Mysteria Magica

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NN INSEE Oe Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips DOr Cee uaa ceca he Cee mcee utc T 1 knowledge—required for the complete and effective development of a true magical Hl understanding and dynamic magical power. Set forth in book form by high Initiates of Ne ee Cheer age Maen nace Rc the authority of a valid, living and internationally established Occult Order. The Glory of High Magick Worlds of thrilling experience, of indescribable beauty and power, await the aspirant to High Magick: await each and every one, not as something alien or preternatural, but as a true part of the heritage which the seeker inwardly knows to be his or hers by natural right. For the keys. to these powers and enchantments are within each one of us—are within you! And you need but to know them, and to understand their application, to be able to employ these keys of wonder: to enhance and ennoble your life, as you progress towards the realization of your true Self. A privileged few have through the ages been taught and guided in using the methods of Ceremonial Magick for these purposes. Now, in this new Age, the responsible leaders and teachers of one of the most venerable Wisdom Schools in the westem world have dared proclaim a new decree. To restore to cach person, initiate or non initiate, access to the primeval roots of vision and intuition: to enable each person to reach his or her full inner stature and maturity; this is needful if each is to attain the self-responsibility which this age requires This volume, Mysteria Magica, reveals essential techniques and advanced teachings of the Western Mystery Tradition in straightforward terms which the newcomer to High Magick can follow, and with a rich- ness of insight and inspiration which the experienced mage will recognize and welcome. Here are the “Principles of Ceremonial”, showing how and why ritual acts can lead to their desired result; here, in descriptive papers and formulae, are shown explicitly the lines upon which you can if you wish build your own effective magical procedures and rituals. More, here are the fexts of potent techniques and rituals themselves; for self training, for constructing magical defenses and for the consecra- tion of your own magical implements. For individual or group use, this book contains most vital proce- dures of High Magick, distilled from the wisdom and the practical skills of many ages past and combined with the modem outlook and awareness of psychology and of the physical sciences. If this be your will, it can help you to find and to realize that person of power, yourself, the Magician, About the Authors Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips have to their creditd a number of widely known books which have done much to advance magical knowledge and technique in the world of today. Their extensive practical experience in magick, and their long membership and high standing inthe Order Aurum Solis with its Qabalistic, Ogdoadic and Hermetic traditions, amply qualify them to write with authority upon their chosen subjects. They stand pre- ‘eminently for a sane and wholesome occultism, and for the belief that High ‘Magickand the cultivation of the powers of the psyche alike forma vital part of humanity's spiritual heritage. ‘Melita Denning is the first woman Grand Master of Aurum Solis, position she has held since 1976. She was invested Dame d’Honneur, O.M.C.T., in 1968 by the Geneva Grand Priory of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple. Osborne Phillips is currently Grand Preceptor of Aurum Solis. He is a Fellow of the International Biographical Association, a Life Patron of the ‘American Biographical Institute and member of the Institute's National Advisory Board, and an Honorary Fellow of the Anglo-American Academy. Both authors are listed in various editions of Who's Who in the Warid, Inter- ational Authors and Writers Who's Who, Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of International Biography andl Personalities of the West and Midwest. Melita Den- ning is also listed in Dictionary of Distinguished Americans, World Who's Who of Womenand International Who's Who in Community Service. Osborne Phillips is also listed in Men of Achievement and Men and Women of Distinction. The Order Aurum Solis was fottnded in England in 1897, from the membership of an older antiquarian society: this in barn had its roots deeply embedded in the main- stream Western Tradition, and in the various phases of its history throughout the centuries, Besides Britain, Aurum Solis is active in the United States, France and Spain; its teachings are also attracting keen interest in several other countries. To Write to the Authors ‘We cannot guarantee that every letter written to the authors can beanswered, but all will be forwarded to. them. Both the authors and the publisher appreciate hearing from readers, learning of your enjoyment and benefit from this book. Llewellyn also publishes a bi-monthly news magazine with news and reviews of practical esoteric studies and articles helpful to the student, and some readers’ questions and comments tothe authors may be answered through this magazine's columns if permission to do is included in the original letter, The authors and their advanced students sometimes peteipae in seminars and workshops, and dates and placesare announced in The Llewellyn New Times, To write to the authors, or to ask a question, write to: Denning and beng c/o THE LLEWELLYN NEW TIMES P.O. Box 64383-196, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383, U.S.A. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope fer reply, or $1.00 to cover costs. te

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