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French Verbs: Intensive Lexical Builder with Embedded Sentences
French Verbs: Intensive Lexical Builder with Embedded Sentences
French Verbs: Intensive Lexical Builder with Embedded Sentences
Ebook136 pages1 hour

French Verbs: Intensive Lexical Builder with Embedded Sentences

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About this ebook

This is an intensive lexical builder for French verbs. It presents the most common French verbs, embedded in sentences, thereby appealing to both short-term and long term memory and ensuring rapid and stable memorization. It is addressed mainly to beginner learners; however, intermediate learners could also profit from it, since care has been taken to highlight numerous idiomatic expressions in which these verbs take part, as well as their informal uses.

Release dateJan 13, 2018
French Verbs: Intensive Lexical Builder with Embedded Sentences

Hermes Language Reference

[UPDATE Our free vocabulary trainer at ]Hermes Language Reference is the work of two PhD students in (ancient and German) philosophy, who, after facing the obvious reality that philosophy is not a very lucrative activity, thought they could put to some use their linguistic competence - they had to learn Latin, Ancient Greek (and a few other modern languages), the hard way, after they were already over 30 and language acquision is naturally slowed.At the same time, the two would also feel rewarded if their experience and the e-books of Hermes Reference helped language learners to make some headway.The principles we try to apply refer to:1. Contextualised vocabularyMost vocabulary builders on finds around (even when coming from prestigious publishing houses) present lists of words. Admittedly, sometimes they are arranged using categories, sometimes a handful of examples are also provided. But at bottom, these are word lists.Instead, embedding vocabulary items in sentences appeals to the long terms memory because it is functionally superior – memory retains new content more deeply, to the degree to which this new content is linked to feeling and understanding.2. Bilingual format, split in sentences or phrasesIt is advisable in the preliminary stages to work with bilingual texts – if possible, having one sentence in the target language followed by the translation in the home language.What is thereby avoided – the ‘evidence-based’ tendency of manuals for exclusive ‘language immersion’.The ‘evidence’ in question looks at how children learn (new) languages. But not all language learners are children...Increasing language immersion is recommended, but towards the final stages of the process.3. Grammar – not too much, not too littleWhat is thereby avoided – on the one hand, the related tendency of many modern manuals to ignore grammar or pay very little attention to it, on the other hand, the scholastic presentation of ‘serious’ methods, which go into such details that grammar acquision looks like an endless, life-time process.Some grammars for Greek and Latin look like a joke – one would need decades to really assimilate them (let alone read them). In modern languages, the opposite tendency is to give grammar very little space (in conjunction with the abovementioned ethos of ‘immersion’). But arguably, this ignores the fact that, except children, most learners are in need of logical structures to ‘mould’ the lexical content.4. Read what interests youIf one has the choice of reading a (bilingual) text already known (having been read in the native language) but boring, and reading a (bilingual) text that is not already known but looks exciting, one should pick out the latter option and not the former.¤¤¤It might be that these principles reflect the methodology of mature learners, as we have been ourselvesPlease e-mail us at for any suggestions or criticisms - we'll try to use them to improve our work. And also, if you felt that anything of what we publish was particularly helpful, drop us a line as well - we'd be glad to hear about it. Language Reference réunit le travail de deux doctorants en philosophie ancienne, qui, après avoir fait l'expérience de la manque d'efficacité de la philosophie sur le plan financier, ont cru pouvoir utiliser leur compétences linguistiques (grec ancien et latin, mais aussi quelques langues modernes) afin d'aider d'autres apprenants en langues. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter à l'adresse, et à nous communiquer vos idées, vos éloges et vos critiques.

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    Book preview

    French Verbs - Hermes Language Reference

    French Verbs

    Intensive lexical builder with embedded sentences

    Copyright 2018 Hermes Language Reference

    Smashwords Edition


    This book is an intensive lexical builder for French verbs. The first part presents the most common French verbs, embedded in sentences, thereby appealing to both short-term and long term memory and ensuring rapid and stable memorization.

    This lexical builder is addressed mainly to beginner learners; however, intermediate learners could also profit from it, since the sentences are lexically rich and care has been taken to highlight numerous idiomatic expressions in which the common verbs take part, their informal uses, and their prepositions.

    After the lexical builder, readers can further exercise their knowledge of verbs with a short story by Guy de Maupassant - ‘The Legion of Honour’/’ Décoré’ – published in 1883 and translated in English in 1903 by Albert M.C. McMaster.

    The story is presented in a bilingual, juxta-paragraph translation – French sentences or phrases are immediately followed by translation.

    Both Maupassant’s story and its the English translation, are now public domain. (

    A. Lexical builder – common verbs and verbal constructions


    carry, wear

    porter atteinte —violate, jeopardize, damage

    porter ses fruits —pay off, come to fruition

    porter son regard focus on

    porter secours lend a hand


    Les membres de l’équipe doivent porter le même équipement.

    The team members must wear identical outfits.

    Je ne vois pas pourquoi nous devrions nous séparer ou porter atteinte à notre capacité à travailler ensemble.

    I do not see why we should become estranged or split or damage the capacity that we have to continue working together.

    La liberté peut aussi porter atteinte aux droits des minorités ou aux droits des plus faibles.

    Freedom can also put the rights of minorities or the rights of the weakest at risk.

    Pour porter ses fruits, cette stratégie doit s'appuyer sur les expériences passées et les enseignements qui en ont été tirés.

    To be successful, this strategy needs to build on experience and lessons learnt.

    La science - tout comme le reste de la société - a le devoir de porter son regard au-delà de l'avenir immédiat.

    Science - like the rest of society - has a responsibility to see beyond the immediate.

    Vous pouvez utiliser votre téléphone sans fil pour porter secours.

    You can use your wireless phone to lend a hand.



    put, put on, wear, lay, place

    mettre longtemps à faire quelque chose - take a long time to do sth

    y mettre du sien - do one's bit/share

    mettre quelqu'un au désespoir - drive to despair


    Le garçon a mis un beau vase sur la table.

    The boy placed a beautiful vase on the table.

    Je n'ai rien à me mettre.

    I haven't got a thing to wear.

    Tu en a mis du temps pour te décider!

    You took some time to make up your mind!

    Je ne mets plus ma robe noire.

    I don't wear my black dress any more.

    Je mets tous mes livres sur le bureau avant d'étudier.

    I lay all my books on the desk before studying.

    Les matelots ont mis la cargaison dans la cale du bateau. 

    The sailors placed the cargo in the ship's hold.

    C'est là la tâche qui nous attend et chacun de nous doit y mettre du sien.

    That is our task, and we must all do our share.

    Être malade ou blessé et ne pas recevoir les secours de la religion mettent au désespoir les officiers et les soldats les plus endurcis.

    Even the toughest officers and soldiers could be driven to despair if they became seriously ill or injured far from religious ministrations.



    find, judge

    trouver une solution —come up with a solution

    trouver un arrangement/accord —reach an agreement

    trouver un équilibre —strike a balance


    J'ai trouvé mes clés après avoir cherché partout. 

    I found my keys after looking everywhere.

    J'ai trouvé un coquillage sur le rivage.

    I found a shell on the strand.

    Elle a réussi à trouver un équilibre entre son travail et sa vie de famille. 

    She managed to strike a balance between her work and home life.

    J'ai trouvé un endroit où loger pour la nuit.

    I found a place to stay for the night.

    C'est la raison pour laquelle il faut trouver un arrangement dès à présent.

    This is why it would be useful to make the necessary arrangements at this stage.

    Les deux pays ont trouvé un accord sur le commerce. 

    The two countries struck an agreement on trade.

    Le directeur a trouvé les résultats satisfaisants.

    The manager has judged the results to be satisfactory.




    faire un tour —take a walk

    faire faillite —collapse, declare bankruptcy

    faire du mal hurt

    faire avec put up with


    Il sait tout faire.

    He can turn his hand to anything.

    Il lui a fait deux enfants.

    He had two children with her.

    Doivent-ils faire faillite et recommencer sous un autre nom?

    Should they declare bankruptcy and start up under a new name?

    J'apprécie peu sa façon de travailler mais il faut bien faire avec!

    I don't like the way he works but I suppose I'll just have to put up with it!

    Ne fais pas l'idiot.

    Don't be stupid.

    Si une personne a l'intention de faire du mal, elle pourra certainement revenir, compte tenu de l'état de nos frontières.

    If an individual intends to do harm, that person can certainly come back, given the state of our borders.

    Allez faire un tour dans le quartier de votre enfance pour voir ce qui s'y trouve maintenant.

    Take a field trip to a neighborhood where you grew up to see what's there now.

    On n’a pas le choix, il faut faire avec.

    There’s no other option, one has to put up with iy.




    dire des gros mots —swear


    Déménager, c'est vite dit!

    Move? That's easier said than done.

    Nul n'a oublié à quel point elle disait juste.

    Nobody can forget how accurate her rendering was.

    Le général vous fait dire qu'il vous attend.

    The general has sent me to tell you he's waiting for you.

    Il m'a pris par les bras en me secouant avec force et me disant des gros mots.

    He grabbed me by my arm shaking me with force and disrespectfully insulting me.



    can, to be able to

    n'en pouvoir plus de

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