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I Know I Am But Who Are You
I Know I Am But Who Are You
I Know I Am But Who Are You
Ebook166 pages2 hours

I Know I Am But Who Are You

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About this ebook

Mind Sciences - I Know I Am But Who Are You is all about
mind science techniques and the philosophy of consciousness.
So what exactly is mind sciences? It is a combination of
quantum physics and psychology among other things. Mind
and science go together and combined form what is called
mind power science which is the belief that all is possible
using the mind to control a person’s total existence. Who
are you? What are you? Why do you do the things you do or
maybe why do you not do the things you should do? There
isn't a more evil form of deception than self-deception.
This book will expose who you are and why you are the way
you are. Need to change? First, discover the real you and
then you will see how easy it is to make changes in your
life using what you will learn in this book. Everyone
should read this book and include it in their parenting

Release dateApr 15, 2015
I Know I Am But Who Are You

Harry Jay

Dr. Harry Jay is Director of Research for, a mental health and mind research group of Applied Web Info, and is the author of over 100 books and research papers as a behavioral scientist. In his 31-year career, Dr. Harry Jay has contributed many new mental health treatment treatments and protocols using some of the new advances he has discovered in Energy Psychology. He specializes in addictions of all kinds, sexual abuse, child predation and gender relationships. He is also a board member to and serves on the science committee assisting non-fiction science writers in book publishing and promotion. As a leading behavioral scientist, he provides profiling services to the company's unit as well as criminal psychology research to aid in identifying and apprehending child predators and cyber-criminals of all kinds. He resides in Southern Utah and enjoys the outdoors, fishing and photography.

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    Book preview

    I Know I Am But Who Are You - Harry Jay

    Introduction- Who Are You?

    I will begin by teaching you about yourself so that you can better understand your customers who you will then turn into consistent buyers. In other words, you and your buyers will become one and enjoy a very profitable and long-lasting relationship. It is most important that you realize who you are so that you can become what you want to be. Once you understand how your mind works, I will show you how to use your mind to get what you want and need. The same will apply with your customers. They have the same minds that work the same as yours. Follow closely and don’t be impatient. There is a good amount of material to cover and learn. There is also a good deal of material to contemplate and meditate on daily. The concepts I will teach are things you may never have been introduced to in your life and they may seem alien and strange at first, but as you move through this course, you will soon see things begin to fall into place and the dawn of understanding will slowly creep into your consciousness.

    What follows is the foundation to everything I teach! It all begins with YOU!

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    If youth only knew; if age only could! I often think about this adage. Is youth truly wasted on the young?  Wisdom, which comes with age, is housed in bodies often betraying a person who attempts to pursue a meaningful life. Youthful bodies, which are full of vitality lack the wisdom needed to employ rightful choices. There seems to be a severe paradox here.

    I would like to welcome you to an experience you will never forget. I remember all too well growing up and being lectured about making good choices. I would listen to the preaching but I noticed even at a young age that parents never seemed to practice what they preached. This is a very big human characteristic.

    What annoys a person most about another person is generally what annoys the person about him/herself.

    I raised my two daughters; they were and still are piglets. Their rooms looked like they had a fist fight with Godzilla. They procrastinated to the max too! Guess what? I was guilty of both traits! And I still am to a certain degree. The things that upset me about my staff are things that I do too. Being the boss gives me the right to complain but when they complain my response is, Get over it; I am the Docster and I’m profit and you’re overhead. Profit always tells overhead what to do. Then I run like hell… ( lol)

    In human behavior, we call it cognitive dissonance. In plain English, this means that people hate it when their beliefs are inconsistent with their actions or using the vernacular, You talk the talk but do not walk the walk. Secular psychology says that healthy individuals won't rest until they resolve that conflict by changing their thoughts, beliefs, or actions. However, and most unfortunately, this is almost never the case.

    I am going to teach you a good deal about yourself. Some of it may be painful because the conscious mind is often in conflict with the subconscious mind. You will learn many new words and terms so concentrate on how all of what I impart pertains to YOU!

    Sometimes the people I counsel and teach forget that I am a person too (like my staff…sigh!). They overlook the fact that as a man, I fall into the same systems of thought that other men do. I mention this because one of the things I will teach you in this course is the differences in the male/female psyches. Men and women employ different ways of viewing and reacting to the world around them. I call it male/female realities.

    I grew up in a matriarchal environment, which means in psychological terms I was a female-trained male. My belief systems and identity came from this female-oriented upbringing. As I passed from puberty into adulthood I took with me this belief system and soon learned that how I had been trained simply didn't cut it in the real world. For example, by growing up in a house full of women I soon learned that it was easier to please them rather than fight with them. It was a defense mechanism I had developed to stay alive – literally (my family is Italian and I didn’t want to get whacked). This act of compromise would seemingly be a very good skill to develop and practice in adulthood, and it is up to a certain point; however, in my naivety I took it too far; my relationships with the opposite sex soon took on the nature of smothering my girlfriends. Men are usually accused of being inattentive to a woman's needs. I was accused of being too attentive. Only when I discovered my true identity in my studies in college was this trait corrected.

    We must become the change we want to see

    We will talk a good deal about identity in this book. Without a doubt it is the most important aspect in a person's development into what I call a Complete Person. We will be discussing this concept later on in the course.

    As you work through this course you will begin to discover things about yourself which you've never identified as character traits and/or causes of some of your problems. This is the main purpose of this course. In school, you learned the things that are empirical in nature; I teach about LIFE, how to acquire the necessary social skills to survive and live a good and meaningful life.

    I am not only a behavioral scientist, but also a Christian minister and counselor. Religion of any kind is a personal choice and religion, in and of itself, is man-made. When I practice Christian counseling, the protocol (treatment) techniques are completely opposite of what secular behavior scientists employ (more on this at the end of this module).

    Secular psychology believes that only man is responsible for his life; Christian psychology, on the other hand, believes it is God. The foundation to any form of belief system is truth. In secular thought, truth is subjective or whatever you hold up as being truth; in Christian thought, truth is God and is absolute. Let me give you an example using an article I wrote on Postmodernism...

    Postmodernism...An Example of Secular Thought

    Postmodernism rejects as intolerant and arrogant anyone claiming to know any objective, or universal truth. To a postmodernist, truth claims are created by belief systems not discovered by reason, observation, or revelation. Hence, truth is political.

    A postmodernist sees the challenging of another’s truth claims as arrogant. In addition, personal choice alone legitimizes spiritual commitments, i.e. the movie At Play in the Fields of the Lord, an Amazonian Indian and a Christian missionary converse, If the Lord made Indians the way they are, who are you people to make them different? This attempt to convert people is unacceptable because it implies standing in judgment over their truth.

    Does objective truth exist? Objective truth is truth that is independent of individual or cultural belief. Objectivity assumes that we live in one reality. From this common reality, we have a common base to discuss what is true and what isn’t. Postmodernists deny this shared reality. They claim that different cultural groups live in different realities; hence, have different truths. They claim we are creating truth as we interpret and perceive. We are not discovering truth. In other words, a thing is true because I believe it; I do not believe it because it is true.

    Postmodernists believe all truth is subjective (meaning it is whatever you think it is and not empirical). Subjective truth is knowing a love that transcends knowledge, and that relationship with God, goes beyond mere statements of fact. The Bible emphasis on historical revelation (1 Cor. 15: 13-15), doctrinal propositions (Rom. 10:9), and natural revelation (Rom. 1:18-20), presume that objective truth exists; hence, Christians are in direct opposition to postmodern thinking.

    Higher education openly promotes cynicism about truth and reason. People claiming to be in possession of truth (especially religious truth), end up repressing those that don’t agree.

    Postmodernism abandons modernism, or European Enlightenment - Frenchman, Rene Descartes, idea of autonomous man - I think therefore I am (One who begins from his own thought). Enlightened man systematically builds his worldview from reason alone.

    Modernists assume that the mind as a mirror of nature, meaning that our perceptions of reality actually correspond to the way the world is. By this, they pursue their vision of progress, exalting technology, and mastery, over nature. Modernist thinking created expansion-minded capitalism, liberal democracy, and communism. All of which have sought to subjugate the earth.

    Modernism collides with postmodern thought, as evidenced by the statement, Progress toward what? Because of this conflict, people today are interested in primal cultures and worldviews that promote the unity of humanity with nature rather than humankind standing over nature. Postmodernism - by exposing autonomous human reason as a dead end - is the logical extension of modernist thought.

    Postmodernism objectively moves to destroy absolute truth. Its openness to spirituality is anti-Christian because it considers the Christian message (like all worldviews) true only for those who accept it as such. Rather than see humans as individual rational selves as modernists held, postmodernists think of humans as extensions of culture.

    Postmodernists deny the individual self. They promote the demise of personal definition, reason, and authority. All intrinsic properties of the human being along with moral worth and personal commitment are lost from view.

    Hence, postmodernists believe humans are social constructs or socially determined beings. Their outlooks and perceptions are all the result of enculturation. Rather than conceiving the mind as a mirror of nature, postmodernists argue that we bend nature through the lens of culture and language. Hence, the discovery of objective truth is negated since culture approaches reality differently depending on language, needs, and historical conditions.

    Postmodernists, in place of objective truth, reject metanarratives (comprehensive worldviews) for local narratives or stories that work, for particular communities but have no validity beyond that community. Postmodernists reject the content of faith and this means rejecting the person who constructed the truth. Debate and discussion are definitely out!

    America today is a religious smorgasbord. For what are you hungry? And is taste more important than substance?

    * Many believe that truth is relative.

    * Few have any clue as to how their beliefs relate to their own lives in a practical way.

    * Many are more ideologically confused than are deeply committed to their convictions.

    * If we are free from the constraints of rationality, nothing separates truth from self-delusion.

    Postmodernism can be compared to fascism. Both reject objective truth; both assert that there is no essential human nature or inherent human rights; both celebrate the substitution of power for truth.

    Postmodernists see truth as a human creation rather than, something independent of ourselves. Hence, it is easy to move on to a new truth whenever it suits us.

    Francis Schaeffer, said, two decades ago: If there is no absolute by which to judge the State then the State is absolute. A moral absolute must exist that applies to all cultures.

    Okay... The purpose of all of this is simple. You must determine as an individual exactly what you hold up as truth. Why? Because this is the belief system you will employ (you literally have thousands of belief systems in your subconscious mind) and as I will soon demonstrate to you how all of our actions stem from thought and all thought stems from our belief systems. My job today is NOT to define truth to you. This you must do for yourself. My job is

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