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Raising The Curtain On 1935
T he present pam phlet is the fo u rth in a series of yearly publications containing predictions and prophecies for the coming year. T h e first one w as issued in the Fall of 1931, covering th e year 1932. E arly in the S pring o f 1932 the n atu re of its predictions w as so appreciated by m ultitudes in A m erica th at edition a fte r edition of th e pam phlet w as p rin ted and circulated n ot only by the original o rganisation b ut by m any large firms, banking institutions, and h u m an itarian movements. N ew spapers republished all or p art of the pam phlet in detail and before the end of the y ear there w ere thousands of com m ents in public p rin t regarding th e correctness of the p re dictions made. T h e same uniform appreciation of the p am phlets fo r 1933 an d 1934 w as accorded by thousands o f firms and publications in the U n ite d States.

Rosicruciar Park SAN JO SE. C A LIFO RN IA

Facts N ot Fancy
It is to be noted th a t the predictions and prophecies contained in these pam phlets are not based upon any w eird, speculative, or m ythical system, nor upon spiritualistic d icta tions or an y form of necrom ancy. T h e p re dictions are m ade as a result of a careful stu d y and analysis of large charts and dinPage T hfee


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gram s of w orld conditions outlined in cycles of periodicity m uch like the charts and curves of the action or tren d s of business in an y specific field, or like charts th a t are m ade of the rise and fall of m arket quotations. These charts, diagram s, and w orld studies are made and preserved in the archives of the Rosicrucian organization of E urope for the sole p u r pose of guiding hum an effort and forew arning students of universal history of the tren d of w orldly affairs. Each pam phlet is w ritte n and published sev eral m onths prio r to th e new y ear and the last one issued for 1934 has already gained w o rld w ide recognition fo r its accuracy and its very definite predictions of m any events now fu l filled, b u t w hich w ere unsuspected and unbe lievable at the tim e the pam phlet was issued. A n unbiased reading of this pam phlet, w ith the u nderstanding th a t its au th o r and the o r ganisation circulating it are in no wise con nected w ith any political m ovem ent and abso lutely n eu tral in regard to its w orld-w ide affili ations, will enable the reader to derive a fair picture of the y ear 1935. (Issued d u rin g the m onth o f O ctober, 1934.) i= o o = : N otf.: A ll or p a rt of the m atter contained in this booklet m ay be republished or quoted, providing explanation is given that it is from a booklet "published by A M O R C , the R osicrucian B rotherhood.
C o p y r i g h t e d , 1934 B y A M O R C , R o s ic r u o ia n B r o t h e r h o o d SAN JO S E , C A L IF O R N IA , U. S. A. Page Four

1935 A N D SU R P R IS E

O nce again w e are on the high seas, re tu rn ing from E urope w here w e have made a careful study and analysis of the charts of cycles of w orld events as preserved in the R osicrucian archives. F or m any centuries these fam ous records have clearly p ortrayed th e fixed te n dencies and trends of hum an, w orldly events. Cycles of actions, moving one w ithin another across huge sheets of parchm ent, have traced varying curves of m otion affecting every con certed action of groups or sections of nations and peoples, w hile o th er interw oven sectors of curves reveal the Cosmic impulses in th eir u n in te rru p te d urges upon the thinking and re sponsive volitions of all hum an beings. In the political, economic, social, moral, re ligious, and scientific restlessness of our w orld citizens, these tendencies of cyclic action are most definite. From a study of these, certain consequential reactions are also revealed, and these give us a secondary picture of more mi n u te detail. A rg u e as we may, w e cannot deny the very definite tendencies show n by the cycles of past events. T h e recent economic depression in the U nited States, for instance, caused m any stu d ents and experts to analyze the tendencies of economic conditions in the light of the facts about the cycles of life published in one of our books several years ago, and the result w as a com pletely new view -point of the m atter. Since then more has been published in financial magazines about the Economic Cycles" th an
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ever before. Such know ledge explains the seeming m ystery o f the economic upheavals in all p arts of the w orld. H ow ever, m any o th er events of life have as great a bearing upon the peace, prosperity, and happiness of nations, as the p u rely economic. A ll of these cycles w ith their periodicity of action m ust be studied by the stu d en t of w orld affairs if he w ould offer his assistance in aiding m ankind by forew arnings. This, at least, is the self-imposed d u ty of every tru e R o sicru d an .

dencies to w ard international peace w hich exist now and w ill continue to exist for m any months. A s each m onth passes d u rin g the next eighteen m onths there w ill be a decreasing d e sire for w ar in the national consciousness of cach of E u ro p es leading nations. A fte r th at, w ar will be less likely than ever before. In a purely national sense, how ever, there arc some disturbing indications. N atio n s in E urope w ill refrain from great international conflicts w ith adm irable courage, b u t w ithin th eir ow n boundaries certain of these nations will experience the fire of revolutionary tra n sition from one stage of evolution to another.

G eneral W o rld Conditions

W h e n w e left the port of Newr Y ork on A u g u st 1st, 1934, for E urope, the w hole w orld had its eyes centered on the strained conditions existing p articu larly in V ien n a, A u stria, and in E urope generally. Yet, w e knew from o ur previous stu d y of 1934 th a t it w as perfectly safe to w end o ur w ay through the very te rri to ry w here w ar seemed most im m inent, and reach o u r goal in the A u strian A lps before proceeding to o th er centers of R osicrucian archives. T o d ay (Septem ber 18, 1934) as our steam er is plying th ro u g h a smooth A tla n tic , we can say w ith all positiveness th a t E urope is less ap t to go into w ar th an she was a few years ago, despite all the predictions and prophecies of em inent statesm en and famous agitators. T h ere is not a single nation in E urope at this tim e whose cycle of war is about to cross any line of action. F urtherm ore, there has not been in E urope fo r m any years the strong tenP a g e Six

A Reign of Dictators
A u stria, for instance, will light bravely, as we indicated in previous w ritings, for a retu rn to a modified form of m onarchy, w ithout w hich she will be n eith er happy n or prosper ous. In G erm any, on the o th er hand, h er te n dency tow ard peace and w orldly harm ony will be disturbed by th e treachery of some w'ho will seek to w eaken the po w er w hich the G erm an people have willingly and h o p efully placed in the hands of one suprem e dictator. D espite the statem ents of w orld observers the present leader of the G erm an governm ent is considered by m any G erm ans as the right man of the hour, and has far m ore sym pathetic sup p o rt th an the W'orld understands. T h e d anger th at faces G erm any is a d anger th at faces him, for he has almost reached the zenith of his cycle, and is surely to be crossed by the cycles of
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treachery. But these internal affairs will be bu t the b urning of th e g reater fire th a t will make a g reater G erm any and the w ork of the present D ictato r afte r he has altered some of his objectionable policies will count more for peace and reconstruction th an an y th in g else in the fu tu re of th a t country. O n e of the greatest cyclic influences fo r in tern atio n al peace is now active in Italy, and will continue to m anifest its pow er for a long time. In Italy th ere is now rising a w orld leader, or adviser, th a t will make the nam e of M ussolini fam ous for centuries.

France To Sink In Mire of W a r Fear

France, u n fo rtu n ately , is passing through a C ycle o f Fear. I t is suffering from a W ar-fear complex, due to a crossing of tw o of its cyclic curves, w hich will affect it for an o th er year. T he very soul and consciousness of its people nationally, and almost individually, are being sorrow ed, restrained, terrorized, and depressed by this fear of w ar. T h e reaction o f this will be m anifested in an economic depression, loss of trade, in ju ry to its good-will, resentm ent against governm ent activities o f com m unists and treachery. A n d all this is so unnecessary. G re at B ritain, also, is facing some serious in tern al problems. She, too, must keep out of international strifes if she is to follow the urges of her cyclic impulses; b u t she will do well to give serious th o u g h t to the grow ing pow er of a modified form of Fascism w hich even now m ust be m ore p o ten t in the U n ited Kingdom
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than any of her statesm en suspect. T h e tren d of her political affairs indicates th a t her fu tu re King will occupy a glorious position in a d if feren t form of governm ent th an G re a t B ritain has ever know n. T h ere are excellent Cosmic impulses responsible fo r the increasing desire for w orld peace in the hearts of B ritains fine consciousness, and she will be one of the first of the countries across the A tla n tic to enjoy a rise in prosperity and contentm ent, despite the inevitable changes th a t are about to be come m anifest. T h ro u g h o u t the w'orld the Cosmic impulses m aking for im p o rtan t changes fo r th e b etter will m anifest in local outbreaks of restlessness. In the N ea r East and the F ar East th ere will be strifes and contentions, the breaking dow n of some old customs, rules, and attitudes, the vain efforts to secure undeserved and u n w ar ran ted independence. N ew political leaders and saviors will arise w hose fu tile plans will cause much loss of life, b u t before 1935 closes her term m any of these peoples will have learned a great lesson and have a b etter reali zation of th eir tru e place in the G reat Schem e of evolution.

Russia To Eliminate Agitators

Russia is heading for enorm ous im provem ent in all her plans, including the inevitable house cleaning. She has not yet seen the w ritin g on the wall, but before the end of 1935 some of her wise leaders and law m akers will keenly appreciate the necessity o f elim inating from the co u n try a num ber of agitators, and a n u m ber of insidious form s of propaganda w hich
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have been in ju rin g her internal progress and jeopardizing her international reputation. She, too, will soon become a w orld-factor in th e u n i versal urge for peace. M an y great political tru th s will be revealed by R ussia? praise w o rth y actions of various kinds.

International Tendencies
A ll in all, w e see th a t the great pow ers of the w orld are consciously o r unconsciously m oving to w ard international peace, and as each of these countries becomes enthused, as well as engaged in th e interesting and profitable busi ness of cleaning th e inside of the cup, the possibility of in tern atio n al disputes an d con tests will become im potent. Even the sm aller countries, such as Belgium and H olland, and most certainly Poland, will have, im portant in n er problem s to face. W h ile these, too, w ill make some mistakes in attem p t ing to in terp ret the Cosmic reconstructive im pulses, each m istake will reveal a great p rin ciple and w ill lead to eventual good, Broadly speaking, some of the countries w hich all too quickly reacted to some cyclic impulses and changed from m onarchy to a form of dem ocracy or republicanism , w ill re tu rn to a m odification of th e ir form er status: w hile some kingdom s will change to a new er form of representative or brotherhood govern ment.

A ll th e lines o f cyclic changes have not yet converged in the chart fo r the U n ited States. H e r present governm ent, w ith all of its su r prising changes and innovations, is b u t a feel ing of the w ays and a clearing of th e tracks. U nquestionably, the greatest good accomplished in the U n ited States during 1934 will prove to be the efforts now considered as mistakes and errors o f judgm ent, fo r out of these w ill come m any valuable revelations to b >th governm ent and people. It is quite evident th a t so-called scandalous revelations in high circles will feed th e yellow press and pessimist, alike, w ith joy. R ut most of these will prove to be the n atu ra l result of reconstruction. For, th e U n ited States is des tin ed to become more united an d more h a r m onious in its internal affairs d u rin g the next few years th an the most optim istic has ever dream ed. C ertain ly th ere will be the localized o u t breaks of political factions, new leaders, new schemes of socialistic and economic control. M ost surely th ere will be b itter political w ars, surprising changes of public attitu d e, and m any political bed-fellows will change places or seek new and in dependent berths. C harges of deceit, frau d , deliberate m isrep resentation, and secret alliances will be made against the highest officers of the governm ent. T he fire will burn briskly at times, as though infuriated by th e restlessness of the people.
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The United States

H ere the crucible of change is just begin n in g to tran sm u te th e dross into gold, as we stated in our 1933 and 1934 papers.
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New Unity Between Canada and United States

In the end, how ever, as history will w rite it later, it will be found th a t the present experi m ents and tests w ere inspired by the action of the Cosmic cycles, and w ould have made simi lar m anifestations u n d er any leader. T h e U n ited States is in the process of tr a n sition. It is at war, as w e stated in o u r 1934 p ap er: and th at war against the errors of the past w ill continue through 1935. D ay by day, despite the inevitable upheavals in the forms oi strikes, rebellions, Senate investigations, storms, m om entary depressions, and other form s o f drastic action, the co u n try will move forw ard tow ard a b etter general condition, w ith business, trade, and em ploym ent increas ing, values becoming stabilized, governm ent control more w idely sanctioned, and peace more firmly established. The relationships betw een the U nited States and other countries, p articu larly C anada, will become more assuring, friendly, and beneficial. In C anada m any innovations w ill find general approval and increased p rosperity will rew ard the C anadians before the end of 1935.

ation will rea^h its maximum d u rin g 1935 and there w ill be indications ap lenty to show th at "y o u th has tired of its fling. It will n ot be tiredness, how ever, but a realization of the loss ot potential pow er accom panied by a quickening of the Cosmic impulses to give g reater heed to the S piritual values of life. H ere, then, will be found the golden o p p o rtu n ity w hich the church needs to strengthen its influences and apply its possibilities. T h e charts show, how ever, th a t for a while, pos sibly tw o more years, th e church generally wall fail to ad ap t itself to this new set of fo rtu n ate conditions. It will try to m aintain an austere attitu d e and make contrition the keynote of the search of the spiritually aw akened. W h e n it finds, how ever, th a t Love in its most hum an as well as Spiritual sense will open the doors to the new m ultitudes, a great rebirth of re ligion and church attendance will result. T h e elim ination of religious intolerance and theological disputes will be dem anded by the increasing num ber of seekers for religious Light, and m any em inent theologians will come forw ard in different parts of the w orld d u rin g 1935, sup p o rtin g the new aw akening and cast ing aside their form er positions, much to the consternation of the staid orthodox.

Religious Intolerance To W a n e
Still the rising pow er of the new er g en era tion is to be felt in all social, moral, and re ligious m atters th ro u g h o u t the W e ste rn W o rld first, then throughout Europe. T he swing of the pendulum in regard to the m odernistic tendencies of the rising generP a g e Tw elve

Banking To Receive N ew Jolts

A ll over the w orld the values of all things will greatly change in 1935. Regardless of any m onetary stan d ard gold or silver th ere will be a consideration of the real value of service and product.
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T he present vascillation in m onetary m atters will continue for m onths at some period be coming disquieting. B ut each sad experience will prove to m illions th e fallacy of material values arb itrarily established. Banking and speculative systems will receivc a num ber of new jolts, d u rin g 1935, in the U nited States and p arts of Europe. A s stated in our previous papers, these changes in eco nomic m atters constitute one of the most im p o rtan t features of the g reat evolution th at is now affecting the fu tu re of the more ad vanced nations.

Scientific M atter
In the field of science, discoveries, revela tions, and advancem ent w ill be most num erous in tw o branches; nam ely, medicine and cos mogony. In medicine and therapeutics some astonish ing discoveries in connection w ith th e cure of tuberculosis and cancer will be announced by Italian authorities cither in Italy or in some o th er p art of E urope, and im p o rtan t findings will be m ade regarding th e hum an nervous system and the treatm en t of m any puzzling nervous disorders. T h e recent epidemic of sleeping sickness and related conditions will be b etter understood as a result of scientific rev elations d u rin g 1935 and some great advance m ent will be m ade in regard to serum s by em inent men of E ngland and G erm any. In the U n ited States th ere will be consider able advancem ent in the practice of th e ra p eu tics of both the dru g and drugless methods,
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and g reat advancem ent will be m ade in coiv nection w ith the study of the influence of high frequencies on the cause and cure of disease and nervous conditions. In cosmogony and the study of the cosmic, cosmic rays, and cosmic influences, science will cast much light upon subjects w hich have here tofore been considered arcane m atters dealt w ith almost exclusively by the schools of m ys ticism and metaphysics. T h e very definite line betw een physics and m etaphysics will be made more flexible and a b etter u n d erstanding of the principles involved in both of these sciences will become more p o p u lar and given more con sideration in all hum an affairs. A few su r prising discoveries will be m ade in the heavens in connection w ith the starry bodies and some new facts of a surprising n atu re will be re vealed in regard to the ancient know ledge of the E gyptians as it relates to present and f u tu re conditions of the w orld. A n o th er very ancient city will be discovered buried in the sands of the countries bordering on the equator, and in South A m erica some archaeological discoveries will throw interest ing light upon past history. M ore will be learned about the ancient co n tin en t of Lem uria, and the m yths th a t have been asso ciated w ith this ancient continent will be .grad ually tu rn ed into actual history.

Man's Personal Evolution and Advancem ent

T h e y ear 193 5 is going to see a g reater d e velopm ent or interest in the study of m ans
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laten t pow ers an d abilities th a n in any y ear of th e past century. T h e tendency on the p a rt of science to release facts th a t it has discovered proving the existence of an in n e r consciousness in man th a t has a dom inating control over his th inking and acting an d influencing his w o rld ' ly affairs to a considerable degree, will be made quite freq u en tly d u rin g 1935 and the many new books and pam phlets dealing w ith m an's ability to control and direct his destiny will become popular.

You M a y Take A dvantage of These G re a t Changes

T h e R osicrucian O rd er, know n th ro u g h o u t the w orld as A M O R C , always the leader in all m ovem ents tending to w ard the unfoldm ent of m an's p o ten t possibilities and in n er powers, w ill continue to make g reat strides in its guidance of the studies of those w ho are seek ing for such fascinating knowledge. T h e In tern atio n al Congress of fo u rteen esotcric, mystical, metaphysical, and philosophical organizations, held in Brussels d u rin g A ugust of 1934, through w hich these organizations form ed a F ederation for the w ider dissem ina tion of th eir age-old wisdom and practical m ethods of assisting m ankind in its evolution, w ill be the first move of a w orld-w ide cam paign to assist man in taking advantage of the new form of consciousness th a t has been quickening w ith in him and urging him to in vestigate the w orld w ithin himself instead of concentrating his atten tio n almost exclusively on the w orld around him.
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If you are profo u n d ly interested in this sub ject get in touch w ith the cordial and kindly o fferings of the R osicrucian O rd e r and w rite for some of the interesting literatu re th a t will be sent gratis to sincere inquirers. W e p a rti cularly advise you to obtain a g ift copy of the "Scaled Book w hich you will find highly in teresting and instructive. A s a point of in form ation the Rosicrucian O rder is not a re ligious society or organization. M erely fill o ut carefully the coupon below and mail to the address given and the o rgani zation will see th a t th e com m unication is answ ered pro m p tly and this most unusual gift hook sent to you.

____G ift Book C o u p o n ------1 1 ) 1 S C R IB E M. O. A. R o sic ru c ia n B ro th e rh o o d AMORC, R o sicru cian P a r k , San Jo se , C alif., U.S.A. D ear S ir: I am in te re s te d in th e u n u su a l kno w led g e p o ssessed by th e R o sicru cian s. P le a s e sen d me w ith o u t o b lig atio n , th e free "S ealed B ook." w h ic h f u r th e r ex p la in s how I m ay ta k e adv a n ta g e of m y la te n t po w ers. N AM E......................... -...................... ................................ A D D R E S S ....... ......................................... ......................-


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