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PRO FOOTSALL SCHEDULE TICREASES TPO TODAY Taree Wore Teans Open Seasons Sunday CHICACON ‘THE NATIONAL FOOTSALL LEA ™ RACE VILL GAIN HOURWTUK TODAY AS THREE. S INCLUDING THE CHM-PION CHICAGO BEAR! R THEIR DEBUTS ON TO GRIDIRONS. ‘SUN BAY PAGKERS who opened the sensorm st Sunday with a 1h to 7 victory ove r ve Brooklyn team play host to the Jears ‘a renewal of the leagues oldest rivals aid a contest that may go a long way to- S{sGT. JOHISON TAKES TYO BOUTS ‘DY EXCELLENT DISPLAY OF BOXING Chaplain Palliips Says More Fights Honday ALTHOUGH THE SEA WAS KICKING UP__ITS THE cards determining the 1944 tatlist. Ia the day's munber two battle, the Glev: Kuns returning to competi— tion after a year's lapse invade Pittsburgh to meet the new C.icago-Pittsbur- gh Steeler combine, Al~ though the Bears were st~ rengthened considerably by the surprise return of back who has permission of the Maritime Commission to conpete until he is called to sen“inty, their-tangle with the packers is rated a tos ups ne third fray is sche eduled Tateday night when the Phila Eagles visit ‘the Boston Yankees new addit- 2 aR DEP! marti Po te é ere such a branch is est~ 2 DEPARTIGIT ORDER ics SHIREG.TION I AY POST EXCHANGES, BUSES (AND MOTTO’ PICTURS HOUSES: Lackman, brilliant quarter- fis hailed as historic by fill secretary Ferdinand C. ‘Snuith to Secretary of War Henry Stinson. “It-aaid inettact that | post exehang> will be do lsignated for the use of any = specific race. “n exchange Located to as Bat, SENT ORDER BANS RCH SEGREGATION HEELS “ND FOOTING 4S UNOHLTAIN, 2 FINE EXHIBITION OF BOKING WAS STAGHD BY GIs OW ‘THE PROMBUADE DECK SATURDAY. AFTERNOON. Bvery available space was taken as ffiber's-end-EM-und-pernanent ship's par= ty took advantage of the diversion offered by a boxing tournaniont staged by Cacplain Puillips and spensored by the Transport Canplain, Captain Courage. Ist Bout, The contestants, S/Sgt. ouster and Sgt. Seymour Int 150 pounds each foug— jit to a draw in a match & shat was hard fought and equal all the way throug! 2nd Bout. §/Sgts Johnson and Pfe aby at 175 and 170 Ibs respectively put on a bo~ Iut that was comparable to json whirling right how lover proved too much for Inis opponent who hit the resin onee for the count Jof two Decision to Johne json. ion to the ten tean loop, peal oe person will be 3rd Bout. whieh stages it's first restr: to the use of that | A match of give anf full round of play October lexohange but may uso any one |take was presented by S/ Sth, fin the area, sgt. Echeverria and Pfe. BASEBALL q@mATca = FRIDAY Hew York 7 Cieve, 3 Pe nasa s eno reste jtetions of race on any trucks ses Gr vehicles erated by the government. e omed and Barreras, both at 160 lbs Barroras twisted his ank- © in the second round jand had to be helped from the ‘The Decis- ion was gives to the four sila, 2 St.Louis 4 stripor. ‘ SATURDAY ath Bout. Kew ane Thie was the fastest + ~— out of the day with Pfe. SATORDAT 1 Hiorton 145 lbs, a nd Tec. 4 . rs praised the [5 Cups, 148 Ibs providi- 5 Aca ene jag the’fun. A good clear, sw York 4 land expressed their belicf — fmateh that wus hard and - that thenove might lead to . fevenly fought all the w> [the cLinination of the Jin [It was doclarad a draw, f a lorowe cars stricted j= popular decision. Tonights for areas lareas in the near future. 5th Bout. F3.Hi less. ALL men ereatedeq- Wit 8/Sgt. Johnson a lual with certain inalienable |winner of the Ist bout ly wt 1200 Officer'sl...e. rights for 14%, liberty and {62¢k in the ring with, Px*

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