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Vicious Circle IV
Vicious Circle IV
Vicious Circle IV
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Vicious Circle IV

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85 Blogs In Search of Secular Ethics.


To reassure you again, the purpose of the blogs is not to sell books, (although nothing would give us greater pleasure than you reading them), but for the books to encourage people to read the blogs.
 For the most part, the novels reinforce the philosophy outlined in the author's blogs. 
On their own, the blogs might sound dry, divorced from reality. In fiction they take shape, they are reinforced with emotions of the protagonists, and thus illustrate that philosophy is not only love of wisdom, but the love of life itself. Love of Being and Becoming.


Kapuscinski's blogs deal with the Human Potential. In the past, religions attempted to show us the way towards an ethical way of life. Unfortunately, over the years, religious leaders used their authority to command rather than persuade and, by using the carrot and the stick, they learned to wield power.

As we all know—power corrupts. The threat of hell, the holy wars, the idiosyncratic penances imposed on the faithful, all lead to a diminution of the intent of the original teaching, which was the evolution of human consciousness.


We are gods, said the prophets, and thus, according to the author, we do not need any intermediaries between us and the Universe which chooses to express Itself through us. Hence the need for Secular Ethics.


SELECTED BLOGS:   (July. 2014—July 2015) 


Dukka and Other Misfortunes

The Third Party

The Inner Reality

More than Human?

The Purpose of Life


Ol' Man River

The Illusion of Free Will

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly



Remembering Einstein

Artificial Intelligence

The Immortal Atheist

Escape to Paradise



The search for Secular Ethics continues.

The author hopes that you'll join him.

Release dateOct 10, 2020
Vicious Circle IV

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    Book preview

    Vicious Circle IV - Stanisław Kapuściński




    Of Gods and Men

    Emptiness, Bacteria and Atheists

    The Smile left behind

    Us, Him, and Them

    The Problem with Immortality

    Global Amnesia

    On Morals versus Ethics

    The Powerful and the Saints

    The Mystery of Time

    Review of DELUSIONS


    Free Will

    The Centripetal Force

    Image and Likeness?

    Homo Sapiens



    The Many and the Few

    The Chicken or the Egg

    Lucid Dreams—Gateway to our Subconscious

    The Mystery of Water

    The Problem with Complexity


    Magnificent Robot

    Re-action versus Pro-action

    7,000,000,000 Answers

    A Vicious Circle

    Mysteries Unraveled

    Artificial Duality

    Evolution or Unfolding

    Final Destination


    An Eye for an Eye


    The Battle of the Opposites


    Dukkha and other Misfortunes

    The Avatar Syndrome

    The Third Party

    The Games

    The Futility of Long Wait

    The Inner Reality

    Still a Bestseller

    A New Beginning

    Our Younger Cousins

    The Big Chess Game

    Vicious Cycles

    More than Human?

    The Purpose of Life

    Lost in the Wonderland


    Ol’ Man River

    The illusion of Free Will

    The Greatest Force in the Universe

    My Dharma

    David and Goliath


    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    The Consequences


    Remembering Einstein

    Is Truth Flexible?

    The Essence of Duality

    War and Peace

    Big Bang





    Leap of Imagination

    Walls, Fences, and Iron Curtains

    Listening and Eavesdropping

    Universal Laws

    The Problem with Religion

    Artificial Intelligence

    The Immortal Atheist

    Escape to Paradise

    Secrets Unveiled

    Enigma of the Second Coming

    The Gate

    Francesco and Gio


    A Word about the Author

    Other Books by Stanislaw Kapuscinski



    We need a 'global system of secular ethics'

    Dalai Lama


    The problem with good advice is that there is nothing new in the world. We move in eternal cycles, hopefully spiraling imperceptibly towards higher vibrations, though it’s often hard to tell which way is up! Einstein has proven that, in outer space, the shortest distance between two points is a curve. Hence, if we proceed through eternity, through infinite space and time in the Eternal Now, our evolutionary cycles are also bound to follow the rule, and move in an eternal circle. A Vicious Circle, though seemingly advancing.

    The only thing we can truly enjoy is the creative act. It always remains integral part of us, even as Beethoven’s Symphony will for ever be his. Pietà will always belong to Michelangelo, as will Hamlet to Shakespeare. There lies our immortality.

    As for advice, we don’t really discover new things, or ways of doing things, but we can rediscover them. They seem hover deep within our Unconscious, waiting for the propitious time to reemerge. We do the same only, hopefully, a little better. Trial and error seems the byword of evolutionary process, ever assuming that we are evolving. In circles?

    Vicious Circles.

    So please, forgive me if, on occasion, I sound moralizing or even pompous. I, too, am walking in Circles.


    July 9, 2014

    Of Gods and Men

    Our Future in Fiction


    After some six weeks of hard labour and another six of editing, proofreading, and commentary by my group of friends, soon, within a month or two, you will see Book 3 of my Aquarius Trilogy. Books 1 and 2, have been available for some time now, and received good critical acclaim. I hope when the time comes, you’ll treat Book 3 with equal approval.

    For me, this is important.

    Not because it might lead to stratospheric sales (I give away hundreds, sometimes thousands of books free), but because in the last part of the Trilogy I share with you my vision of the Human Potential. This might well be the last novel I’ll ever write. Having written more than twenty of them, and having rounded them off with a few collections of short stories and even more non-fiction books, I think I’ve done my share of entertaining you. I hope that eventually you’ll enjoy them all.

    Returning to Aquarius Trilogy.

    I refer to the book as dealing with our ‘ultimate’ potential, accepting that ‘ultimate’ lies in the infinity of time. In fact it lies outside the confines of time altogether. I also discovered that all myths must have had something, some events or some people, on which they had been based. Otherwise, they would not have lasted the test of time. Ultimately, only truth survives, no matter how divergent, how twisted, how far it drifted from the essence from which it originated. If we unravel the superstructures that various religions have built upon them, there, deep within, far back in the hoary past, the truth still lives.

    Truth is what is. All else is becoming.

    And if we look around, very carefully, we shall discover that whatever has been true in the past, still lives on in the hearts of all of us. Yet, sadly, it is perceived only by the Chosen Few.

    It is perceived by the few who choose to be chosen.

    For now, I hope you enjoy my search for the Human Potential that remains hidden within us, waiting to be discovered. Eureka is only a question of time. Ultimately, if we keep knocking, the door will be opened, even as it was in the past, but hopefully without such heavy price. The novel below described the search that two men conducted to find the truth within them. They both succeeded. I am sure that so will you.


    July 16th, 2014

    Emptiness, Bacteria and Atheists

    The Chicken or the Egg?


    As frequently mentioned, the image and likeness mentioned in some ancient scriptures doesn’t refer to our bodies. Our bodies take on a slightly different meaning when we realize that while they are endowed with many trillions of cells, they have twice that number of bacteria, viruses and other microscopic vermin, which treat those very same bodies as a heavenly feeding ground.

    If your ambition is to identify with the bacteria, or even with their feeding ground then you are right in identifying with your physical body. In other words, if you do you are no more than a bag of bugs.

    What I find utterly amazing is that the so-called atheists, who frown and ridicule any concept of god or divinity, or any intangible, nonphysical force, are more than happy identifying themselves with the trillions of bugs. Furthermore, they accept the fact that those very bugs, as well as their illustrious neurons, that’s right—their brain-cells, are made up of atoms which in turn are essentially empty space.

    Almost exclusively void of everything.

    Voila. We can now define all avid atheists as 99,9999999999999% empty space. And the miniscule percentage of mass which adds to their gravitas are... bugs. Bacteria. Bacilli. Microbes. Good and bad, but still unicellular microorganisms. 

    Please note. This is not an attack directed at atheists. I suffer from equal inability to understand the faithful, who scream Jeeeesus as they murder their enemies whom they are supposed to love. We, human, are a most unusual species. Perhaps that inimitable void is also true of their minds, which they insist is the byproduct of this bacterial emptiness, and not the other way round.

    Speaking for myself, my mind is NOT the product of my brain, but my brain IS a byproduct of my mind; as is the rest of my body, which I use to experience the mode of becoming. I also use it for locomotion, which enables me to furnish my body with food for the bacteria. I use my body even as I use my car to get from A to B. Or to Z, for that matter—yet at no time do I identify with my car as the essence of my being. My car is not my body; nor is the biological robot, which I use when needs arise. I think that my body is a most incredible product that enables me to enjoy change, which most people I know refer to as life. I hope you do likewise.

    There is more about such matters in my book DELUSIONS—Pragmatic Realism. You might enjoy it. Please, let me know.


    July 22, 2014 

    The Smile left behind

    A Cheshire Human


    Any Cheshire cat can do it, but can you? Imagine dying—leaving your temporal body, and whoever met you or thought of you when you were still around, would smile. 

    Not a bad heritage to leave behind.

    It is an easy task, of course, for professional comedians. They make heavy money for making fun. But there is an altogether different species of man who also seldom stops laughing. They are called Zen Masters. Well, perhaps not outright laughing but a bemused expression seldom leaves their lips.

    They don’t take themselves seriously.

    They know that they are passers by.

    On the other hand there are people who get offended easily. An inadvertent word, a misplaced complement, a causal comment, and they get offended. In the past this resulted in a duel at 3-am behind the cathedral. Today that’s illegal. So instead of rapiers or épées we benefit by losing their ill-begotten, often pompous if not actually false friendship. Such people are so full of their own ego that they don’t even begin to realize how ridiculous they are.

    We, of course, we don’t get offended. We are way above that sort of supercilious behaviour. We know that only an ego can get offended and we keep ours under a strict control. We relegate our ego to a rag of clothing which we discard, throw away, every hundred years or so. Often much sooner. We are no longer spoiled, juvenile, arrogant politicians who start wars to repair their wounded pride. We don’t impose sanctions on people for much, much lesser crimes than those that we have committed only yesterday. Crimes like starting wars, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, under false pretenses.

    We are not wielders of near-absolute power, which has corrupted our ability to pass honest, let alone humble judgment on others.  We don’t get offended, nor do we strive to offend, punish, or impose our puerile judgment on lesser people. On people that don’t count? We strive to make sure that when our time comes to die, those left behind, when they think of us, they will smile with a kind, vaguely amused, tolerant smile.


    Because here, on Earth, we are all no more than passers-by. Observers. Beneficiaries of the Benevolent Universe. Like the Cheshire cat. That is why the Cheshire cat smiles. And when he goes, he leaves his smile behind. He knows. Shouldn’t we?

    Should you wish to write a review for Cats and Dogs please do. I need all the help I can get! (And I have to feed my two Siamese girls, Pimpa and Mimi.)


    July 28, 2014

    Us, Him, and Them



    And God made them male and female. For some reason all translations of the Torah refer to male and female. NOT to man and woman. This should be a dead giveaway. Surely such definition applies to virtually all of the animal kingdom. On the other hand, we are also told that god created us in his image. That would make god male and female. You can’t have it any other way. Either that or god has a rib missing.

    Gods don’t lie. It must be so.

    On the other hand god could be a hermaphrodite. The original hermaphrodite? But I doubt it. If he were, he’d want to multiply. We would have many, many gods. Godletts? On yet another hand, if the same scriptures refer to us as ye are gods, then plural is more than appropriate. Of course, Elohim is plural and they created the world, not just us...

    So if we are in gods’ image we are hermaphrodites, only in our case we spread our bisexuality over many years. It’s the only way we can contrive to be like gods. We do so by alternating our sexuality in our successive reincarnations. This should cheer up anyone who considers his or her sex superior to the other. Better luck next time!

    All of the above should satisfy the fundamentalists who, until now, probably had problems visualizing a hermaphroditic god (or gods) who made him/herself in our image and likeness. Or the other way round? Never mind.

    Or else...

    Or else all of the above has nothing whatsoever to do with our sexual organs. Perhaps we just embody the ability to have conscious awareness of being creative, kind, compassionate, loving, giving and forgiving, generous (raining on the just and the unjust), and too pure to behold evil—hence being nonjudgmental, immortal, beyond time and space... and manifesting a billion other divine traits?

    Imagine not being too pure to behold evil...

    Surely, that can’t be human?

    Perhaps we, too, are intended to be what the opposites have in common? The middle paths, remember? Perhaps these are the likenesses that we embody in our consciousness. These and countless others, that will evolve and multiply to the end of time.

    Into eternity...

    Perhaps our likeness to the divine has nothing to do with our sexual organs, no matter how exciting they may be to us at a certain age. Perhaps it is not our bodies that we are to multiply but the divine attributes lying deep within us?

    Perhaps we are states of consciousness embodied in all animal

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