtown via the Orange Line by taking any train going outbound to Forest Hills and getting off at Ruggles Station. Commuter rail lines connect with the Orange Line at Ruggles Station, Back Bay Station, and North Station.

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