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A Meaningful Life: Menjadikan Hidup Lebih Bermakna
A Meaningful Life: Menjadikan Hidup Lebih Bermakna
A Meaningful Life: Menjadikan Hidup Lebih Bermakna
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A Meaningful Life: Menjadikan Hidup Lebih Bermakna

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About this ebook

Most people think about a meaningful life is as a life with much money. Whereas,some rich people are confused how to use their money. Some think about poor people can not get the meaningful life. Is that right? This inspiring book explains three essential keys of the real meaningful life and happy life for all people.
One of the interesting aspects of this book is about the materials that is completed with the real stories from the people who experienced a meaningful and happy life.
Release dateNov 12, 2014
A Meaningful Life: Menjadikan Hidup Lebih Bermakna

Muhammad Sholahuddin

Muhammad Sholahuddin is a spiritual inspirer, spiritual leadership trainer and a lecturer of Islamic Economics in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (Central Java, Indonesia). Besides, he is also a writer. He writes five books of Islamic Economics. He is now finishing his PhD in International Islamic University of Malaysia. He had his master’s degree in University of Indonesia and his bachelor’s degree in State University of Surakarta (Central Java). He is happy with a wife and four children now. (e-mail:

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    A Meaningful Life - Muhammad Sholahuddin

    Time Flies

    I really feel that the time passed so quickly. In fact, wherever you are, in one day and night, the time is always running on same. It is by 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Sometimes I feel it was just a few years ago I got married, but apparently now I have four children I have four children. Anytime soon I will have eight children when they grow and get married. Our children-in-law are also our children, aren’t they?

    Do you also feel what I’m feeling about? The time seemed so fleeting? Many of us who still remember, it was just a few years ago when our mother and father cradling us in their hands but as time goes by, now it is your time to fondle your own children.

    Perhaps even some of you have fondled a cute and adorable grandchild, where you love them often exceed than to your own child.

    There is someone today exactly in 56 years old over five months has become a grandmother. Last night at around 0:20 pm her first daughter gave birth to a boy. That was an exhausting time so long since the day during the birth process made she felt so sorry and proud of her daughter.

    It turns out; the grandmother felt that the turnaround time is indeed fleeting so fast. She still remembers the days she was younger when she has the Field Work Experience of her study, in a remote village. She still remembers also about her early days as a new teacher, it was 29 years ago. Lost to that time, it’s been a very long time passed and now she has become a grandmother in the same status as a teacher.

    Many of us who work in offices often complain that weekends come and go so fast. When we come home late at night on Friday, then we sleep and then wake up, gather with family for just few hours, sleep again and suddenly it enters on Monday.

    When we wake up, get breakfast and then we go to work and in a short time we return to home and sleep again. That is done for 5 days in a week throughout the year. When we leave for work the children are sleeping, and when we come home, the children are also sleeping. So, we meet with our children only on weekends. We also feel that the weekend will be a very short time, and then it is coming out to Monday again.

    And so on, until there is already graying hair, wrinkled skin started there, energy and health begin to decline. Though we feel it was only a few years ago when we work on that place.

    Hundreds of years ago the journey from China to Indonesia may take several months. When the steamer was found, the travel becomes faster especially after the aircraft was found. Fifty years ago to send a letter from Texas-America to Singapore, it may take weeks. At this time we can do it in just a second through the Internet and other communications technologies. In addition, everyday tasks such as cleaning the rooms, cooking, washing, drying and shopping by using the sophisticated technology device do not require too much time.

    Yes, advances in technology, including the factors that make the time seems to run faster. By the advancement of technology, people become increasingly busy. Jobs have no end to finish. In the old days, a job is considered complete when the hunted animal has been caught, cooked and eaten. However, now at the modern-day, a job will not get to the end.

    After the office hours are done, you still have e-mail, SMS, phone calls and a stack of reports that should be done at home. Many people seem preoccupied with their own world by social media and sometimes they ignore their children and couple. At this situation and condition, the expression rightly says The far seems near, the near seems far.

    Over time, jobs are demanding deadline time. By the high demand on the good jobs quality, it should be fast, fast, and fast; even those more people get focused on how to get the ‘Z’ job is done in time of A". If that is so, the time of month even become more mindless - even it is like a few days.

    Most of us tend to blame the bad luck, misfortune, failure, or incapability of ourselves to the time. Some believe that in the certain time, it brings a bad luck. But the Messenger of Allah has warned.

    Do not you denounce the past because Allah said, I am the past, night and day are mine. I make it new and passed. And, I replaced the ruler with the new rulers. "(HR Ahmad).

    I hope we are able to become a person who makes the best use of time and not only just blaming or regretting the past time. The Prophet said:

    People who are smart [Alkays] is who calculate [evaluate] themself and do good for the life after death. Meanwhile, the fool is that often follow his desires and dreaming against Allah.

    Sacrificing time for the sake of Life Principles

    A few years ago I got the chance to deliver this theme A Meaningful Life in Australia. At that time, a spirited young man told the story happened a dozen years ago to me.

    He told me how precious 3 dollars are for an Indonesian people who work across the country. Actually, the value of money is equivalent to two times of lunch and the drink in the café. But if the money was used in my city in Indonesia, he could use to buy breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 days.

    One time he who had many years of savings on the bank was surprised when he saw the report of a cutof his savings by 3 dollars. At that time he also went to that bank.

    When he met the secretary of the bank manager, he asked, I want to meet the manager!

    The secretary asked what his wants, but he just said that there are very important things that to say immediately.

    By a variety of reasons the secretary said that the manager could not meet him.

    He finally said that if he couldn’t meet to the manager, he will shout aloud.

    Eventually the secretary called the manager.

    After a time, the bank manager came out and stood at the door of his room.

    What do you want?

    If you are a bank manager, please close here a minute said the man of the savers.

    When he was approaching to the man, the man said

    Your bank has cut my saving for 3 dollars, for what?

    The bank manager expressed an excuse, but when pursued for the legal basis, the manager could not answer it properly. Then there was a debate of words between the customer and the bank manager.

    Finally, the customer said, "OK, if your bank still cut my 3 dollars, and then starting by today, I will transfer the whole of my money to another bank. You need to know, my saving here, in this bank is worth more than AUD $ 500 thousand (equivalent to approximately 4.5 billion rupiahs)!

    The bank manager asked the customer had to wait a while because he wanted to talk to the big boss. After a time, he came out of the big boss room and then said,

    OK, we will refund your 3 dollars tomorrow

    As a result, it is true the next day his 3 dollars are refunded to his savings account. It is not in vain he sacrifice a couple of hours to take care of his 3 dollars. It’s not a matter of money 3 dollars, but it is the principle of life that tyranny must be straightened out and stopped.

    Success Stories of People Appreciate Time

    T ime in this earth is same, it is 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week, 672 hours a month, and so on. The question is why the people achievements are different? According to Ahmad Bin Ismail Khan (2009) in the same time by 24 hours a day, the people below are able to do and work superbly.

    1. Prophet Muhammad PBUH: By the 23 years, he could establish an Islamic civilization and it is remained until now. He came to the 80 battle within less than 10 years, courtesy of the poor, loving wives and families, and he was an extraordinary leader of the people who can devote time to the Ummah and family in balance!

    2. Zaid bin Thabit RA: Able to master the Persian language in just 2 months! He was believed to be the secretary of Rasul Muhammad and the collector verses of Quran in a Mus’haf.

    3. Abu Huraira: narrated 5374 hadiths! (Subhanallah!)

    4. Anas bin Malik: Prophet Muhammad’s waiter since the age of 10 years, and 20 years with the Prophet. Narrated 2286 hadiths.

    5. Abul Hasan ibn Abi Jaradah (548 H): Throughout his life, he wrote important books of three filling cabinets.

    6. Abu Bakr Al-Anbari: Each week read ten thousand sheets of books.

    7. Ibn Jarir at-Tabari, he wrote Tafsier of Quran 3,000 sheets, wrote the history book by 3,000 sheets. Every day he wrote as many as 40 sheetsfor 40 years. Total work of IbnJariris 358,000 sheets.

    8. Ibn Aqil wrote the most spectacular book called as Al - Funun, containing a variety of sciences, adh -Dhahabi commented on this book, that in this world there is no written works are created equal with his. According to Ibn Rajab, some people say that it has 800 volumes.

    9. Al-Baqqilini can not sleep until he wrote 35 sheets of paper.

    10. Ibn Al Jawzi always wrote in whole day as equivalent of 4 books. By the time he had, he was able to write 2,000 volumes of books. The waste of his pen sharpener can be used to heat the water that is used to wash his corpse, even

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