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Meeting the Masters
Meeting the Masters
Meeting the Masters
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Meeting the Masters

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"The physical world in which we live represents only a small slice of a broad spectrum of being—from the realm of the humblest nature spirits to that of the most exalted archangels and cosmic beings. This second book in the Sacred Adventure series describes the presence of masterful spiritual beings just beyond the veil.

Learn from them how to embody the divine qualities of power, wisdom and love as you explore the hidden dimensions of life in chapters on our teeming cosmos, the strength of divine will, soul travel, the brilliance of divine wisdom, the angelic kingdom, the comfort of divine love, and the threefold flame in the heart."
Release dateDec 10, 2018
Meeting the Masters

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality. Her groundbreaking books have been published in more than thirty languages and over three million copies have been sold worldwide.

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    Meeting the Masters - Elizabeth Clare Prophet



    Welcome to Meeting the Masters, the second book in the Sacred Adventure series. This book begins a deeper consideration of the practical steps you can take to progress more rapidly on the spiritual path, fulfill your soul’s mission and reunite with your divine reality—all while tending to the details of daily life. Here’s a small foretaste of what this book holds in store.

    You are part of a vast network of beings of light that includes not just other people, but ascended masters,¹ angels, cosmic beings and even nature spirits, who all play an integral part in the drama of life. You have a spiritual blueprint that is totally individual and special. It shapes your calling, your duties and the gifts you can give to life. You also have inside of you a spark of divinity, the engine of limitless energy that gives you the wherewithal to fulfill the spiritual quest. Your spirit spark is uniquely clothed in sheaths of light that enfold your soul and four lower bodies—the etheric, mental, emotional and physical vehicles that allow you to navigate in the world.

    Your soul and four lower bodies are fed by seven spiritual rays of light that are essential ingredients of your true being. Discovering which light rays are the vital keys to your uniqueness and your journey back home to Spirit is an exciting part of this glorious adventure called life. This book helps you explore the first three of these seven rays. It conveys their light as it offers convenient ways for you to experiment with the rays and use them in daily life. As you do this, you can assimilate their qualities and come to a more graphic understanding of your distinctive spiritual identity. All of the ascended masters have specialized in the application of one of these rays, so they can provide invaluable assistance and instruction in embodying their virtues.

    As Meeting the Masters guides you from the level of the human consciousness into the rarefied air of Spirit, the ascended masters become quite tangible, reaching out their hands and extending their hearts to help pull you up to their level of enlightened consciousness. While many of their names will be familiar, others may be new to you, so numerous introductions are provided. Through an in-depth study of the masters who serve as the chohans (lords) of the first three rays and other key ascended masters, you will find yourself feeling much closer to these elder brothers and sisters of mankind. As you embrace the masters of your choice, you can give their mantras and practice the offered tips to draw them closer to your heart. And they, in turn, will help you transform your consciousness into the consciousness of your Higher Self.

    Each chapter contains several sections. Wisdom Teachings of the Masters is based on instruction and insights from the ascended masters. Introducing… is a brief profile of the embodiments, as well as the human and divine personality, of an ascended master related to the topics in each chapter. Puzzle Piece provides information that helps the reader understand the topics within a broader historical or spiritual context.

    The Liberating Power of the Word section in each chapter explains the science of the spoken Word, a unique system of spiritual techniques that includes the use of dynamic spoken prayers called decrees, visualization and meditation to invoke divine light into your life to produce constructive change. These empowering tools can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your spiritual work. Topics are arranged in an ascending spiral, with each topic discussed being more advanced than the previous one. Because this volume picks up on the science of the spoken Word where The Spiritual Quest (the first book in the series) left off, we strongly recommend that you read this book if you are unfamiliar with this unique science.

    Sandwiched between the chapters on the rays are other powerful and motivating chapters. For example, you’ll find instruction that enables you to work with the masters twenty-four hours a day, waking and sleeping, as your soul travels at night to study with them in their etheric retreats. There is also a thorough study of the threefold flame, the divine spark in your heart that is the fundamental key to your soul’s evolution and the ascension.

    Book 3 in the Sacred Adventure series will complete the exploration of the seven rays. By the time you have finished reading them, you will have a deeper understanding of your personal path of spiritual development on one of these spiritual rays, and how the rays of light are integrally woven into your consciousness, attainment and unique expression of the universal Christ consciousness.

    Happy traveling as you launch into the ongoing journey of your life as a sacred adventure! If you want to take a glance at the map that led to this leg of the trip, a brief outline of the first book in a Sacred Adventure course is provided below.

    Synopsis of Sacred Adventure 1, The Spiritual Quest

    Ideally, preparation for the second leg of your spiritual journey includes reading the first book in the series. In case you haven’t had that opportunity, here is a brief summary of its chapter topics, since these concepts are foundational to understanding much of the material in the present book.

    1. "Your Divine Origin" explains how we were created as spiritual beings and how we fit into the great cosmic scheme. It describes how our souls descended from realms of Spirit into matter and clarifies our connection to the I AM Presence, our individual manifestation of the Divine. It also gives an overview of the ultimate goal of our soul, our reunion with the I AM Presence, known as the ascension.

    2. "Your Higher Self" explores the relationship between the basic components of our spiritual makeup, including the soul and the Higher Self—the I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self. It also demonstrates how we can attune to our innate divinity through the divine spark, the threefold flame in our heart.

    Chart of Your Divine Self

    3. "Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World" explains how knowing that you are a spiritual being does not always mean that you feel spiritual. This highly practical teaching takes the material previously presented and shows how you can be a spiritual being even as you live in a material world. It gives specifics about how the aspects of your spiritual nature interrelate, function and are affected positively and negatively by the encounters of everyday life.

    4. Expanding the Flow of Light Within covers how the light of Spirit flows within the human organism and how you can invoke more of this light into your world at will. It explains your spiritual centers, the chakras, and how the presence or absence of light in the chakras can affect your consciousness and daily life. Ways to protect and expand your aura, the forcefield of light around your body, are also discussed. Perhaps most importantly, it details how your uses of divine light relate to the ascension, the ultimate goal of your soul.

    Your Seven Energy Centers

    5. Karma: Good, Bad and Balanced probes the circumstances and history that have led us to where we are today as souls. It explains how our freewill choices—both good and bad—have affected and will affect our experience in the physical world. It shows how the Eastern concept of karma, the result of these freewill choices, relates to Western theology. And it offers some ways to help minimize some of the difficult effects of returning negative karma.

    6. "Reincarnation: Beyond the Veil of This Life" explores the concept of reincarnation as a key component in the mystery of life. It covers the history of the belief in reincarnation worldwide. And, just as it was previously shown how the Eastern concept of karma fits into Christianity, this section shows how reincarnation fits into Western theology. It presents a thorough explanation of the argument for reincarnation and its ramifications, including why we must reincarnate and how we can ultimately break this cycle of returning again and again to physical embodiment.

    7. "Your Ultimate Destiny" describes the ideal final episode of your many lifetimes. It defines the process of the ascension: the glorious reunion with God that marks the pinnacle of your soul’s experiences in the physical world. It clarifies the process of the ascension, what it requires, and how others before us have achieved this victory of immortality.


    The Sacred Adventure series is an independent course of self-study that progressively leads you through the practical steps of spiritual development and helps you assimilate the teachings of the ascended masters. The following recommendations and study tips can assist you to maximize your enjoyment of a Sacred Adventure while reaping the greatest possible benefits from the material.


    1. Keep a journal. This course is designed for use with a journal or notebook to record your personal insights and reflections. Journal pages are included for your use at the end of the book, or you may want to purchase your own notebook. You might want to reserve one section in your journal for your experiences with the exercises and meditations, and keep another section for taking notes.

    2. Begin at the beginning. The chapters and books in the Sacred Adventure course are progressive, building upon the information previously given. You stand to gain the most by starting with chapter 1 in book 1, The Spiritual Quest, and going through the book in sequence, and by regularly using the interactive components. If you are currently reading Meeting the Masters and have not yet read The Spiritual Quest, be sure to also read book 1 to gain the proper foundation necessary for a complete understanding of the concepts presented in book 2.

    3. Take a dynamic role. Active participation will improve your ability to assimilate the wisdom teachings of the ascended masters. By practicing the exercises and meditations, you will also make the material more applicable to your daily life. It is recommended that you take advantage of the interactive applications (and the online audio tracks that guide you through several of them) by setting aside ample time and a hallowed space to practice them.

    Study Tips

    1. Pick a regular time to study and try to stick to it. Establishing a regular study rhythm and allowing time in between study periods can maximize your gains.

    2. Keep study periods short. Research has proven that shorter study periods produce the most beneficial learning experiences.

    3. Frequently review the material. If more than a few days go by between your studies, it is helpful to do a quick review of the information you last read. The review process reinforces key concepts and prepares you to grasp new ideas. If you have taken notes on the material, you may wish to study them before proceeding. Likewise, revisiting how you personally interpreted your experiences through the various exercises and meditations can help refresh your learning and bring new insights.

    4. Refer to the glossary. The glossary included at the end of the book contains definitions and explanations for many terms that may be new or unfamiliar. Feel free to refer to it whenever a new term or concept seems unclear.


    Exploring Our Teeming Cosmos


    Cosmic Hierarchy

    We each play a unique and important role in the magnificent scheme of cosmic evolution. After our soul has ascended, she is no longer earthbound, but lives and moves in a teeming cosmos that includes a vast network of spiritual beings. These immortals are collectively known as the cosmic hierarchy, and their consciousness spans cosmos. This hierarchy is organized according to ever-increasing levels of consciousness, where those with more spiritual attainment assist in the evolution of those with lesser attainment. This all takes place in an atmosphere of tremendous love, harmony, trust and cooperation that encourages each of us to reach magnificent heights of self-actualization and self-expression.

    Life After the Ascension

    The path of the ascension is a unique process of the spiritualization of consciousness that leads to the mystical reunion with God. The ascended masters have said that the ascension is the ultimate destiny for every soul evolving on earth. (Book 1 describes this concept in detail.) Let’s take some time to penetrate beyond that moment of victory and look at this final union within a broader context.

    Imagine that at some point in your existence you have made your ascension. You’re home, reunited with your mighty I AM Presence, back in heaven. Now what? Sit back, relax and do what? Play your harp? What exactly happens after the ascension?

    Rest assured that there is much new excitement in your heavenly environment. Having graduated from earth’s schoolroom, you are a recently arrived ascended master. You have gained mastery in the material world, and now there’s an entirely new world to explore and master—that of cosmic existence.

    The immediate future of a newly ascended master is determined to some extent by the percentage of karma he had balanced when he ascended. During the twentieth century, the masters announced that one could ascend after having balanced 51 percent of his karma. So now most people will probably ascend with more than 51 percent but less than 100 percent of their karmic debt paid off. This means that they will still have remaining karma with people on earth and will have to spend further time with them to balance that karma—but now from the ascended state.

    Balancing this remaining karma becomes their main focus. Newly ascended masters can still balance karma through prayers and decrees. But often they work out their remaining karma by assisting people through inspiration, inner guidance and intercession.

    In addition to their karma-balancing activities, ascended masters are concurrently engaged in ongoing personal development. You can compare this to taking a night class after finishing your day job. This may sound strange, but the masters say that even ascended beings keep on studying, learning and expanding in consciousness—they keep evolving. In fact, the ascension is only the beginning of a whole new phase of spiritual existence. Elizabeth Clare Prophet has said that the day of one’s ascension is one’s real birthday, because on that day one’s life truly begins.

    When ascended beings are entirely free of negative karma, they can choose where in the vast universe they would like to serve. They may choose to continue evolving with earth or to move on to other worlds. There are millions of ascended beings in the universe that we will never know or hear about because they no longer interact with earth’s evolutions.

    Some ascended masters stay with us as teachers and guides. Often these masters are familiar to us because of previous embodiments in which they had a strong impact or influence on earth’s history. A good example is the Ascended Master Kuthumi. In his final embodiment, he was known as the Mahatma K.H., an Indian adept instrumental in founding the Theosophical Society in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Kuthumi’s other embodiments included Pythagoras and, later, Saint Francis of Assisi. Some other familiar masters are the Ascended Lady Masters Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, and the great teachers Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya. These and other ascended beings work together serving earth in many capacities as members of the Great White Brotherhood.

    What Is the Great White Brotherhood?

    The term Great White Brotherhood is often mentioned in spiritual circles. It is the collective name for the ascended and cosmic beings dedicated to bringing about the greatest good for evolving humanity. The word white refers not to race but to the white light that permeates and surrounds the members of this spiritual fraternity. The Great White Brotherhood works to accomplish its goal of raising the collective consciousness of humanity in a myriad of ways.

    The Brotherhood includes not only ascended and cosmic beings but also certain unascended students and initiates who have qualified themselves for membership. These unascended souls may not all be consciously aware of their tie to the Brotherhood, but their attainment and good works merit their inclusion in the fraternity and they participate in it at inner levels. As the Great White Brotherhood reveals more about its goals and projects to mankind and more people make progress on the spiritual path, greater numbers of students can become conscious co-workers with the ascended masters in their worthy endeavors.

    The Great White Brotherhood is highly structured and organized in accomplishing its work. There is a clear division of tasks according to the masters’ skills and areas of expertise. The Brotherhood contains many councils, whose members have specific goals and objectives. For instance, one of the responsibilities of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, which is headed by the Ascended Master El Morya, is to train individuals in the principles of inspired leadership for the world’s governments, economies, religions, education and the arts. Most of this training takes place at inner levels while their souls are out of their bodies during sleep.

    Cosmic Beings Serving Earth

    As part of their ongoing spiritual evolution, ascended masters themselves may be students of highly evolved masters or other spiritual personages known as cosmic beings. These highly evolved beings have vast attainment. Their consciousness can ensoul an entire universe, and they command energy fields so immense as to be beyond our comprehension. A newly ascended master, having balanced 51 percent or even 100 percent of his karma, would not be called a cosmic being. He may, however, eventually evolve to that level of attainment as part of his ongoing spiritual path.

    An example of a cosmic being is the Great Divine Director, the teacher of the Ascended Masters El Morya and Saint Germain. Great Divine Director is not the actual name of this master. Saint Germain once said about his teacher, His name is the title of an office in the cosmic hierarchy given to the one who, by virtue of diligent application over the aeons, presently focuses within his causal body the formula of the ascension for the children of God and the sons and daughters of the Most High evolving in this cosmos.¹

    Another cosmic being is a master known as Mighty Victory, who ascended a long, long time ago. He embodies the divine energies of victory for vast reaches of cosmos because of his devotion to that quality for more than a hundred thousand years. Serving with Mighty Victory are twelve cosmic masters, along with legions of angels and ascended beings. Together they focus the consciousness of God’s victory for every soul evolving in the material world.

    The Great Divine Director and Mighty Victory are among the cosmic beings who have offered to assist earth’s evolutions in their spiritual development. Since the consciousness of these cosmic servants of light permeates the universe, they are as close as your heartbeat and can respond immediately when you invoke their assistance.

    You can call on them anytime for help. For instance, if you need help in making a major decision, you can appeal to the Great Divine Director to reveal the next step to take in fulfilling your divine plan. If you are struggling with finishing a difficult project or are facing a challenging situation, you can call to Mighty Victory to infuse you with his momentum of cosmic victory.

    Take a few moments to give the following calls and experience their powerful effect:

    Beloved Great Divine Director, I call to you for divine direction in my life! Show me the next step in this situation: [describe the situation].

    Beloved Mighty Victory, help me finish this project: [describe the situation]. Help me overcome all obstacles to its completion. Flood me with your majestic sense of victory! I claim my victory now!

    God—the Universal Spirit

    Where does God fit into all of this talk about millions of divine beings? Far beyond the various types of ascended beings that have been discussed is the mystery of ultimate existence. Many creeds and religions refer to the ultimate being or consciousness as Almighty God, the Supreme Being, the Infinite One or the Universal Spirit. Kabbalists speak about Ein Sof (infinity, or the infinite God). Hindus use the term Brahman (immensity). All of these names point to the same spiritual reality: the ineffable, all-encompassing divine consciousness in which all other conscious awareness exists.

    In an effort to communicate simply, a Sacred Adventure uses the term God to refer to the universal divine Spirit in its androgynous nature. Every other part of life is an extension or emanation of this Father-Mother God. In other words, God expresses himself/herself through each part of creation, whether it is a cosmic being, a flower or you.

    Humanity has often accepted a notion of separation between Spirit and matter. This sense of separation is erroneous and has typically brought about much unhappiness and pain. The spiritual path leads to the recognition of one’s loving connection with all of creation and the awareness of God as he/she permeates every aspect of life.

    The following meditation is designed to help expand your consciousness beyond its present boundaries into a greater awareness of the infinite consciousness of God. Doing it frequently can help anchor this expanded awareness into your daily life so that you become more aware of yourself as an emanation of God. Using the online audio tracks will allow you to be guided through this meditation without having to read the words.



    1. Go within and focus your attention on your heart. You can place your hand over your heart to help you center your awareness there.

    2. Breathe slowly and deeply several times until you feel calm and centered.

    3. Close your eyes and visualize your aura as a brilliant, shining sphere extending around you about nine feet in diameter.

    4. Let your consciousness completely fill this sphere.

    5. Feel the sphere of your awareness expanding until it envelops the entire room. Feel it spreading throughout your neighborhood and into your city. Expand your awareness until it enfolds your nation and embraces the whole world. Keep expanding the reach of your consciousness beyond the moon, the sun and planets of our solar system. Go past the stars in the Milky Way and into the galaxies beyond.

    6. When you can’t expand your consciousness any further, make heart contact with the Supreme Being from whom your soul has sprung and whom you adore.

    7. Sustain this contact as you sound the Aum.

    8. Now slowly contract the sphere of your awareness. Draw it back into the solar system and into the atmosphere of the earth. Bring it down into your nation, your city and your home. Let your consciousness gradually return to your body.

    9. Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes.

    10. When you are ready, write down your impressions or realizations in your journal.

    The Structure of Cosmic Hierarchy

    The preceding overview has described a structure of earthly and cosmic existence that follows the principle of hierarchy. Though the concept of hierarchy may not always be popular or politically correct here on earth, hierarchy shapes the invisible world in a beautifully organized way. The phrase cosmic hierarchy is often used to describe the teeming, invisible world of divine existence.

    Looking at the meaning of the word hierarch may lead to a better understanding of why heaven uses a hierarchical pattern for its organization. Hierarch is a combination of the roots of two Greek words: the noun hiereus, priest, and the verb archein, to head, lead, rule or govern. A hierarch is thus a religious or spiritual figure who plays a leadership role or has governing power. In dictionary terms, a hierarch is (1) a religious leader in a position of authority or (2) someone in a high-level position in a system that ranks people on the basis of their ability or status. In spiritual terms, hierarchy consists of beings throughout cosmos who identify with God’s consciousness and embody a certain aspect of that consciousness. A hierarch is one who holds a focus of tremendous light in cosmos.

    It helps to look at hierarchy through the lens of self-transcendence. When an individual evolves from the state of human consciousness to that of an ascended master, he transcends his current level of self-awareness and rises in hierarchy. He becomes greater than he was previously by reaching new heights and dimensions of consciousness. This process continues throughout his spiritual evolution.

    Cosmic hierarchy is therefore an ordered system in which the members are ranked according to their levels of spiritual attainment and divine awareness. Clearly, one distinguishing factor between a person in embodiment and an ascended master is the degree of spiritual awareness (the assimilation and mastery of divine consciousness) that each has attained. Similarly, one difference between an ascended master and a cosmic being is in their relative degrees of spiritual mastery and reach of godly perception.

    Hierarchy is also found here on earth. Here, however, it is sometimes abused or corrupted and, in such cases, represents an imperfect structure. By contrast, cosmic hierarchy is based on pure standards of spiritual attainment and evolution in consciousness. It is the ideal upon which the earthly standards of hierarchy were originally founded.

    Teachers and Students

    A key principle of cosmic hierarchy is that individuals seeking self-transcendence can count on receiving assistance from more highly evolved souls who have already mastered the lessons the younger souls are trying to learn. This is a familiar model. Children everywhere are sent to school to learn from teachers. Craftsmen often apprentice themselves to masters in a trade. Adults go to specialists to gain expertise and mastery in a certain field.

    Likewise, in the realm of spiritual growth, the seeker learns from those with greater attainment. He studies with them, follows in their footsteps, absorbs their understanding and assimilates their consciousness. He thereby expands and transcends his previous state of awareness. Then he, in turn, becomes a wayshower and teacher of those with lesser levels of awareness.

    This learning process can be characterized by what is known as the transfer of the mantle, with the mantle symbolizing spiritual attainment. Day by day, the chela (student) weaves into his consciousness the threads of the spiritual garment of his master. In return for illumined obedience and self-sacrificing love, the student receives increments of the master’s own realization of his Higher Self.

    The Old Testament contains a wonderful example of the transfer of the mantle of divine realization from a teacher to his student. In the following story, the mantle was a physical garment as well as the spiritual consciousness that the master Elijah bequeathed to his disciple Elisha. Of course, the transfer could occur only because Elisha had completed his training and was ready for his final exam.


    When the prophet Elijah was nearing the end of his embodiment, his disciple Elisha accompanied him on a journey. When they reached the river Jordan, Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The waters parted and they crossed over to the other side on dry ground. Referring to his rapidly approaching ascension, Elijah asked his student, What do you want me to do for you before I am taken away from you? Elisha asked for a profound spiritual gift: that he be given a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.

    Elijah answered that his pupil had asked for a difficult thing. Nevertheless, if Elisha would be able to see Elijah as he ascended, the request would be granted. If not, Elisha would not receive what he had asked for. As they walked on, talking as they went, a fiery chariot and horses of fire appeared. They separated Elisha from his teacher, and Elijah went up into heaven in a whirlwind.

    Elisha had indeed been able to observe his teacher during this amazing spiritual event. Grieving, he picked up Elijah’s mantle, which had fallen on the ground. He walked back to the river Jordan and hit the water with the mantle, saying, Where is the LORD God of Elijah? Just as when the great prophet Elijah had struck the waters, they parted, and Elisha crossed over on dry ground. The spirit and the mantle of his beloved teacher had indeed come upon him.²

    The Three Kingdoms of Cosmic Hierarchy

    The evolutionary path from human being to cosmic being constitutes the course followed by one particular branch, or kingdom, of cosmic hierarchy: the Sons and Daughters of God. The two other branches are: the Angelic Evolution and the Builders of Creation. This last group includes the many nature spirits, or elementals, working here on earth. These three branches are known as the three kingdoms of cosmic hierarchy. Knowing how these kingdoms fit together can provide a better understanding of our unique purpose as souls evolving on earth.

    An easy way to understand the distinction between the three kingdoms is to correlate them with three colors: blue, yellow and pink. You may recall from Book 1 that these are the colors of the threefold flame, the divine spark in the heart of every child of God. Each color represents a major characteristic of divine consciousness: blue symbolizes power, yellow corresponds to wisdom and pink stands for love. The three kingdoms also follow this cosmic scheme. The following chart provides a closer look at the three branches of hierarchy present in our world.

    The First Kingdom: The Builders of Creation

    The Builders of Creation form the first kingdom. This kingdom expresses the divine attribute of power, reflected in the color blue. It is also associated with the Father aspect of God that establishes the universal laws of being.

    At the top of this branch of cosmic hierarchy are the powerful beings known as Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of the Hebrew word El, meaning God. In the original Hebrew Bible there are hundreds of references to Elohim, beginning with the creation story in the book of Genesis. Genesis 1:26 reads in part: "And God [Elohim] said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’ [italics added]. This statement clearly points to a plural expression of the Godhead. First, the universal Spirit uses multiple forms to express himself/herself. Second, each of these expressions is also characterized by the male/female polarity, as in Father-Mother God." However, translations usually render the word Elohim just as God, so most people who have grown up in the traditional Christian faith are not familiar with the plural reference to the Creator.

    Elohim are responsible for the thrust of creation. The purpose of their kingdom is to build and sustain the material world. Throughout cosmos, Elohim preside over the creation of star systems, the planets and all physical life that evolves on those planets and anywhere in the universe.

    Elohim are assisted in this ongoing task by beings who care for and sustain the various aspects of nature at lower levels in this kingdom. These beings are known as nature spirits, elementals, or beings of the elements.

    The soul uses four lower bodies to navigate the four levels of the material world. These planes of existence are characterized by the elements of fire, air, water and earth. (See Book 1 for a full explanation.) Each of these four elements has its own group of nature spirits who nurture life evolving in that plane. The elementals who work with the earth element are called gnomes. The name for the nature spirits who work with the water element is undines. The elementals of the air are called sylphs. Finally, the beings who work with the fire element are known as fiery salamanders.

    Elemental beings vary in size from tiny to extremely large. They are responsible for maintaining the physical planet. Without their work, earth could not exist and we would not have a platform for our souls’ evolution. Elementals serve under the guidance of their own hierarchs, who in turn serve under the Elohim.

    The study of elemental life is fascinating and practical. By learning to work

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