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June 29, 2013

Hilary J. Holz, PhD

3687 Madrone Avenue, Oakland, California 94619 (510) 919-3750

Full Stack Web Developer

Over twenty-five years experience in software development, twenty as a full stack web developer. EXPERIENCE NestWise, San Francisco, California
April 2013 present Senior Software Developer Diagnosed Rails / Salesforce integration gaps via complexity analysis Recommended mix of technical, cultural interventions Currently refactoring (observer pattern) Ruby Salesforce proxy and related DelayedJob classes Moved team Salesforce development to DVCS (github) Design supports multiple desktop developer tools (Force IDE, MavensMate) Documented each step of the process on internal wiki to facilitate adoption and continuity of practice Refactored Apex controller for central custom sObject Reduced controller footprint, componentized custom Visualforce pages Resolved several known (as well as previously unknown) bugs Monsoon Company, Oakland, California Jan 2013 April 2013 dev Lead developer (server side): Metropolitan Transportation Commission traffic Incident Reporter designed, implemented RESTful API (JSON and HTML) for iOS browser apps wrote responsive (Susy) browser app w/responder and admin portals, integrate with Elastic Email for alerts RoR, mysql, Geocoder, Devise, strong parameters, Redis, Resque, Cucumber, RSpec, Factory Girl, Timecop, Simplecov EC2, S3, Vagrant, Chef, Berkshelf, Guard Front end developer: SunRun Personalized URL custom concrete5 package: single-page application for SunRun's current (c5.4.1.1) and new (c5.6.0.2) instances BDD with Behat, Mink, and Zombie. Folded SASS, Compass, Susy and Bootstrap into the project Lead: Monsoon internal devops + coding best practices project (new Confluence intranet) developed continuous integration (~ github flow) and continuous deployment practices 2011 2012 Consultant Author: Octoburn, a blogging engine for information architects (home page) Includes a rich set of microdata filters (ruby plugin) for intuitive customization of templates (live) responsive design (Susy); Google fonts; Vertical Rhythm (Compass) (repo) Tag page generator and tag filters (ruby plugin), integrated with microdata in semantic HTML5 templates Sinatra DSL, static pages via Jekyll, uses Octopress's code-related Liquid filters and Javascript for fluid embedding of code Migrated a set of scoreboards from Google Spreadsheets to Rails established groups with over 1000 combined users, some overlap, scoreboards played an integral role in their development Global, polyglot, gender-balanced, teens through retirement, members w/disabilities, several use screen readers California State University, East Bay, Hayward, California 2001 2011 Founder / Director, Laboratory for Adaptive Hypermedia and Assistive Technologies Developed first implementation of unobtrusive user modeling 'in the wild' (no specialized browser, plugin, needed) Dynamic pages. Custom mod_perl server injected unobtrusive user modeling Javascript & extracted results for analysis Contributions to WWW::Mechanize, Module::Install, Apache::TestMB, CIS RHEL Benchmark Started project (2003) RAD, transitioned to TDD (2005), then to BDD (2006). 100% code coverage, ask me why. Dynamic (adaptive and personalizable) content, generated from XML stored in postgreSQL, views in XLST Developed time-before-first-scroll, first metric for time spent reading to be statistically significant in the wild Associate Professor of Computer Science (extensive publication record) AccessAbility Internet Services, multiple locations 1995 2000 Founder / President (AccessAbility was a very early value-added web hosting start up.) Lead architect, loosely coupled highly scalable control panel, Senior sys admin: Apache (initially NCSA) on BSD/OS

PhD, Pattern Recognition (minors: Statistics, Experimental Psychology) MS, Computer Science (concentration: Simulation and Modeling) BS, Mathematics and Computer Science The George Washington University, Washington, DC The George Washington University, Washington, DC Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA

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