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How-To Documentation/Programming Style Guide

From Engineering Wiki

1 Coding Standards 1.1 Style 1.1.1 File Structure Headers Compiler Attributes Record Definitions Function Definitions Comments 1.1.2 Indentation 1.1.3 Naming 1.1.4 Hiding the threaded state 1.1.5 Size of Aggregates Modules Functions 1.1.6 Performance 1.3 UTV Coding Standards for Testers and Test Developers 1.4 Document Approval

Coding Standards
We follow the Erlang Programming Rules and Conventions[1], with some local additions (documented on this page). In particular, Section 8 of that document is entirely superseded by this page, and should be ignored. The reader may wish to consult [2, 3] for further discussion of programming style in declarative languages. Well-formatted example programs are available at [4]. [1] [2] [3] We follow an Agile development methodology which uses the best practices of all the flavours of agile be it XP or Scrum or Kanban. We believe that a key feature of agile development is to do testing and development in parallel. Therefore developers are required to write unit test cases and do exploratory testing while developing.

Also, if you (as a tester, developer or anyone else) find a module or a feature which is lacking in unit- and functional test cases, it should be considered a bug and reported.

File Structure
Headers The file header should include at least the creation date (copyright), and a short description of the purpose of the file. Other EDoc tags should be used as needed.
%%%============================================================================= %%% @doc One-line description of this module. %%% More detailed commentary here. %%% ... %%% %%% @copyright 2012 %%% %%% @reference %%% ... %%% %%% @end %%%=============================================================================

Compiler Attributes Typical files contain the module, export, and include_lib (do not use -include() !) declarations. Exported definitions should be listed alphabetically. If necessary, separate export declarations should be used for API exports, internal exports (apply), and test exports.
-module(quux). %% API -export([ bar/2 , baz/2 , frob/4 ... ]). %% RPC -export([twiddle/1]). -include_lib("...").

Record Definitions Use type annotations for record fields.

-record(quux, { foo :: [integer()] , bar :: ok | error , baz :: _ }).

Local type definitions can increase readability.

-type values() :: [integer()]. -type tag() :: ok | error. -record(quux, { foo :: values() , bar :: tag() , baz :: _ }).

Some comments on restrictions that you cannot express in the type system will be appreciated. Function Definitions All non-trivial functions should be annotated with a type specification and doccomment (stating what the high-level purpose of the function is). An Eunit test following the definition may be appropriate.
-spec frob(...) -> ... %% @doc ... frob() -> ...

In particular, exported (API) functions must always be documented in this way. Groups of related functions should be preceded by a block comment which lists assumptions, invariants, side effects, etc. if applicable. Horizontal separators should be used to identify groups of related functions within a source file.

Or, if further (sub-)grouping is desired:


Comments The number of '%' preceding a comment indicates the scope of the comment. Three '%'s are used for comments which apply to the entire source file; normally, this means the file header, but one could imagine something along the lines of:
%%% %%% Manually optimized code, do not touch. %%%

Emacs erlang-mode will enforce that such comments do not get indented beyond the first column. However, it is not mandatory to use '%%%' at the file scope; '%%'

works just as well for the module header. Two '%'s are the common case, and are meant for comments that should be on separate lines from the code. Emacs will indent these comments to the same level as the code around it. These comment lines (one or more) should always be placed above the function, clause, or expression that they pertain to, never after. These comments should be used to explain why a piece of code is written in a certain way, or to remind the reader of implementation details such as the implications of a certain branch being taken.
%% wrapper for calling bar/2 foo(X) -> bar(self(), X).

Finally, single-'%' comments are used to highlight some particularity of a single line, and should never be on a line of their own.
foo(X) -> ... frob(..., X+1), ...

% X must be adjusted by 1 for calling frob()

Comments should be used sparingly; they should not repeat what the code obviously does. The following is a bad comment:
%% Send a message to the Server Server ! Message,

This does not mean that you shouldn't write any comments at all. Whenever the code is not obvious (remember that the next person reading the code doesn't know the things you know and what is going on in your head), you should write a line or two of comments to make things more clear. You may use the markers FIXME, TODO, or NOTE in your comments in order to make them easier to find by searching or grepping. A FIXME comment indicates functionality that should be there according to the specification, but is missing or broken. FIXME comments should always be fixed before the code goes into the master branch. TODO is used for anything else that might need doing but is not required for now, or just looks suspicious and might need investigation. NOTE is used for important implementation details. Don't write NOTE in your comment unless it's something really noteworthy. (Keep in mind that all comments should be somewhat noteworthy, otherwise they are redundant chitchat and can be removed.)
frob(X, Y), %FIXME: we should really call snarf/2 instead

However, DO NOT use "XXX" (or anything similar) as a marker for things like this. First, it says nothing to the reader about how serious the problem is, and second, searching for XXX in a body of code typically comes up with loads of other

stuff, like variable names and strings. It's OK to put a FIXME "within" a TODO. (One use of this is that EDoc detects TODO notes before functions and in the module header, and can show them in the generated documentation.) For example:
%% TODO: FIXME: remember to implement frobnication of X frob(X) -> ...

This just means that you'll find the comment both when you search for FIXME and for TODO, and you can see it in the EDoc docs. Note that the other way around (FIXME: TODO:) doesn't work. Don't put your name in a comment unless it is to find your way back to a piece of broken code (use `git blame' and friends for archaeological excursions):
case X#frotzpuck.state of %% happi - rewrote to handle frotzpucks in the frobnitz state. frobnitz ->

But this is OK:

%% FIXME: (happi) fix handling of frobnitz state. case X#frotzpuck.state of bar -> ok

Also, don't use words like "I" in comments (unless your name is included, as above):
%% I think this should be changed to use frotz() instead foo(X+1), ...

Nobody else who reads the code will know who "I" is when they see that comment. Keep comments neutral and take discussions about the code to some other forum. For example, create a ticket in Jira for the problem you discovered.

The preferred indentation style is two spaces. Since this is not the standard indentation style of the Erlang mode in Emacs, files using 2 spaces for indentation should set the erlang-indent-level variable locally. This can be accomplished by specifying a local variables list, typically at the bottom of the file.
%%% Local Variables: %%% erlang-indent-level: 2 %%% End:

If the file does not set erlang-indent-level, it should be indented according to the standard Erlang mode in Emacs.

Single-line [function|case|if|...]-clauses should be aligned as per M-x erlang-alignarrows.

map(F, Xs) -> map(_, [], Acc) -> map(F, [X|Xs], Acc) -> map_({error, _} = E, _, _, _) -> map_({ok, Y}, F, Xs, Acc) -> map(F, Xs, []). {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}; map_(F(X), F, Xs, Acc). E; map(F, Xs, [Y|Acc]).

We use comma-first style (minimizes diff-size) for literals which do not fit on a single line.
snarfs() -> [ snarf , snorf , snurf ... ].

Note that currently, the Erlang Mode will not indent this correctly, so some manual work is needed. Place a space after each comma.
{1, 2, 3} {1,2,3} %yes %no

Place spaces around operators. The exception to this is matching of record fields.
1 + 2 %yes 1+2 %no #foo{bar=X} %ok

Overly complex guard expressions are considered bad style. If a complex guard is really needed, its indentation should reflect the logical structure of the tests.
foo(X, Y) when (X =:= 1 andalso Y > 0) ; X =:= 2 -> ...

Functions or literals that are used as lookup-tables should always have their columns aligned uniformly.
%% balance %% before table('-', table('-', table('<', table('<', table('>', table('>', where inserted left ) -> right) -> left ) -> right) -> left ) -> right) -> balance after {'<', {'>', {'-', {'-', {'-', {'-', whole tree increased yes, yes, no, no, no, no, to be rebalanced no }; no }; yes}; no }; no }; yes}.

In general, think about whether aligning a sequence of expressions along a common operator ('=', ',', etc.) increases readability (see also M-x align-regexp).

Do not use tabs. Putting

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

in your .emacs takes care of this. Lines with >80 characters are rejected by our build system.

Variable names should be written in CamelCase, such as:
FromDate, ToDate

Function names should be all lowercase and words should be separated by an underscore "_".

We follow the standard convention for naming threaded state variables:

foo(X0) -> X1 = frob(X0), X2 = quux(X1), ... X = finalize(XN).

Of course, when possible, the above should be written as:

foo(X) -> finalize(...(quux(frob(x)))).

Keep names short and to the point (under 20 characters), but a descriptive name is more important than a short name.

Hiding the threaded state

Another (better) way of 'hiding' the threaded state; instead of:
Reason0 Reason1 Reason2 Reason3 = = = = orddict:store(trac, No, orddict:new()), orddict:store(used, Du, Reason0), orddict:store(address, Ad, Reason1), orddict:store(total, Td, Reason2),

We can do:
Reason = foldf(orddict:new(), [ ?Curry(Dict, , ?Curry(Dict, , ?Curry(Dict, , ?Curry(Dict, ]),

orddict:store(trac, No, Dict)) orddict:store(used, Du, Dict)) orddict:store(address, Ad, Dict)) orddict:store(total, Td, Dict))

-define(Curry(X,Body), fun(X) -> Body end). foldf(Db, Fs) -> lists:foldl(fun(F,Acc) -> F(Acc) end, Db, Fs).

the main reasons are: Beauty Easier to maintain, just add/remove one line...

Size of Aggregates
Modules The most important feature of a module is that it contains related functions. The size of a module is not that important, as long as it doesn't contain unrelated code. But as a guideline, we suspect that a module approaching 3000 lines can probably be broken up into smaller sub-modules. Functions The vast majority of functions require only a few lines; functions should never exceed ~60 lines (roughly one page). The only exception to this is functions which implement really large tables. Only use three levels of nesting (e.g. a case within a case within a function clause) in extreme cases. Correct use of Erlang's pattern matching facilities should almost always let you get away with at most two levels of nesting; if not, break out code into smaller helper functions.

Simplicity (also known as elegance, beauty, readability, etc.) is more important than performance, within reason. Refer to the Erlang Efficiency Guide for specifics:

DB-specific Conventions
Function names
Add the postfix "_t" to functions that have to be called from within a transaction. Add the postfix "_d" to functions that perform dirty operations.

Database access
All database access should be done through a dedicated API module, e.g., the table 'person' should only be accessed through the 'person' module. The API modules should follow the conventions shown below. Note that all functions

do not have to be implemented if there is no obvious reason to have them, but if they are available they must follow these conventions.
-spec read_{d,t}(Key :: any()) -> #foo{}. %Set tables -spec read_{d,t}(Key :: any()) -> [#foo{},...]. %Bag tables -spec try_read_{d,t}(Key :: any()) -> {ok, #foo{}} | 'false'. %Set tables -spec try_read_{d,t}(Key :: any()) -> {ok, [#foo{},...]} | 'false'. %Bag tables -spec write_t(#foo{}) -> ok | #foo{}. %Only one return convention should be used. -spec update_t(OldRec :: #foo{}, NewRec :: #foo{}) -> ok | #foo{}. %Removes the old record. -spec delete_object_t(#foo{}) -> ok. -spec delete_t(Key :: any()) -> ok. %Works strictly within the table. -spec remove_t(Key :: any()) -> ok. %Deletes related material elsewhere.

Avoid functions of the form 'read_x' that take the mode of reading (t or d) as a parameter since this messes up the possibility to track what is happening for tools such as Dialyzer and Xref.

Coding Standards for Testers and Test Developers

The coding conventions mentioned above are not only valid for the development team. Since Erlang is being used company wide for Test Case creation by both developers and testers, it is highly desired that everyone in the development team (developers and testers) should stick to the same coding standards. Obviously, there will some additions required by the testers while writing the test cases which will help understand the test cases better but for writing the test cases in Erlang, they must stick to the coding standard mentioned above.

Document Approval
Approval table of revision #1.0.3 Approval date Sign Role pending Richardc owner

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