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Lesson Plan Instructor: Alan Newman___________________

Lesson Objective/s: How to Tell a True War Story; work in groups to come up with a list of what Tim OBrien describes as a True War Story. Essentially coming up with a rubric for their own summative assessment. State Standard/s:10.RL.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 10.RIT.6: Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose. ELD Standard/s Formative Assessment/s: students make lists of True War Story criteria Summative Assessment/s: original True War Story Topic: True War Story Subject:English Check box if part of a larger unit: __ Where does the lesson fit in: Begin _X_ Middle __ End __ Duration of Lesson: __50 minutes__ Grade 10_ Other adult involved in instruction: (Check appropriate) Paraeducator ____ co-teacher_______ volunteer _____

Understanding Your Learners through contextual details (ELLs & ELD levels, IEP/IDP, 504, GATE, Gender, Ethnicity)

Revised 7/29/2011

The class is 60% Hispanic and 40% White in a suburban area that has a notorious gang culture surrounding it. The students range from lower class to upper-middle class. There are fights involving gang rivalry often, and there is some tension between social classes, which is mostly divided by race. Two students in the class require IEPs. Micha is symptomatic of PTSD and he may be opposed to discussing physical violence or hearing about certain aspects of the Vietnam war. He works with the guidance counselor on a daily basis on his difficulties in concentrating and conduct in the classroom. Lizzie has problems decoding text and reads at a 5th grade level, but her speaking/listening skills are at grade level.

IEP Goals Directions: List students goals as they apply to this lesson. Large Group/Whole Class Instruction Select 2-4 students for instructional focus. Small Group / Individualized Instruction (< 5 students) Student(s) IEP Goal/Objective (standards based)


Large Group: n/a Small Group: contribute in a positive way to group in order to find evidence from chapter of what a true war story is. Do not become angry with peers when they disagree with you or say something that you don't like. Large group: n/a small group: make a list of vocabulary words and phrases that you don't understand and be able to work through those words when done with group work. Be able to admit to group that you don't know specific word if asked to read for group.



Revised 7/29/2011

Lesson Elements
Lesson Introduction (connect & build background knowledge)

Identify Formative Assessment as it occurs in the lesson


What are the students doing? Listening to explanation

What is other adult doing? N/A

Check for Understanding Ask questions. Answer possible questions.


-Connect with students that each of the first few stories of the 5 min chapter have been True War Stories and that the book as a whole is a collection of such stories. -This will be the start of larger project throughout the unit. 1. Students come into class that is already divided up into groups of 4-5. Teacher assigns students into groups as they come into classroom. 2. Students either have The Things They Carried or the book is distributed to each student. 3. Explanation of day. Students are to spend the next thirty minutes reading the chapter. Explain that the chapter is about writing true war stories and OBrien gives the necessary characteristics for a story to qualify as a true war story. Students should come up with a list of 5-10 characteristics of a true war story. The list they come up with, will be used for our next assignment of actually our own true war stories.


Lesson Body

Revised 7/29/2011

Direct Instruction

1. Model: Show them example on page 65: A true war story is never moral. This is an example of OBrien specifically stating a characteristic of a true war story. Students (working in groups) must give a further explanation of what he means by that. For example, OBrien my stating that a true war story is never moral, is saying that the story cannot state whether the actions in the story are right or wrong. The reader must come to that conclusion on their own.(First 5 minutes) 1. Possible characteristics of a true war story a. A true war story is never moral (65) b. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb, therefore, you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil(65-66) c. You can tell a true war story if it embarrasses you(66) d. Its difficult to separate what happened from what seemed to happen(67). e. In many cases a true war story cannot be believed(68). f. You can tell a true war story by the way it never seems to end(72). g. If theres a moral at all, its like the thread that makes the cloth (74). h. Often in a true war story there is not even a point, or else the point doesnt hit you until twenty years later(78) i. You can tell a true war story if you just keep on telling it (81)

5 min

Listening to modeling; taking notes; looking at example in book.


Ask questions; be able to tell if they understood once they start independent practice.

The Things They Carried; pen; paper

Guided Practice


Looking for examples of what makes up a true war story while reading the chapter


View list of characteristics of true war story; ask questions.

The Things They Carried; pen; paper

Revised 7/29/2011

Independent Practice

1. Students read chapter in groups, coming up with a list and explanation of the above assignment (30 min).

30 min

Reading story n/a in groups. Starting to work on list.

View list of characteristics of true war story; answer any potential questions; observations View list of characteristics of true war story; answer potential questions; observations

The Things They Carried; pen; paper

Extended Practice

10 1. Once student have finished with chapter and list. Come together as a class to make a master list of all min of the characteristics of a true war story. (10 minutes)

Writing list of true war story characteristics


The Things They Carried; pen; paper

Lesson Closing

1. If there is enough time, introduce True War Story Writing Assignment, which will be based on the list that the students create.

The Things They Carried; pen; paper

LEVELS OF STUDENT OUTCOMES Remember the model of instruction, the instructional setting and the students needs, goals and objectives. All Some All students will have read the chapter; begin to understand components of a story. Some students will have a firm understanding of what makes a true war story so compelling; understand how details and other characteristics impact story. Will be able to list every single characteristic of the story; work well with group in order to come up with complete list. Start reading next chapter.


Revised 7/29/2011

Attach Classroom Profile (Highlight students in lesson for instructional focus

Revised 7/29/2011

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