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From Within The Quran: Allah Is Not The Creator God
From Within The Quran: Allah Is Not The Creator God
From Within The Quran: Allah Is Not The Creator God
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From Within The Quran: Allah Is Not The Creator God

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Facts from within the Quran which prove that Islam is built on lies and misconceptions. Undeniable historical and Quranic contradictions littered across the Quran in plain sight of all attentive, unbiased readers. Yet strangely still unknown to the Muslim world.

PublisherCP Cornelius
Release dateAug 19, 2013
From Within The Quran: Allah Is Not The Creator God

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    From Within The Quran - CP Cornelius





    CP Cornelius

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    CP Cornelius at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 by CP Cornelius

    All rights reserved. This book is copyrighted to CP Cornelius. No part of this book (including book cover design) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to printing, file sharing, email or photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher and author.

    ISBN: 978-1-920663-60-5

    English extracts from the Quran have been taken mainly from THE QURAN, an English translation from Arabic text by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan.

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    This book is dedicated to my grandson Cayden Cornelius.

    A boy with wisdom and understanding

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    More about other work by CP Cornelius

    Religion the Destroyer of Common Sense and Logic

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    The believers or followers of Islam, profess that their religion – the Islamic (Muslim) Faith, is the only incontestable religion practiced in the world today. They assert that their belief in their acclaimed God Allah is the unquestionable, veritable belief in creation, directly emanated from the indisputable, sole and distinct Creator God of all life – Allah. They accede to the unyielding conviction that their asserted Immaculate Prophet Muhammad, as the unconditional final Prophet of the only genuine Creator-Force God, received his espoused verbal revelations directly from this acknowledged, incontrovertible Creator-Source of all life. Muslims further hold the view that subsequent to having received these proclaimed eternal truths from Creator Allah, Muhammad recited them to some of his relatives and closest friends. They in turn, were required to commit these to memory and recite them to immediate friends and others, in an effort to expand a broader base to ensure their Holy preservation. It is asserted that Muhammad, personally checked these recitals to ensure their absolute correctness. By direct implication these recitals were thus acknowledged as having been exactly as Allah, the asserted Creator, had personally communicated them to him.

    Immaculate Prophet Muhammad received these asserted irrefutable and Hallowed oral revelations (Eternal Truths) over an approximate twenty-two year period. These proclamations, thus constitute the entire spectrum of venerate Quranic evidence (Oral Quran). At some stage after Prophet Muhammad’s death, these verbal revelations were retrieved from their claimed original zealous custodians to whom Prophet Muhammad had first, personally entrusted them. This vital knowledge, which Muhammad declared to have been received directly from Allah, the acclaimed Creator God, was then transmitted into a written work. The Written Quran, the declared infallible Word of the asserted eternal, true Creator God, Allah.

    To the Muslim scholar and follower, the written Quran is thus regarded as the most superlative and perfect piece of literature, ever served upon the human race. Acknowledged by them to comprise the unquestionable, unadulterated, published perfection in the entire written history of the human race and therefore, no contradiction, imperfection or misrepresentation of whatsoever nature will be found anywhere within its entire recording.

    As far as the sincere Muslim devotee and intellectual are concerned, the Christian Holy Scriptures, as well as the Jewish (Hebrew) Sacred Scriptures should consequently become entirely subservient to their acclaimed written Holy Quran. Hinduism, Buddhism and all other acknowledged religions worldwide, should also bow to Islam and become fully converted to its tenets. A rather sweeping and audacious belief, but an unmistaken acceptance by all sincere practicing Muslims globally. They indisputably believe that the entire modern world will be converted to Holy Islam and especially so, those apparently completely misdirected followers of Judaism and Christianity. A fact, which according to them will ultimately come to pass.

    Nevertheless, there exists a genuine twist to this most astonishing inherited assumption held so dearly by Muslims universally. Within the pages of the most sacredly written Quran, there are unquestionable Godly revelations that categorically emphasize that the All-knowing Creator Allah, has in fact dispatched the written Hebrew Holy Scriptures, upon which the Jewish religion is built, as well as the Sacred Gospel of Jesus, in which the Christian faith is anchored. These crucial declarations from within the pages of the written Holy Quran, then become some of the greatest thought-provoking pronouncements, which most Muslims appear to be unaware of, or even conceivably, deliberately circumvent. Yet these vital claims all originate from within the revered Holy Written Quran, which is maintained to be squarely structured on Prophet Muhammad’s asserted, personally attested and unquestionably perfect oral revelations, received directly from Allah, the acclaimed Eternal Almighty Creator God. This then leaves the genuine seeker of religious truth with a considerable theological conundrum. Furthermore, some of these seemingly serious and controversial revelations call on all believers who strictly follow Creator Allah’s revelations, to consult those prior written Holy works directed by Him – Torah, Hebrew Bible and Gospel of Jesus – when in doubt regarding certain pertinent matters on religious truth and falsehood. (The Quran not only declares categorically that Allah has personally provided the Jews with their Torah and Hebrew Bible (The Book), but that He has also supplied Jesus with His Gospel.)

    As this surprising information is retrieved directly from within the pages of the Holy Quran, it appears that the status of these other claimed Allah-directed scriptures will have to be fully explored in relation to, or rather for corroboration of the declarations of the written Quran. After all, it was Allah, the asserted Eternal Creator God Himself, who proclaimed that these other Holy Scriptures directed by Him (Torah, Hebrew Bible and Gospel of Jesus) be consulted on matters of earnest faith. Also, when God Allah made these rather fundamental revelations to Prophet Muhammad regarding those Scriptures of the Jews and Christians, there was no suggestion of progressive nuances (modern Muslim intellectuals seem to infer such) that could possibly have been conferred upon these non-negotiable declarations. They accordingly have to be accepted on the unconditional face value that they were Creator Allah’s direct, detailed declarations, by mouth of Immaculate Prophet Muhammad. There was no latitude allowed for any progressive ulterior meanings to be assigned to this proclamation as is claimed by some, obviously perplexed Islamic clerics and scholars not knowing how to appropriately, deal with its stark reality.

    Nonetheless, modern Muslims have been indoctrinated from early childhood to avoid all other so-called contaminated Holy Scriptures and especially so, those very scriptures that now, according to the unfaltering Quran, appear to have been personally directed and provided to their custodians by the sole Creator, God Allah Himself. Such audacious and serious teachings, contradicting those personally declared by the Almighty Creator of the Quran, Allah and directly from within the claimed incontestable pages of the written Sacred Quran, then become a rather contentious perspective. Creator Allah certainly did not allow for any future progressive or biased understandings or misconstructions, to be derived from His distinguished, clear-cut Holy Pronouncements.

    As an example, according to the Quran, Allah the claimed Creator God declared that Jesus’ Gospel "contained guidance and light, fulfilling that which was revealed before it in the Toraha guidance and admonition for the righteous" (the righteous are those Muslim believers who follow Allah’s strict instructions to the letter). Correspondingly, the following direct quotations from an English translation of the original Arabic verse, highly respected by Muslims across the world.

    Sura 5(47-48): "We (Allah) caused Jesus son of Mary to follow in their footsteps, fulfilling that which was revealed before him in the Torah. We (Allah) gave him the Gospel which contained guidance and light, fulfilling that which was revealed before it in the Torah, and guidance and an admonition for the righteous. Let the people of the Gospel judge according to that which Allah has revealed therein, and whoso judges not by that which Allah has revealed, these it is who are the rebellious (47-48)." (To those non-Muslim readers, the capitalized descriptive terms, We, Us, Our or Ourselves etc. as copiously referenced throughout the entire written Quran, by dint of strict Muslim acknowledgement, refers directly to Creator Allah in the first person, at all times. It is a relevance that must always be born in mind when perusing the Quran.)

    From an extract of sura 2(54) one finds the following: "…We (Allah) gave Moses the Book, the Torah, and the Signs discriminating between truth and falsehood, that you might be rightly guided".

    These two extracts of Holy scripture are, as mentioned, direct quotations from an English translation of the written Quran, highly respected by Muslims the world over as a meritorious translation of the original Arabic verse.

    Thus, from within the Holy pages of the written Quran, which the entire Islamic world declares to be absolutely pure and perfect, and thus free of contradiction, we find these most astounding revelations personally forwarded by Creator Allah, that the Torah and Gospel of Jesus Christ must be employed as a guidance and light to the righteous, which appears to include all acceptors of Allah’s claimed, all-inclusive personal revelations.

    Strictly adhering to eternal Creator Allah’s Holy call and precisely because of these prior quotations and numerous other suchlike revelations from within the Written Quran that emphatically declare that all of Allah’s directed written Holy Scriptures must be consulted, it will be proven beyond doubt that virtually the entire Muslim population, is most evidently unaware of these astonishing and far-reaching proclamations by their asserted Creator God, Allah. Furthermore, sura 5(47-48) would have one believe that if any person is not going to judge matters of true faith according to that which Creator Allah has revealed in the written Gospel of Jesus, such people would be part of the rebellious. Thus given the exclusionary approach of Muslim believers toward non-Quranic writings and teachings, the rebellious would then literally include all Muslims. This certainly is not my personal speculation, but a rather direct and unconditional, ominous declaration from within the claimed unfaltering written Holy Quran.

    Thus, again from the written Quran, extract from sura 2(285-287): "…The Messenger has full faith in that which has been sent down to him from his Lord and so have the believers: all of them believe in Allah, and in His angels, and in His Books and in His Messengers, affirming: We make no distinction between any of His Messengers; we (believers) have heard Allah’s command and we have submitted ourselves wholly to Him..." If these were indeed revelations received from Allah the Creator God, then surely all of His highly acclaimed, personally directed Holy Scriptures and all prophets (Messengers) must have equal status with Creator Allah. Logically and rationally therefore, all of Allah’s personally directed written works must be consulted by all of His followers. That is an uncompromising declaration from Creator Allah Himself.

    Within sura 38(30) one finds the following revelation: "We (Allah) have revealed this Book (Quran) to thee (Muhammad), replete with excellences of every description, that they (believers) may reflect over its verses, and that those gifted with understanding may take heed."

    A truly unbiased summation of this prior revelation, should reverently reflect that those genuinely serious believers, commanding clear logical insight, should cogitate on the entire content of the written Quran. (To those unaware of the type of terminology used in the Quran, indicating Allah – as stated, the plural forms We, Us, Ourselves etc., are in fact used to depict Creator Allah in the first person; as does the We, in the prior quotation. It is a very strange phenomenon, but yet an acknowledged norm by all Muslim academics and followers. This Islamic acceptance or stance, must therefore always be born in mind when reading the Holy Quran, as this is an occurrence that manifests throughout the Quran.)

    Sura 36(70-71): "We (Allah) have not taught the Prophet (Muhammad) poetry, nor would it be compatible with his dignity. The revelation sent to him is but an admonition and a Book to be read repeatedly, which makes things plain, so that it may warn him who is alive, and that Allah’s word may be fulfilled concerning the disbelievers. (70-71)." This revelation, which according to Immaculate Prophet Muhammad originated directly from Allah, appears to be a personal declaration that attests to the unquestionable fact that Allah had indeed sent Muhammad a written Book (Quran), which must be repeatedly read. Yet this appears to be entirely contrary to the accepted Islamic claim of verbal instruction. It is thus against the backdrop of this kind of inconsistency and revelations like the earth being a flat mass and numerous contradictory revelations depicting the creation of humankind and many more, all proceeding from within the pages of the claimed perfect Holy Quran as Allah-directed Holy truths, that it will be proven that the Allah of the Quran is not the claimed Supreme Creator God of the human race.

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    Islam’s entire doctrine is wholly premised on the universal Muslim acknowledgement and acceptance of the supreme verity that Immaculate Prophet Muhammad was the unquestionable, final Prophet of the only immortal God Allah, their acknowledged sole Creator of the universe and humankind. As the professed conclusive authority on every facet of pertinent Godly revelation, Allah is accordingly unquestionably correct and infallible in all of His revelations and declarations as ultimately noted in the written Quran.

    The revered Holy Quran encompasses the full spectrum of Creator Allah’s Holy pronouncements on which the Muslim’s ultimate custom and religion called Islam, is squarely based. The sacred Oral Quran, is the sole foundation for the religion of Islam, with the written Quran declared as fundamentally structured on its faultless pronouncements and consequentially, as perfect as the Oral Quran.

    Sura 10(2): "I AM ALLAH THE ALL-SEEING.

    These are the verses of the Perfect Book that is full of wisdom. (2)"

    The Quran, is an Islamic acknowledged series of messages and revelations, verbally handed down or rather vouchsafed to Immaculate Prophet Muhammad by sole Creator Allah, over an approximate period of twenty-two years. In strict accordance with acknowledged Islamic history, Immaculate Prophet Muhammad received his very first personal message, or revelation, approximately 610 A.D. It is further attested by Muslim scholars that this first revelation to the claimed Prophet of Creator Allah, was followed by an approximate two-year period of complete silence. After which, it is further claimed, he had regular audiences with Creator Allah over the next twenty years.

    These verbal revelations and messages received over this twenty-two year period are collectively called the Quran. The chapters or suras, as Muslims call them, were however not received in the same sequential order as they are arranged in the written Quran of today. Muslims nonetheless believe, and apparently fully acknowledge, that this is however the best and most perfect arrangement in which God, or rather Creator Allah, would have them.

    These revered revelations or eternal truths, as most devout Muslims believe them to be, are claimed to have been verbally and directly transmitted to Muhammad, by Creator Allah and then faithfully memorized by him. In due course, Prophet Muhammad recited these God-sent truths and revelations to some of his relatives and closest friends. They were in turn required, to immediately commit to memory all of these Holy recitals, but only after Prophet Muhammad had personally verified their renditions – thus creating a broader support base for the preservation of His self-acclaimed, absolutely perfect, Allah delivered, Oral revelations and messages.

    After Prophet Muhammad’s death, these faultlessly recited verses and perfect phrases were retrieved from the declared original custodians and fully transcribed into the written Arabic text, purportedly, in the exact and flawless manner Creator Allah was claimed to have originally relayed them to Immaculate Muhammad.

    These transcriptions were generally accepted on face value as one hundred percent accurate, as they were claimed to have been verified by two or more of Prophet Muhammad’s earlier followers; those whose recitals were initially authenticated and declared as perfect by Muhammad himself.

    It is also alleged that after Muhammad’s death, Zayd ibn Thabit, one of those who was closest to Him, personally initiated the process of gathering and sorting all of Prophet Muhammad’s numerous Holy verbal revelations from its original custodians. It is consequently maintained that because Zayd was such a close confidant of Muhammad’s during his lifetime, his judgment on the final arrangement of the written Holy Quranic text, supported the legitimacy of its concluding subject matter.

    Also, some of these declared original holy sayings, phrases and verbal revelations were discovered written down on parchment, inscribed on bits of leather and even on the shoulder blades of some camel, which according to venerate Muslim belief, even further vindicates the true authenticity of the written Arabic Quran.

    There nevertheless appears to be something very puzzling about the entire Quran compilation, as the chapters or suras, have not been arranged in the specific order in which they were received by Muhammad. The written Quran is therefore not structured in meticulous accordance with the original chronological order in which Immaculate Prophet Muhammad’s originally proclaimed to have received the verbal revelations nor events as they transpired. Acknowledged historical sources would have one believe that the widely recognized version of the written Arabic Quran, was only brought together in a sincere, officially approved adaptation, during the reign of Uthman, the third Caliph. (A Caliph is acknowledged by certain groupings within Islam, to be a direct successor to Muhammad as the custodian or upholder of the asserted unblemished Islamic faith. There are however others within the Islamic belief who do not fully agree with this broader acceptance.)

    This highly significant incongruence between Mohammad’s proclaimed sequence of oral revelations and that of the written Quran does not appear to discourage Muslims from acknowledging the written Quran as the unambiguous, most perfect Word of God Allah, free from any contradictions or inconsistencies whatsoever. Consequentially, as far as most of the ordinary Muslim devotees are concerned, the Quran is the most superlative piece of discrepancy-free Scripture, or literature for that matter, ever penned or read by the human race.

    Against the backdrop of such sincere faith in the unconditional perfection and uniqueness of the overall Quran, it remains a mystery why the claimed flawless chronological order of the verbal revelations received by Muhammad from Allah, was not preserved in their perfection.

    For instance, the acclaimed very first revelation received by Immaculate Prophet Muhammad from Allah, is only placed under chapter 96, as verses 2-6, almost at the end of the written Quran. Also, Muslim scholars claim that chapter 110 was the final verbal revelation received by Muhammad, the Holy Prophet of Islam yet in the written Quran one finds chapter 114 to be the last recorded message.

    To fully substantiate the Muslim’s most expansive claim that infers that the written Quran is the only modern-day, acknowledged, untainted, internally consistent Holy scriptures available to humankind, I will take the liberty of quoting freely from an English translation of the written Quran widely acknowledged as a meritorious reflection of the original, Quranic Arabic text. This will simultaneously enable one to fully grasp and rationally analyse Islam’s imposing call for the world to be converted, or as they attest reverted, to Islam.

    An important point to bear in mind when cross-referencing different English translations of the Quran, is that some of these translations do not start numbering their chapters with the very first verse ("In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful"), which is in fact replicated in all suras except for sura nine (9), but instead starts with the second verse as number one. Therefore, some translations might for instance list sura 15(10) as sura 15(9). As I will be quoting from a translation that numbers the verses from the very first verse of each paragraph, the corresponding verses in some other translations might be one verse above.

    Extract from sura 2(1-2): "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful. (1). I AM ALLAH, THE ALL-KNOWING. This is the Perfect Book, free from all doubt; it is a guidance for the righteous… (2)".

    Sura 10(1-2): "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Ever Merciful. (1). I AM ALLAH THE ALL-SEEING. These are the verses of the Perfect Book that is full of wisdom."

    Extract from sura 18(2): "All praise belongs to Allah Who has sent down the Book to His servant (Muhammad), free from all distortion, full of truth and guidance..."

    Extract from sura 32(1-3): "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Ever Merciful. (1). I AM ALLAH, THE ALL-KNOWING. (2). The revelation of this Book is from the Lord of the worlds; this is a truth beyond doubt. Do they say: He has fabricated it? Nay it is the everlasting truth from thy Lord..."

    The aforementioned verses of scripture emanating from the written Holy Quran, certainly corroborate the Muslim’s sentiment and beliefs that the Quran is the Perfect Book, thus leaving itself no room whatsoever for any errors, ambiguities or contradictions.

    After all, it is claimed to be the perfect final Word of the All-knowing Creator of humankind and the universe.

    I will consequently examine the written Quran against the universal Muslim affirmation that it is:

    Unique, Absolutely

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