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The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk
The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk
The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk
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The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk

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The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk focuses on the release of peptides and proteins from different organs and their specific functions in metabolic regulation and cell- and organ crosstalk. The book is written for experts in the field, however, for each topic, helpful references are included. The book also includes technical sections that summarize the state-of-the-art of secretome and crosstalk analysis. This book fulfills the need for a resource that comprehensively describes the current knowledge of secretome biology in health and disease.

Communication between different organs involves lipids and other small molecules and a host of proteins and peptides comprising the secretome of different organs (organokinome). More than 600 adipokines have been identified, and an increasing number of hepatokines and myokines have recently been discovered with mostly unknown physiological impact. Importantly, an aberrant signature of the organokinome may be critically underlying a variety of metabolic diseases and may determine the individual susceptibility to disease development.

  • Summarizes our current knowledge on the secretome of different cells and tissues
  • Dissects auto-, para- and endocrine functions of major secreted peptides and proteins
  • Analyzes the secretory malfunction of different cells and its impact for disease development
  • Authored by a leader in the field, presenting a coherent view on this very complex topic
Release dateJun 12, 2018
The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk

Juergen Eckel

Dr. Eckel has been working at the German Diabetes Center since 1978, and he is a Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Düsseldorf. He is a world-known expert in the field of obesity, type 2 diabetes, adipose tissue biology and organ crosstalk. His laboratory has been working on the topic of cellular secretome and organ crosstalk for more than 20 years. Dr. Eckel also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of APB and on the Editorial Board of several journals. He is also member of Advisory Panels of several companies. Dr. Eckel has published more than 200 research papers with more than 5000 citations.

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    The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk - Juergen Eckel

    The Cellular Secretome and Organ Crosstalk

    Juergen Eckel

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page


    About the Author

    Chapter 1. General Introduction

    Chapter 2. Adipose Tissue: A Major Secretory Organ

    Mechanisms of Adipokine Release

    Chapter 3. Skeletal Muscle: A Novel Secretory Organ

    The Myokine Concept and the Skeletal Muscle Secretome

    IL-6 and Other Interleukins

    Novel Myokines With Potential Therapeutic Applications

    Muscle–Adipose Tissue Crosstalk

    The Muscle–Bone Connection

    Conclusion and Future Directions

    Chapter 4. Adipomyokines: An Extended View on the Crosstalk Scenario

    Skeletal Muscle as the Source of Myokines and Adipomyokines After Acute and Chronic Exercise

    Conclusion and Future Directions

    Chapter 5. Secretory Malfunction: A Key Step to Metabolic Diseases

    Adipose Tissue Inflammation

    Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes

    Adipose Tissue Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Disease

    DPP4 and DPP4 Inhibitors

    Lipocalin-2 and Visfatin

    Fatty Liver and Organ Crosstalk

    Sedentary Lifestyle and Metabolic Diseases

    Chapter 6. Technical Annex

    Cell Isolation and Culture Protocols

    Staining and Microscopy

    Analytical Procedures



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    About the Author

    Juergen Eckel is a Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, and he has been working at the German Diabetes Center in Düsseldorf since 1978. His field of study includes insulin signaling, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, obesity, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle biology, and organ crosstalk. His research group was the first to directly demonstrate the communication between human adipocytes and skeletal muscle cells. From 2006 to 2011, Prof. Eckel worked as the Acting Director of the Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry at the German Diabetes Center. From 2011 to 2016, he directed the Paul-Langerhans-Group for Integrative Physiology.

    Prof. Eckel served as a chairperson for several EU COST Actions between 2000 and 2011 and coordinated the EU FP7 project, ADAPT. He received several awards and published more than 200 original papers and reviews.

    Chapter 1

    General Introduction

    Chapter Outline


    Given the complexity of higher organisms, a sophisticated system of cell–cell and organ–organ communication is required to adapt and harmonize the multiple physiological functions of different organs and to orchestrate and regulate energy intake and metabolic performance. This system of biological communication, often called organ crosstalk, makes it possible for the cells in one tissue to send information to cells in another tissue even at relative long distances. This process involves molecular, cellular, and neural factors and is a key determinant of physiological homeostasis. It is known for longtime that derangement in this organ–organ communication system can finally initiate multiorgan dysfunction (Virzi et al., 2014; Molls and Rabb, 2004). As a paradigm, the so-called cardiorenal syndrome is a well-known example where pathological changes in one organ can severely affect function in another organ. The cardiorenal syndrome is a complex entity including vessel inflammation, atherosclerosis, cardiac fibrosis, and hypertrophy (Kingma et al., 2017). Importantly, the biochemical abnormalities can adversely affect both cardiovascular and renal function (Feltes et al., 2008; Li et al., 2009).

    It is now becoming more and more evident that organ crosstalk plays an unprecedented role in a variety of divergent and fundamental processes of physiological and pathophysiological importance. Thus, it was recently reported that the microbiome and the immune system are emerging as important players in regulating β-cell function and mass (Shirakawa et al., 2017). The rich innervation of islet cells indicates it is a prime organ for regulation by the nervous system. The authors discussed the potential implications of signals from these organ systems as well as those from bone, placenta, kidney, thyroid, endothelial cells, reproductive organs, and adrenal and pituitary glands that can directly affect β-cell biology. This ability of pancreatic β-cells to crosstalk with multiple nonmetabolic tissues points to a new avenue for improving β-cell function and/or mass in diabetic patients. Organ crosstalk may also underlie the well-known association of obesity and cancer. As recently reported, epidemiologic, clinical, and preclinical data suggest that within the growth-promoting, proinflammatory microenvironment, accompanying obesity, crosstalk between adipose tissue (comprised of adipocytes, macrophages, and other cells) and cancer-prone cells may occur via obesity-associated hormones, cytokines, and other mediators that have been linked to increased cancer risk and/or progression (Himbert et al., 2017). These authors suggest an organ-dependent crosstalk between adipose tissue and carcinomas via VEGF, IL6, TNFα, and other mechanisms. Moreover, visceral white adipose tissue plays a more central role, as it is more bioenergetically active and is associated with a more procancer secretome than subcutaneous adipose tissue. Finally, alcoholic liver disease most likely represents a paradigm of multiorgan crosstalk involving interaction of the liver with the adipose tissue, gut, brain, and lung (Poole et al., 2017).

    In addition to interorgan crosstalk, intraorgan crosstalk has also gained considerable interest, and this paracrine communication within tissues plays multiple roles for immune modulation, differentiation, cellular growth and development, and metabolic regulation (Martin-Saavedra et al., 2017; Kim et al., 2018; Peteranderl et al., 2016; Bassino et al., 2015; Nitta and Orlando, 2013; Figeac et al., 2014; Ben-Batalla et al., 2013; Grubisha and DeFranco, 2013; Nov et al., 2013; Clarkin et al., 2008; Dietze et al., 2004). Given the complexity of organ crosstalk, it is not surprising that an array of mechanisms exists to mediate the communication process. At present, we only partly understand the language of different cells and tissues, and it is certainly a major challenge for future research to identify common signals or codes that may help to develop a unifying concept of organ crosstalk.

    At present, we are facing a complex scenario of crosstalk mediators involving nutrients and metabolites, extracellular vesicles, and peptides and proteins that collectively may be called organokines (Choi, 2016). It is presently not clear whether these molecules fit into a hierarchy of communication mediators or if these molecules act independently at different levels of organ crosstalk. They may also have a time- and spatial-dependent relevance, and this will be an important issue for future research. It is well known that the flux of substrates, such as carbohydrates and lipids, through the liver can affect distal organs by means of their energy-sensing systems (Poole et al., 2017). Nutrients are also important players for the crosstalk between distal organs such as the liver and the central nervous system. In addition to nutrients, metabolites are also active players in crosstalk processes. However, this is an extremely complex setting, as the metabolome currently comprises about 40,000 experimentally detected and biologically expected human metabolites (Wishart et al., 2013). The precise role of the vast majority of these molecules in mediating cell-to-cell and/or organ-to-organ communication remains elusive. A major problem with the metabolome is the huge range of concentration and the heterogeneous structure of the constituting small molecules. This has hampered the systematic and detailed studies on the role of the metabolome in organ crosstalk, although it can be anticipated that these molecules play an important role in this process.

    Very recent discoveries of novel mediators of organ communication relate to so-called extracellular vesicles that include microvesicles and exosomes (Whitham et al., 2018; Robado de Lope et al., 2018; Collison, 2018; Harisa et al., 2017; Lindoso et al., 2017; Al-Samadi et al., 2017). This novel principle of organ crosstalk may also play an important role in the pathogenesis of several diseases (Maji et al., 2017a,b; Huang-Doran et al., 2017). Extracellular vesicles is the collective term that includes exosomes, microvesicles (nanoparticles), and apoptotic bodies. Extracellular vesicles carry a diverse bioactive cargo of proteins, lipids, metabolites, DNA, and RNA (mRNA and small regulatory RNAs). These vesicles are released to the local tissues and the circulation in a continuous process that has been extensively investigated (Katzmann et al., 2001). Substantial evidence supports the notion that extracellular vesicles participate in organ crosstalk and function as conveyers of cellular information owing to their specific cargo (Valadi et al., 2007; Montecalvo et al., 2012). Application of transcriptomic, lipidomic, and proteomic technologies for analysis of extracellular vesicles from different cell types has resulted in a comprehensive view on the protein, lipid, and nucleic acid content of these vesicles (Keerthikumar et al., 2016). It is generally thought that exosomes can interact with a target cell, deliver its cargo to the cytosol of the target cell, and modulate its function by delivery of protein, translatable mRNA, and silencing of recipient genes by siRNA. Evidence exists that adipose-derived exosomes may play a role in the metabolic consequences of obesity and adipose tissue dysfunction (Deng et al., 2009). Extracellular vesicles have also been recognized to be implicated in a spectrum of different liver diseases including hepatocellular carcinoma, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and alcoholic liver disease (Hirsova et al., 2016). Despite the significant progress regarding the role of extracellular vesicles in organ communication, the key question, whether they are causal players or simply passive bystanders, remains unanswered. This is paralleled by many additional questions related to the specificity, kinetics, and characterization of extracellular vesicles, and specifically, the question related to their in vivo action profile. Future work on this very interesting topic will augment our picture of organ communication and certainly open new avenues for a targeted manipulation of dysregulated organ crosstalk.

    At present, the most advanced understanding of cellular communication and organ crosstalk relates to organokines, which collectively describe peptides and proteins released from cells, and thus comprising the secreted proteome (Zhang et al., 2018; Shirakawa et al., 2017; Mitaka et al., 2014; Romacho et al., 2014). Although recent secretome analysis data show that most likely thousands of peptides and proteins are released by adipocytes, myocytes, liver cells, immune cells, and many others, they are a much more homogeneous class of molecules compared with the metabolome. Many of these molecules are cytokines including interleukins, interferons, chemokines, and similar molecules playing a role in immunoregulatory processes with either proinflammatory or antiinflammatory functions. In fact, the seminal work published by Spiegelman et al. about 25  years ago identified the cytokine TNFα as a critical signal mediating the negative crosstalk between adipose tissue and skeletal muscle (Hotamisligil et al., 1993, 1994). These findings set the stage for a tremendous and still-ongoing interest in organ crosstalk as a major element of metabolic homeostasis and a key driver for metabolic diseases. Given that most peptides and proteins engage cellular receptors and induce complex downstream signaling pathways that finally modify effector systems and affect the cellular phenotype, the organokine crosstalk from one cell to another could be successfully pinpointed to a mechanistic background in many cases. In this scenario, adipokines and myokines are the paradigm molecules that have been extensively analyzed in recent years (Chung and Choi, 2017; Oh et al., 2016; Duzova et al., 2018; Li et al., 2017; Rodriguez et al., 2017; Roh et al., 2016; Dalamaga, 2013; Yang et al., 2013; Granados et al., 2011; Trayhurn et al., 2011; Walsh, 2009). This has definitely led to a new understanding of metabolic regulation and homeostasis and has specifically unraveled new pathways leading to metabolic diseases such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

    The overarching goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive look on the cellular secretome of adipocytes and myocytes and to put it in the functional context of organ crosstalk. This is described in detail in Chapters 2 and 3. Importantly, there is an interesting and still incompletely understood overlap between these molecules, leading to the term adipomyokines (Trayhurn et al., 2011). This topic is presented in Chapter 4. Finally, a dysregulated secretion appears to be of key importance for the development of a variety of metabolic diseases. Chapter 5 is focused on this interesting topic of high translational value. Finally, a Technical Annex (Chapter 6) is included describing an extensive collection of methods that have been used in the author's laboratory for many years. Many parts of this book are based on an extensive series of review papers on the topic of organ crosstalk prepared by the author and many coworkers at the German Diabetes Center in Düsseldorf, Germany, during the last 20  years. The author is deeply grateful for all these contributions that were instrumental to writing this book on organ crosstalk.


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    Chapter 2

    Adipose Tissue

    A Major Secretory Organ


    The secretory function of adipose tissue (AT) has gained substantial and continuously increasing interest during the last 20–30  years, and it is this tissue that has set the stage for a new understanding of organ communication and crosstalk and its impact for metabolic homeostasis. This crosstalk is mediated by more than 1000 so-called adipocytokines, and future work using computational biology and other advanced approaches will be needed to decipher the complex language of AT.

    In this chapter, we analyze the basics of adipokine release, the auto- and paracrine crosstalk within AT, and its endocrine function. Finally, we focus on specific fat depots, such as perivascular, epicardial, and brown fat, and describe the current knowledge on the secretome of these tissues, considering their functional impact for health and disease.


    Adipokines; Adipose tissue; Brown fat; Endocrine and paracrine crosstalk; Perivascular and epicardial fat

    Chapter Outline

    Mechanisms of Adipokine Release

    Classical or Endopasmic Reticulum/Golgi-Dependent Pathways



    Nonclassical Protein Secretion

    Transporter-Mediated Export of FGF2

    Shedding of TNFα and DPP4

    Multiple Export Routes of IL-1β

    Auto- and Paracrine Crosstalk Within Adipose Tissue and the Regulation of Adipogenesis

    Adiponectin and Leptin

    Retinol-Binding Protein 4

    Heme Oxygenase-1

    WNT1-Inducible Signaling Pathway Protein 2

    Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins


    Adipose Tissue and Its Endocrine Function

    The Fat–Muscle Crosstalk

    TNFα and IL-6

    MCP-1 and Vaspin

    Adiponectin and Leptin

    DPP4 and Visfatin Impact on Skeletal Muscle

    The Fat–Liver Crosstalk

    The Fat–Pancreas Crosstalk

    Impact on α-Cells

    Impact on β-Cells

    Adiponectin and Leptin: Antagonist Effects on Pancreatic β-Cells

    DPP4 and Visfatin: Potential Mediators of β-Cell Dysfunction?

    The Adipovascular Axis

    Adiponectin and Leptin: Two Opposite Players in the Vascular Wall?

    DPP4 and Visfatin: Promising Therapeutic Targets in Cardiovascular Diseases

    Additional Fat Depots With a Specific Role in Organ Crosstalk

    Perivascular Adipose Tissue

    Epicardial Adipose Tissue

    Physiological Function of Epicardial Adipose Tissue

    Crosstalk Between Epicardial Adipose Tissue and the Myocardium

    Brown Adipose Tissue

    Physiology and Regulation of Brown Adipose Tissue

    The Brown Fat Secretome


    For many decades, adipose tissue (AT) was considered as a passive organ being involved in the storage of lipids under conditions of excess energy intake and providing energy-rich substrates when needed by other organs. The seminal findings by Spiegelman and coworkers published between 1993 and 1996 (Hotamisligil et al., 1993, 1994a,b, 1996; Hotamisligil and Spiegelman, 1994) provided the first evidence for an active secretory function of AT, in this case, by identification of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) as a critical signal with auto- and endocrine functions and representing a potential link between dysregulated adipose tissue and metabolic dysfunction. Research on adipose tissue at that time and nowadays is triggered by the tremendous increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes, making it mandatory to identify novel signaling molecules and pathways that could serve as potential drug targets (for intensive discussion on secretory malfunction and its relation to metabolic diseases, see Chapter 5). The intensive research to find new therapeutic strategies to combat obesity has led to a new understanding of AT biology and the discovery of its central role in the interplay with other organs or tissues, the so-called interorgan crosstalk. (For recent reviews on adipose tissue biology, please read Huang-Doran et al., 2017; Li et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2016; Cohen and Spiegelman, 2016; Stanford and Goodyear, 2016; Townsend and Tseng, 2015; Choe et al., 2016.)

    This concept of organ crosstalk was already demonstrated more than 15  years ago in studies using coculture models of human adipocytes and myocytes (Dietze et al., 2002). It is now evident that AT plays a central role in a complex and multidirectional network of autocrine/paracrine and endocrine crosstalk between organs and tissues such as the liver, skeletal muscle, vasculature, pancreas, and heart (Romacho et al., 2014). The endocrine function of AT plays a key role in orchestrating this crosstalk, with deep impact for metabolic homeostasis. Indeed, it is now thought that the downstream effects of AT-derived signaling molecules range from the central regulation of energy intake and expenditure to the control of hormone secretion from the endocrine pancreas. The reverse crosstalk back to AT is an ongoing hot topic of research, and an exciting example is presented in Chapter 3 (skeletal muscle, exercise, and the control of AT function). When talking about AT, it is mandatory to keep in mind that throughout the body different AT depots do exist, with substantially different functions and properties. At present, most of the secretome studies have

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