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A New Earth Is Second Nature
A New Earth Is Second Nature
A New Earth Is Second Nature
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A New Earth Is Second Nature

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We need to be humble to a point to regain the knowledge we had as infants, and learn how to collectively think as spiritual beings instead of allowing an untruth or ego fed society to be dictators. We have the innate desire. We have the ability, and need to cry out for understanding and yet we fold up and shut down. It is easier to open to travel inward to seek all the help you need...and shut out from others.

The inner self is always there, always wanting to reveal itself, and always wanting to be truthful. Let it out without interference from the ego, and you will set yourself from others, in truth, undeniably in peace, and totally in prosperity...heart bound, and when it comes down to it, even though less in value monetarily, you are greater in value of spirit...which must flow interactively from place to place and space to time. This is what we strive for, but fail to find, due to the ego’s thirst for money, power, and the will to be “all that is” which is nothing at all when the conceived end comes no matter whether in death or life.

It is merely a lonely place, waiting to wake up from the depth of despair and discontent, a place where those that interact really walk in place, face themselves, revel in that “self-less self” feel honor that is unborn, misplaced, money mongered...yet those they see as their entourage actually see nothing real, nothing that gives light and perspective on their own futures on this Earth, yet they stay silent, take in whatever manifestations greed can give them, all in wait for them to dissipate into air as all eventually do with the ego bound energy.

We are all here, to be! So why take so much from each other, and for what? As we all will eventually see we are the same in scope and reason, different in facial manifestations, and with that we try and make others miserable, work to kill and to maim, and torture the very self we are, in different silly and so repetitive! God has made the rivers run for us, and the skies fall, and yet we kill those that are helpless, the child, the woman, and God has said...let your ego go! Be free of that which torments your soul and you will find peace within your land. He meant ‘Land” and we have yet to heed his words...we cripple his “land” use his “land” and then hurt the child and the woman and the innocent and those that do not think or act as “we” think they should. It is of no wonder we are in such turmoil...this book shows a way out, or perhaps a channel to walk in order to find your own way out. Necessary, been done, but been done by the wrong entity without the reference to God’s inclusion of the one that was meant to discuss this project upon The Earth...we have it as such, that; A New Earth is Second Nature.

PublisherE.L. Pace
Release dateFeb 13, 2013
A New Earth Is Second Nature

E.L. Pace

E. L. Pace has spent the better part of twenty years working from her farm in rural Virginia, complimenting her love for horses and dogs with her penchant for music, writing, and educating children. E. L. is a philosopher, writer, educator, singer/songwriter, and composer of children’s music which gained her a 2002 Top Pick from Billboard Magazine and Disney. You can connect and learn more at her website

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    A New Earth Is Second Nature - E.L. Pace

    Ego and Negativity

    It is noble to be quiet, saintly to be still, but ignorant to stagnate. The inner voicing, with your external self is the marriage of your life. It is a progress of work and an exchange of pleasure and some pain. And the progression of this education is the pursuit of happiness, no matter what the age. And age, like ego, has no baring here except to be the hurdles that feel exhilarating to get over.

    So, we will spend the next several eons reviving the spirit and the peace process within yourself by showing you the way ever so carefully, and leading you into the world where you can respond to the wonders of life without your ego messing you up. And as for your age, well, that is an ego’s revelation, and not yours. You will eventually see, and thus understand, that age is better left unsaid, so it can sift off into the stratosphere, where your ego belongs too, and both energies left to dwindle into nothingness. It will amaze you how little you’ll age when you no longer think about it, stress over it and try and deny it. You just simply give it too much attention.

    So, try and look at life as a series of altered states, levels we can move on, in increments built out of energy fields, like that of the newborn, the young child, the adolescent, teenager, young adult, adult and the elders, all their own leaders of the energy fields. Your body is the composite of many such energy fields, intricately aligned at birth, ready for the perfect world. And, since there is now no perfect world to be found, it is important we are able to alter these energy fields ever so slightly to keep the body sensitive to its job of regeneration.

    The body is in a state of constant flux and the healing goes on indefinitely, enabling the manifestation of balance. The creation of an ego brought about the action of destructive synergism. Most every negative action throughout your life will be able to be traced back to the ego. I intend to focus on just how destructive the ego really is, and how you can protect yourself from others, as well as from yourself, and elevate your own inner spirit at the same time.

    We’ll investigate what it will be like to alter these energies, so to speak, if we dilute the ego, a little at a time, eventually eliminating it completely. This would enhance the entire universe let alone you, as an individual. You will view life as a completely different forum for you to expand your greatness, your true connections with your soul and your creative energy. Your feeling of your self will reach new heights, for there will be no ego to slam you back into the place of persecution it wants you to be. For you to move on, you must begin to open your mind and your heart to the idea that you do not need an ego to succeed in life.

    This theory to most is a contradiction so great they cannot consider life without the ego. To them, it is the ego that keeps us strong, that wins over wrong doers, that forces us to go on and become impressive entrepreneurs, and so forth. In fact, your way of life, your affluence, and your pursuit of joy will catch you much faster when your ego is gone. And we will explore the vast arenas of personal, and spiritual development that integrate everyone's lives throughout the universe, and show you, the interaction the ego portrays, is not your strength, nor power, but in fact your early demise, and the faltering within the human spirit.

    For the moment, let’s start with the newborn, a being without the concept of time space, no references yet to the ego, and thus, the epitome of purity of spirit, soul and intuition. This baby, in a perfect world, would proceed to explore her surroundings without consciousness of negativity. She would develop a balanced sense of self, and remain aware of other energies or entities that coexisted with her in the same light space. She could, if left to her own explorations without criticism, which is ego based, become alert and creatively open to sense, and or communicate with those in a different time space.

    This child could continue to develop extra senses, opening up and utilizing parts of the brain never used before. Shouldn't this be a goal of ours at this point in time? If we desire true enhancement of the human intellect, then there should be no problem with the concept just put forth. But, as this child is barely out of the womb, other teachers approach her, and the beginnings of the ego erupt, put upon her by unknowing parents, who have been unduly influenced since the beginning of their time, and the time before them. (I use the reference to she, just as that, purely a reference, for explanative purposes only.) In order to back-track, so to speak, we feel you must open to the truth, and that takes forcing your ego back into the annals of your mind and bringing forth your inner wisdom to search out the truth in the universal code of life.

    A great question still is which came first, the chicken or the egg? What if the answer was… neither. The energy or molecular structure ionized into entities of both chicken and egg in an effort to create the whole infrastructure of chicken, as external, and egg, as internal. Neither was looked at as anything but pure energy, which existed simultaneously. This is the same theory comprising the birth of the human, as you are…born of spirit, intuition, soul, and instinct…without the presence of an ego. It is irrelevant, which part existed first, but important to see them as connected structures, all existing in order to enhance your entire infrastructure.

    Why are you intent on separating everything into a neat little concept? What if it's not possible? Why not let all that is, be just that, and watch with the wonderment of that innocent child, not putting a tag on anything just yet. Because once you bring out any tag you are asking for the birth of the ego, and the start-up of negative energy that is set up to put down. It is at this time the child moves into another less creative direction, foregoing that intellect we so desperately want you all to move towards. Now, as older and wiser humans, you must back track, find out where everything went wrong and create a do-over for yourselves.

    Imagine the child left to just develop without the ego, with all the freedom of exploration, not to be analyzed, criticized, given stagnating rules and only led towards a path of purity and imagination. The creations would astound you all…but, as of yet, this has rarely happened, except by mere accident. That is not to say you have not come very close. Some parents have done very well in raising their children, complete with the warnings of the ego within and those entwined within others, and have equipped them with enough inner wisdom to reach many untapped resources, awakening the rest of the world with their accomplishments. That is great to see, and those teachings will be set forth in this book, in hopes it will lend some promising direction to all of you. Creativity sees no age limits.

    Much of what we see, touch, smell, and hear, have always existed, but in altered states. That is not such a hard concept to follow, if you remain open. A cake exists even before it is baked. It becomes relevant to us when we see, smell and taste it. The soul of an entity exists but becomes relevant to you at that precise moment of birth. And, just as the soul is there, the ego wishes to manifest, and become the sort of watchtower over the entity. It will be intent on delivering messages of malcontent, pressure, negativity, malaise, ignorance, anger, fear, and the like.

    It is relevant where the ego comes in, in order to render it powerless, thus saving the entity a lifetime of misery and confusion, and lift the soul towards the relevance of its highest self instead, its creative genius, and uncompromising joy. It is each parent that must first get to know his or her own ego, let it go, and be more cognizant of where the ego fits into the tiny child and not allow themselves to become willing participants. It is bad enough one has to constantly dodge ego blasts, thrown at us from all that our society has become today. Think of this as only you, but a lot more of you, all wanting to be in control, all wanting to have the last say, the most of everything, and be the God to the rest of the world. That is what the ego does, while it underestimates the power of creativity and instincts, and takes nourishment from the pain inflicted upon others. It will take tiny steps to dissolve the giant within you and others, but it is being done every day and eventually there will be a turnaround, which will make this world the purest, most superb place to inhabit.

    This is not as hard as it may seem, and you all can learn to identify reactions from the pure self versus reactions from the ego self, and eventually lose your ego altogether. You will then have achieved the most important goal, the awareness of creative intellect and instinctual spirit. And, as celebration for the gods and goddesses you are, you are meant to share the wonders of the connection to your inner self, the improvisation of life, and the interplay of inner joy with intellect, all without control, or criticism.

    And just as the soul and the ego become relevant it is of importance to associate the molecular makeup of the entity, and its electromagnetic fields, that influence things such as creativity, inner scope, intellect, intuition, and the basis for who we are genetically. It is of importance to point out it is through these electromagnetic fields, or arenas of interplay, so to speak, that you can enable yourself to set your own ego in a place it will have to stay and not become the tormentor it is today.

    Some people do this through meditation, aura balancing, tai chi, rake, Native American spiritualism and much more. Some of you can create your own path to enable yourself to see your own aura. For, to keep yourself in balance, with a sleek, intact aura, you will instinctually know when the ego comes around and you will then know how to back it off permanently. This is a reasonably new theory, from thousands of years ago. Like the doctor that can perform a transplant within the body of an entity, so can you learn to transplant your own ego, setting it in a deep, dark cavern of electromagnetic ions, where it will have to stay, and become dormant, and eventually, completely dysfunctional.

    Our external and internal electromagnetic fields, which make up your aura, are set up to orchestrate like attractions, just as a conductor signals the players of an orchestra to come together in unison, in an attempt to produce the miracle of music. And, the same energy that bonds molecules together, bonds our souls together as well, from one so-called lifetime to another. There is no separation other than time space, and light space, light being the medium in which we can visually see a being, and time, which separates the light from us.

    If you were to conceptualize two entities within different time spaces but in the same light space, you could then digest the idea of spiritualization and its purpose in the universal system of relativity. These so-called entities exist, and occupy the same light space. Because their existence in time is different, one can only sense the other's presence if taught to be aware. And this special sense takes time awareness. Some have retained the natural instinct of perception and know their depth of intuition, and are able to see another’s aura, no matter what time they are from. You see, the aura is like the shell surrounding the egg, protecting it from the elements, but vulnerable if cracked. It isn't that complex. It isn't that radical a concept, but as you will see, it is only a concept available to those void of the barriers brought on by their ego, or as we say, the shield from the truth, or the greatest pretender.

    Someone can walk into a house. Then, one hundred years later, another individual can occupy that same space. Without the awareness of time, or with time erased so to speak, those two entities or bodies would surely meet face to face and thus create the ability to communicate. We all share light space, but occupy different time. The world must flow that way. This was a very convenient, but careful structure of atomic energy. And fortunately we can learn how to cross paths. We can encourage ourselves to communicate from one special plateau to another. History can be studied more efficiently, past lives can be revisited, and the evolution of man and beast can continue to evolve through eternity, on a sort of first hand basis.

    Open yourself up to new ideas, concepts and theories, and allow yourself to choose, not be forced to feel what is right for you, and if left completely open, you will be able to add to whatever is taught and so forth. It is the ego that fears invention, intrigue, conquest, discoveries, and most of all, power of the creative mind and spirit. It wants to stop you, just to pretend it has total control of every situation, when in fact it is merely set on evolving the term ignorance. Evolution cannot run on anything but the purest of intentions, discovery, education and truth.

    As we develop, we are taught how to protect ourselves from the outside demons by putting up armor. We project untruths in attempts to save ourselves, or so we think, but that inevitably backfires and a wound develops, that grows out of control and manifests our newly born ego into an even more voracious one. As we attempt to hide, grovel and grope through the difficulties in daily life, instead of opening up our heart-mind connection, and dealing with truth as it is, we opt to nourish the very thing that will eventually kill us in the end, the eternally hungry ego.

    And how does this ego get so hungry, and how does it begin to take such precedence over our heart-mind connection? Most all parents’ reaction to a child, as well as the societal stimulation to that which surrounds all beings, acts as catalysts that nurture the ego, eventually growing it out of control. It is a labor of love and great necessity to get over this.

    I will talk of it now, in order to release informative information, showing the ego is often thought of, as a necessary part of every being. And, it is the ego that has set up this very scenario, all in an attempt to assure each unwitting human it is a vital energy, born to achieve resistance to attack, stimulate social and physical empowerment and gain personal prowess in the world. This is a great misnomer.

    The human soul develops way before birth, even before conception and before the earth, as you know it. And it is the soul that has been the basis for improvement, evolution, physical power, and the structure to manifest everything that is good and true. What went wrong took hundreds of thousands of years of negative, contradicting development. We look on the ego as a mutant energy, structured well enough to keep on mutating until it achieved enough power. We refer to it now, as evil.

    To have a big ego is to have a quantity of dilemmas to overcome, and that is not difficult to do, if you are of the mind to do so and you want to open to your heart-mind for help. There was a miscalculation within the spirit over time, which enabled the ego to grow more or less undetected. The manifestation of the ego first presented itself as a type of precursor to temptation, a system or cover-up to solve problems without consulting the soul or the intellect or even the instinct. In a sense it was the shortest connection to the end result or so the being thought. And as with the Adam and Eve story; we saw the manifestation of ego not necessarily as evil or the like...but as an adaptation or mutation of a perfect being into one of short circuitry, so to speak. At the time, we were not clear whether the heart was speaking or the ego. It was just too new to decipher.

    Do we have instincts, is our ego controlling every move and reaction we make, or are we just responding to the voices of past recollections? Is instinct created out of past lives, or is the ego somehow involved there too? And, we ask, what about ones intuition? Again, is there a shared existence, between that and our ego?

    Energy doesn't die. Some are aware, but are feverishly denying their right to knowledge of the eternal inner self, and that is a structured, exotic array of energy, born at no time, and never to die either. So, it is safe to say you were intended to become the purest of recollections of past lives, the manufacturer of great creations and structured with

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